Artichoke Benefits: Do you make it a miraculous food?

in artichoke •  8 years ago 

some call it artichoke, while others call it spiny, whatever you call it, in all cases with the food that experts have recently begun to include in supernatural food lists, many of which may not have realized its innumerable benefits.

Artichoke Benefits: Do you make it a miraculous food?
Although recent years have seen a rise significantly in the number of food items derived from artichoke which promoted commercially -mn dietary supplements to the hearts of canned artichoke or frozen, to the artichoke Tazj- but only few are those who know the benefits of the wonderful artichoke, and this is what will Tumblr It is in this article.

What is Artichoke?

Artichoke is a type of vegetable that grows in the Mediterranean countries, and is usually dealt with the hearts of the ground Shoki (the inner part of the wet fruit) in addition to the green leaves of soft fruit, while the disposal of the outside leaves.

Benefits of artichoke

The artichoke has many benefits, which have made it a worthy entry to the list of the most useful food in the world, what are these benefits? Let us know below.

Artichoke and antioxidants
Artichoke is one of the antioxidant-rich vegetables that, if eaten daily enough,

Delayed onset of signs of aging and aging.
Protection against diseases that accompany normal progression in age and aging, such as heart disease and Alzheimer's.
It is worth mentioning here that the artichoke content of antioxidants in particular exceeds the content of many foods that are usually famous for their rich content of antioxidants, such as: asparagus , beet, red cabbage, onion, broccoli, garlic , avocado.

2 - the benefits of artichoke liver
The pulp of this fruit is one of the main ingredients in supplements, which are usually sold to clean the liver of toxins, experts also recommend the use of artichoke extract or artichoke tea to clean the kidneys of toxins and improve their overall function.

The benefits of artichoke here come back to its content of cinnamarin and chlorogenic acid, compounds that work on:

Protect the liver and help cure it from many problems.
Help the kidneys to purify blood from toxins and waste.
The hearts of artichokes are a good source of potassium needed by the body to reduce the chances of bloating or accumulation of waste.

  1. Artichoke and digestive system
    If the benefits listed above are not enough to make you eat artichoke, you may be encouraged by the amazing benefits of the digestive system .

The artichokes in artichoke hearts stimulate the secretion of the liver to a special fluid that plays a key role in the digestion and absorption of fats and lipid-soluble vitamins in the small intestine .
Artichoke hearts are a great source of dietary fiber. Every 100 grams of artichoke contains 34% of the person's daily need for dietary fiber!
4- Artichoke benefits of the heart
For artichokes, many benefits of cardiovascular health, including:

One of the most beneficial nutritional and health benefits of artichoke, which has been addressed in several studies, is the medicinal properties of artichoke extract and its ability to reduce high levels of high cholesterol , which is one of the most important causes of heart disease and arteriosclerosis.
Because of its high content of folic acid and vitamin K, which is a great nutritional combination for heart health and circulation in general, kerchiefs may have positive effects on improving the health of your heart and arteries. Folic acid reduces the build-up of fat in the arteries. To the bones preventing him from depositing on the inner walls of blood vessels.
Is the artichoke damaged?

Although many cases have not been noted for people who have had side effects following dietary supplements containing artichoke extract, eating artichoke in any of its many forms available naturally or commercially may not be the best choice for the following categories:

People who are allergic to artichoke or to any kind of vegetables from the family of artichoke plant.
People who suffer from gallstones, or any other health problems in the gallbladder .
Dietary supplements are not recommended for: pregnant and lactating women, children and people with kidney problems.
Have you been persuaded to eat artichoke? Start eating it today and enjoy its amazing health benefits.

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  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment