Greetings to the entire community of steemit today I will show you how to make a very easy and simple memories of birthday or baby shower (theme safari) that will serve your guests to decorate your refrigerator or place a reminder in it with simple steps and few materiale
ºFoamis of different colors
º Liquid silicone
º Bookmarks
º White leaves
º 1 printed sheet of animal print
º1 printed page with the baby's name and date of the party
On the white sheets draw the head of a little frog, that of a lion, hippopotamus, giraffe and a zebra.
Cut out the silhouette of each little animal on the white sheet and transfer it to the foamis.
Cut the animals already drawn and with the markers draw the eyes, the mouth, the nose and put pink color to the cheeks of some (frog and hippopotamus).
Cut rectangles of 6x5 from the printed sheet of animal print and the name of the smallest child.
Cut rectangles of 9x7 foami and paste with silicone the square of the previous step of animal print and name as seen in the photo
Glue the heads of the animals to one end of the rectangle (it is optional, if you want to stick it in the center or at one end) and at the back of the rectangle stick the magnet.
Super easy and simple. Dare!