The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in art •  6 years ago 

Digital art made by @xpilar

outes space 53 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

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it mus be related to my picture
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Hi @xpilar, here is my contribution to the story to your digital Art:

The golden rings of settlements

It is so far, the little girl was excited that she has been chosen to be flower-girl for her older sister who was going to marry. The whole family was busy with preparation and she was also allowed to visit that special place that was only beautiful place made in the form of golden rings that were symbolized a bond between the bride and groom. It is long ago when this little colony of people been forced to leave our Earth and flee just shortly before the catastrophe. The planet was not the Earth but that was only the place where the colony could settle and have a break. In meantime it is already 10 years passed, the reason why the people decided to stay here is the stunning colorful play of light in the sky at exact midday, due to the rings of the planet and its moons. Therefore as a symbol of creation of new family bonds it was decided to set up here the wedding registry office.
The little girl was never there but heard a lot, she dreamed about her own wedding but it was long in the future. This time she was excited to be able to see that beauty when the planets rings and moons are illuminated by sun and would be reflecting in the golden rings of the architecture built by the colonists…

Hope you like it :)

thank you @stef1 for your great story

Live on Mars

One day Daniel was entertaining reading the newspaper and a warning caught his attention from NASA were people who wanted to live in space.
Daniel who was stuck at work, with no close family, no friends, no couple accepted without hesitation.
With newspaper in hand he went to the address and got ready to live in space.
There were many people who attended the call, they were many tests, but it was worth so much effort and time spent, it was selected.
They gave him a date for the day of the trip, as he had no one to say goodbye to just walk the streets of the city, he didn't feel sadness, he didn't feel joy, Daniel was empty inside.
On the day of the trip he came to NASA and met with all the selected ones, among so many people he saw a beautiful woman, and he sought to approach her, she became interested in him and smiled at him, but Daniel for sorrow or fear only departed.
It was time to take the rocket, he was assigned a travel and coexistence company.
When Daniel arrived at his seat and saw his company, he felt his heart pounding, Daniel was before the beautiful woman he had seen when he arrived, the girl smiled and said I'm Eva, fate wanted to partner me with the boy who does not smile .
Daniel began to laugh, perhaps because of grief or nerves, they began their journey with good footing, they began the journey with good vibes.
They came to Mars a lonely, sandy, hot planet but with a fabulous sky, it was not blue with white clouds like on earth, this sky was a mixture of white, blue and purple colors a magical sight, But when they were before the assigned housing Daniel and Eva remained with their mouths open.


The space house had a circular architecture, made of glass and metal material, the mirror floor glowed clean, Daniel felt happy, he had not felt so many emotions for so long.
He looked at his partner, looked at his house and realized that heeding this warning was the best decision he had made in his life.
So long ago he had not felt anything and in his single day his feelings had returned to his body.

thank you @jdbs for your great story

Your image carries in my head 3 parallel worlds, with which it inspires me to write the following ...

He went slowly to look for the positioning of three worlds that were spinning in his head, he chose the most wide in scope he could see very luxurious and a life without miseries, but he forgot two more in which his happiness was, and he lived whipped by the misfortune of thinking blindly that money and the material were the paramount.

thank you @chris94 for your great description

Your words make sense and should be considered by many


Best regards @xpilar the passion for writing and design brought me a pleasant way to be part of the steemit world, I must confess that your design post has caught my attention for a while until I decided to follow you despite my short time in This platform, the focus and talent that your publications possess is outstanding, which deserves my congratulations to you ...

This creation makes us lose ourselves in an abstract world under a sky full of an incredible dawn with a crystalline floor that in turn projects the splendor of erect structures that are reflected in the ground to form a pleasing design in sight and graphic design … Thank you for sharing your work and talent @xpilar I hope to continue enjoying your talent more and more

thank you so much @wilmer1988

Nice that you like my kind of digital art 🙂

Your abstract love

You know the great love I feel for you and you take advantage of me

You call me, you use me, you look for me and you despise me and I'm still there

I live in a seesaw, being a toy of the desires of your soul

being in your arms I feel in a bubble, in a glass paradise

But then you look at me, your look is empty and cold, my bubble breaks and I fall into a torrent

My desolate and messy feelings in a desert of love

but you know here I am, here I continue, until the end of my days I am waiting for you

For the crumbs of love, for your abstract feelings, for the little you give me.

beautiful poem, thanks @anasuleidy

The sun is very strong today

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nice work

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Tu arte digital:
globos meteorológicos enviados a una altitud de más de cuarenta kilómetros
-estratosfera-, con el fin de explorar condiciones existentes en ese medio,( fenómenos naturales y, otros).Complementa el equipo de investigación dos inmensas esferas, a ambos lados, con equipos sofisticados, para mejores detalles, que derivarán del referido trabajo.

thank you @brismar for your great description

I like this mix of images that create a very original and extraordinary art.

thank you so much @teresah

This time I see a very cold winter. Early morning, frost - 40. Amusement park, everything is covered with transparent ice, there is nobody around. Only the air is cracking from the cold.

thank you @magnata for your description

Color digital images that look beautiful. all colors become one and look beautiful. added again by the light. I like it very much.

thank you @aulia1993 for your description

Picture full of brightness, color, shapes and very original objects, which together form art. Great job!

thank you so much @elider11

very impressive digital works

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Nice colour combination

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A world of glass structured by prismatic tubes that take you to experience from close up the existence of a distant place.

Un mundo de cristal estructurado por tubos prismáticos que te llevan a experimentar desde cerca la existencia de un lugar lejano.

thank you @adeljose for your description

@xpilar, I want to give this picture a Title as, Land Of Artificial Rings.

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Futuristic domes on an icy planet

The design is filled with color and beauty

This is a picture of laboratories in the space.

thank you @elianaelisma for your description

Beautiful scenery about the game rides with attractive colors.

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Creative and artistic 3D reading it looks beautiful and unique

Awesome Colourthraphy!

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Its very bright, interesting digital art, nice color, your picture is always beutiful

Posted using Partiko Android

Exchange of shapes and colors that create extraordinary art, very beautiful!

What an interesting picture, @xpilar. Maybe this is how we'll explore new worlds... in spheres that protect us from the harsh environment.

thank you @charcoalbuffet for your description

Beautiful image with those beautiful pastel colors that reflect tenderness.

Excellent work on that one you made your imagination real

very nice digital-art my dear @xpilar

I like to very much you drawing, i am like you

Very beautiful image :)

Welcome :)

good post i like the color

It's like a modern city in outer space.

thank you @rihonkeugata for your description

@mukhtarilyas, digital art @xpilar, this time it is very abstract. I want to say high level art. thanks.

I think there is small Taj Mahal

thank you @anil566 for your description

Beautiful digital art drawing

What a wonderful image this reflect on

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