1st Artical topic ( Indestries problem in life)

in artical •  2 years ago 

Hello friends !
Today I'm sharing my fist artical (indesrties problem in life) in which you can know about how many problem we are facing in our daily life which is very dangerous of our life. Following are the some of them.

1.Pollutants in the air


Air pollution is a big problem in the world. It affects everyone, but it disproportionately affects those who live in cities and other urban areas. Most people are exposed to air pollution every day, whether they realize it or not.

Air pollution can cause health conditions such as asthma and heart disease, and it can make you more likely to get cancer or die prematurely from any cause. If you live near a busy road, you probably know that cars produce harmful exhaust fumes when they're running (and even when they're not). But did you know that diesel engines also emit tiny particles called particulate matter? These tiny particles are so small that they can get into your lungs and bloodstream, causing long-term damage over time.

It is also bad for humans because it makes some places uninhabitable for long periods of time due to how

2.Toxic waste

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Toxic waste is a big problem. It can be dangerous for our life and for the environment. If we have toxic waste, it means that there are some things that are not good for us or for our planet. For example, if we throw away a lot of plastic bags in our city every day, this means that there is too much pollution in the air and water because these plastic bags will turn into small pieces when they reach the earth's surface and then they cause more damage to humans and animals. Therefore, we should try to reduce toxic waste by recycling or reusing materials instead of throwing them away without thinking about how they affect others.

3.Chemical dumping

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Chemical dumping is a problem that occurs when chemicals are put into the environment. These chemicals can be damaging to humans, animals, plants and water. Chemicals can also be harmful to the environment because they cause air pollution. The problem with chemical dumping is that it causes harm to people, animals and plants in many different ways.

One way is by making people sick because of what they breathe in or touch on their skin when they go outside; another way is by getting into their food supply so even if you don't eat directly from an area where these toxins are present you may ingest them through contaminated crops; yet another way this happens is if someone drinks contaminated water which will cause them some sort of disease like cancer or diabetes type 2


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Noise is a problem. It can cause headaches, stress, and even hearing loss if you are exposed to it over a long period of time. In fact, noise pollution is why many people wear earplugs at concerts—it’s just too loud!

Noise pollution may seem like an issue only relevant to those who work in factories and have to deal with loud machinery day in and day out. However, you might be surprised by how much noise surrounds us every day even when we think nothing’s going on. For example:

The sound from your computer's fans as it runs programs

Neighborhood kids playing outside while their parents watch television inside the house


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Garbage is a problem in the world. Garbage can be recycled, burned and buried but most of it is dumped. Dumping garbage into our oceans causes pollution and kills marine life. Dumping garbage on land causes soil erosion and flooding in low-lying areas like Bangladesh which already suffers from flooding every year.

Garbage is everywhere, even if you don't think it is! There are so many reasons why we should fight against this problem:

Our children will grow up with polluted air to breathe and water to drink if we don't stop this problem now!

6.Water pollution

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Water pollution is a major problem for the environment. A lot of water pollution comes from humans, animals and plants.

Dumping chemicals, oil and sewage into rivers and lakes cause water pollution. Dirty water from factories can also cause pollution in our rivers, lakes and seas. Pollution can affect us all because we need clean water to drink, swim in or fish in!

7.Acid rain

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Acid rain is a mixture of acidic gases and water droplets that fall to the earth's surface. It results from air pollution and occurs when sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitric oxide (NO) or nitrogen dioxide (NO2) reacts with oxygen in the atmosphere.

The acidity of acid rain can be measured by its pH level, which indicates how acidic or basic (alkaline) it is. A pH less than 7 indicates an acidic substance, while a pH greater than 7 means it's more alkaline. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with lower numbers indicating greater acidity and higher numbers representing higher alkalinity. Pure water has a neutral pH of 7 - this is why you should always make sure not to spill any on your carpet!

8.Greenhouse effect

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In the past, industrialization caused a greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a natural process that keeps the Earth warm and habitable. However, this warming has been accelerated by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation.

The greenhouse effect is caused by carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases in the atmosphere trapping heat radiated from Earth's surface back towards it. Gases like methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and ozone are also involved in this process which leads to higher temperatures on our planet than would otherwise be expected from solar radiation alone.

9.Ozone layer depletion

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The ozone layer is a blanket of gas that forms in the Earth's stratosphere. It protects us from ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which can cause skin cancer, cataracts and other damage to life on Earth. Ozone-depleting substances are chemicals that deplete the ozone layer by releasing chlor huine into it. These chemicals have been banned under the Montreal Protocol because of their harmful effects on people and animals.

The ozone hole is an area over Antarctica where there is very little ozone left in the atmosphere. It was discovered in 1985 when scientists saw that levels of UV radiation had increased above normal levels during springtime over Antarctica, despite researchers' predictions that they would decrease because of lower temperatures at this time of year.

Indestries in the world are a big problem for our life.

Indestries in the world are a big problem for our life. Pollutants are dangerous, toxic waste is dangerous, chemical dumping is dangerous, noise is dangerous and garbage is dangerous. Water pollution is also very bad for us because it can cause disease or even death if you drink it.


Indestries in the world are a big problem for our life.

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