Captain's Log: Stardate 07/28/2017 Follow-UpsteemCreated with Sketch.

in articial-intelligence •  8 years ago 

Thanks for uploading the picture, it gave me a nice chuckle.

Insanity isn't my legal defense, it's my psychological defense. I enjoy pushing my mind into areas where it begins to blur my opinion of things: i.e. distort reality with perception.

After all, reality is miserable and I'm abundantly absent of creativity to, you know, create something. Being able to psychologically force yourself to see or hear things is amazing and not needing drugs to do it is even better which is why I'm loving sobriety and my sponsor. He's amazing.

I'll always miss that surreal feeling of death. I think it's the feeling you get when you're in a comma and don't have a dream, but I'd have to ask a comma patient first.

I'm also happy I don't have to hide this insanity anymore. It's a gift. I like it. And, yeah, I may have done some terrible things and burnt way too many bridges, but hey I'm out of the closet. I'm open about my sexuality, I'm open (after finally figuring out) about my gender, and most importantly, I'm open about my insanity. This isn't a disability, it's an ability. It's a beautiful ability that I no longer need any Cain to kill my Able.

I'm certain I'll make plenty of enemies about being public about it, which is why I Cloak my veil of insanity with a layer of privacy. Only discussing my ability in these forums because if you're reading this, you're foolishly not ditching your private lives on social media for another private life getting paid.

Anarcho-Capitalism is the best way to achieve Marxism 😂😂😂 but, then again, I'm very partial. Someone else can fill in the rest of the whole!

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