Can’t Have a Heart of Stone if There Ain’t a Heart

in artichoke •  7 years ago 


You never know what someone might decorate their yard with! Usually, it will be maybe a little statue of some cute little animals, or a religious figure, or maybe just some rocks and stuff.

Well, apparently at this house, they really like artichokes!

And what a beauty this one is. Big, plump and juicy, with huge petals in a beautifully tall mound. Even represented in stone, it looks good enough to eat!

Did you know that artichokes are flowers? They have a tough exterior like this rocky one, but the inside is soft and fluffy. That’s the much loved artichoke heart that is extra tender to eat. Unfortunately this artichoke doesn’t have a heart, which is a bit sad and tragic. 😢

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Bwahaha, now when you mentioned it, I know one thing my sister will never put ion her yard... the garden dwarves, she hates them. No idea why ...
I ate artichokes before, it is nothing unusual on Adriatic coast, but I was not that impressed.
If that thing was THAT size... I would probably change my opinion hahahaha