Portrait of Parti Nagy Lajos

in art •  7 years ago  (edited)


Parti Nagy Lajos is a famous Hungarian writer.

Digital work with Wacom intuos pro.

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Wonderful. It looks like a print from wood block. I used to be a printmaker and I love this style. Colours are also amazing.

Thank you @donnadavisart ! :)
When I work digitally I use dark and light scratches on my image many times.
For Photoshop layer, I use cardboard in Multiply mode and dirty paper in Linear Doddge mode. :)

I do digital now, but mostly use oil, oil pastel, chalk and ink. I have not experimented with layers for paper yet. As you said this it made me think how easily I could be doing a sort of printmaking digitally as well. Thanks.

Great! I love the manual work. I draw many times manually, but also digitally. :)

menőke, but you messed up the title a bit :)

Oh, köszi!:) javitom!

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latom nem is olvassa.. :-(

Jaj bocsanat, dehogynem olvasom:)
Komolyan? :) Huh! Zavarba hozol itt engem koran reggel.:)
Nagyon orulok! Remelem a jovoben is raszolgalok a most supported by you - ra.:)
