Original drawing "Mushroom Memorial" (Eng/De)

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)


Yesterday me and @sature went to a lake close to Berlin to go swimming. After a while we explored the woods surrounding the lake and discovered a mushroom unknown to us that grew out of a birch tree. The mushroom inspired this drawing. I need to find out the name of the mushroom! I hope you enjoy it.


Gestern fuhren @sature und ich zum Schwimmen an einen See in der Nähe von Berlin. Nach einer Weile erkundeten wir die uns umgebende Wildnis und fanden auf einer umgefallenen Birke einen uns unbekannten Pilz. Dieser Pilz inspirierte meine Zeichnung. Ich muss rausfinden, wie er heißt. Ich hoffe er macht euch so viel Freude, wie uns.

Lots of Light and Love <3

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Always you are super artist from my eyes.. and as usual you draw fantastic mushroom art..

It is amazing where inspiration comes from. Even more amazing a mushroom growing in a birch tree. Lovely drawing my friend. Thanks @yoganarchista

This mushroom can able to get your attention and finally you have drawn with your super talent of the art.

The drawing reminded me of a ocean bottom with purple corals and reef around it. Great post as always... Steem on :)

Did this mushroom evolve from the extraterrestrial pine cone mushrooms that I saw on @sature 's post? Haha

Pin ich zu mir :-)
Voll nice liebes!
I like it

Vielen Dank :) Ich freu mich, dass dir das Pilzlein gefällt :)

resteemed! Upvoted with my 0,00000000001!!! dear @yoganarchista