Learning Blender (from where I have grown as a learner)

in art •  3 years ago 

Spoiling sometimes you also learn

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Classes Course Financed by the Advertising Agency Class Animation Using
Relationship of objects

I just hope that my experience is helpful to others and that I can contribute something to those who need it. Greetings and blessings to all, I hope to write to you and show new material soon.

Thank God I have learned a lot from the world of 3D digital art, thanks to blender and many collaborators who published their tutorials openly and for free or how did I do it ?, and with a lot of patience and pedagogy they explained how to use this versatile and affordable 3D modeling, animation and digital sculpting tool such as Blender and thanks to all this today I venture from "0" into this wonderful world.


First Class-Tutorial / Blender 2.90 Courses Costed by the Advertising Agency that hired me

The quite forced change to version 2.90 Blender was very beneficial despite the impossibility of continuing any practice or class learned at home due to the lack of a computer that even met the minimum requirements to install and use this wonderful digital art tool .

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2 Times I did this exercise this was the 1st time in a class of the course that I was financed by the Advertising and Digital Marketing agency through Social Networks.

I am very grateful for this opportunity (although in spite of myself I could not take full advantage of what I mentioned above) and also for my very premature incorporation to an advertising and digital marketing agency through social networks, this circumstance drove me a lot although it was not possible for me to give back directly with quality 3D works for their use in their work.


This second time I did this same exercise guided by a video tutorial on YouTube from the Blentuts channel some time later.

Today I continue to travel this path of learning, discovery, trial and error in daily practice and continue studying and experimenting every day with this tool, it is such a vast and complex universe that I must strive and not stop my learning due to the vast and wide range of possibilities offered by the tool and the tremendously complex handling.


Classes Introduction to Blender 2.80 Blentuds

What encourages me the most is the enormous creative freedom of 3D digital art and it also frustrates me very much not being able to capture in the tool many of the things that I imagine or try to prove due to my lack of knowledge or experience, but little by little each day I do more and more things in this tool and they are much closer in shape and finish to what I imagine or should do.

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Classes Course Funded by the Digital Advertising and Marketing Agency Blender 2.90
Multi-material assignment class to each geometry or object

There is still a great and long way to go but looking back at how much I have grown motivates me much more to continue learning, improving, failing and correcting until I make a small place as a 3D artist when I reach a level good enough to be considered worthy of bearing that title.

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Classes Course Funded by the Digital Advertising and Marketing Agency Blender 2.90 Modeling class using a circular repetition and how to apply uv mapping

Time will be the one that says the last word and the effort, dedication and perseverance will be the foundations and pillars of that future that each one of us will step by step as we propose and walk one step at a time, overcoming normal and natural difficulties. that living day by day is going to impose on us.

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Classes Course Funded by the Digital Advertising and Marketing Agency Blender 2.90
Class of use and assignment of materials to objects

So that with the guidance of God and his word and with study, practice and work we become better in what we are passionate about and encourages us to continue until we reach the goals we yearn for and the capacities and abilities necessary to achieve the objectives set for growing up.


Course class Funded by the advertising agency (originally the class explained how to make a shelf with drawers)

Despite currently keeping the 3rd computer in use for my learning and work after the sudden and sad end of the 2 computers that I used previously for my learning, I currently own a computer that I recently finished paying to a friend who gave me his help (in a moment of difficulty due to the loss of the 2nd equipment already in use for learning) I will mention in detail what happened by mentioning the work that I will publish at the time with which the fault that disabled the operation of this equipment occurred.

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Ad Agency Financed Course Class (but at that point I ended up getting really excited and ended up doing this)

I hope that with these words, I lift the spirits of any apprentice or artist who goes through difficult times, breakdowns, failures or loss of equipment that are their faithful learning and work companions throughout the process of learning and developing as an artist and of all those people who, through family or friendship ties, offer their help to get you out or help you progress in the process to solve or succeed in the face of difficulties and continue our progress by learning, developing and working passionately.

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Course class Financed by the advertising agency: I thank God, life AND those who gave me this opportunity to learn something so exciting.

Never be discouraged if given certain options, actions or stages, your progress in learning or work becomes very slow. It is the practice that the teacher does, and the more you practice, the more you will see how things that took you weeks or months, you can already achieve in days or hours. Just do not stop or pause while it depends on you, do not be self-sufficient, believe in your friends and above all also help them whenever you can, do not do anything leaning too much to the extremes (you cannot fall into not helping anyone or the other extreme helping others so much that you end up hurting or making yourself sick by going to the extreme of helping excessively)

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This was the last job I did in blender 2.76b as a test to be hired as a 3D designer in an Advertising and Digital Marketing agency in social networks. From this point I started there.

Separador Yushirogowa.png

It was from this point that I started, when they admitted me to the Digital Marketing Agency using blender 2.76b, I just hope that my anecdote will excite you to venture into this wonderful world of 3D

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