Taurus0x.com Decentralized and Centralized Exchange

in article •  7 years ago  (edited)

Introduction to Taurus0x:


Being a protocol, Taurus0x is supporting both decentralized and centralized exchanges along with dApp. With cryptocurrency, this protocol standardizes the trading of any other digital asset. The contracts secured with asymmetric cryptography can be issued by any entity on Taurus0x protocol. The blockchain technology provides a secure and trustable environment. Taurus0x is a distributed on-chain and off-chain protocol which powers the smart derivatives for any asset on any type of the network from end to end.

Problem which Taurus0x is going to solve:

The traditional business logic and centralization of data has lots of critical economics and technical risks i.e. market monopolization, data breaches and trust issues with third party entities due to the malicious activities.

To solve the problems of the market, this protocol is using Ethereum blockchain to provide a medium to the community to create DApps which can handle any logic in Java (mainstream programming language). Decentralized exchanges provide the Ethereum smart contracts to perform asset swaps and derivative trading. The on chain and off chain combination has the potential to move the protocol from centralized to full decentralized world.

Why Taurus0x is better?

Taurus0x is a secured platform which undergo the regular security testing and compliance to stop the data breaches. Taurus0x does not rely on third party or central authority, so there is no central point of failure. The developers are creating a best solution to cover the wide spectrum of expertise and knowledge to help the traders. It is easy to use and simple to understand with transparency. This protocol is encouraging talent to build their own customers or participate in product enhancement to communicate with the core protocol.

Users of Taurus0x:


Taurus0x protocol is specially designed for the traders and allow them to participate in the daily changing market seamlessly. Based upon the lighter knowledge and unified experience, Taurus0x is providing the standard to serve the traders in competitive market.


Taurus0x is a market protocol which is serving the decentralized and centralized exchanges. The core developer tool serves as a standardized derivative of trading module and make the order relayers to plug simple.


The Taurux0x Trust Foundation has the executive branch of the community developers. Taurus0x is an open source and DApp developers may create the proprietary Fintech application or open source to fulfill the community guidelines.

What are the modes of operation of Taurus0x?

Peer to peer mode:
The contract participants of peer to peer mode do not rely on the intermediary source. The contracts are generated and signed offline locally by the contact maker. Over any network, the signed contracts are transformed to a taker who provides signature for the contracts, then it is published to the Ethereum blockchain.
Exchange mode: For transaction completion, the participants communicate by a moderator in the exchange mode. The moderator is responsible for relaying orders, matching algorithms, verifying and collecting signature, providing price points for assets and publishing contracts.
What are the benefits of using Taurus0x?

Plug and play:

Tauraus0x is not limited to digital currency, it is a base layer protocol instead of an exchange which strengthens the derivative market for any other exchange. Decentralized and centralized exchanges can plug and play Taurus0x in the advance digital ecosystem and without writing any line of code, it provides automatic support for derivative trading.


This protocol is powering the decentralized peer to peer network trading without any centralized point of presence. Taurus0x is building trust management, running off chain cryptographic functions and setting the contracts on Ethereum blockchain without any downtime issue.

Open Source:

For the whole blockchain community, Taurus0x is serving as an open source project. To bootstrap the developer adoption, this project consists of JavaScript software development kit and solidity smart contracts. The protocol evolution is governed by DAO or Decentralized Autonomous Organization.

What is token registry?

Taurus0x protocol is implementing a core smart contract known as TokenRegistry. This contract is storing the supported ERC20 token metadata: symbol, address, decimal and name. The token registry does the job of keeping the mapping because Ethereum blockchain understand the addresses instead of symbols or names. The issued contract does not need to implement with token registry as they are self-contained. The tokens can be removed or added but they cannot be edited.


This protocol is utilizing Taurus0x token which is based on Ethereum blockchain technology. By choosing a protocol version, the users will allow to choose a proxy to provide ERC20 token allowance to publish a contract. Taurus0x do not charge any fees and serve as an open source for the users. The other independent DApp or exchanges relayers on the protocol will come with attach fees to contract engagement. Fee is charged per contract and dominates in the protocol token but Taurus0x is free to use.

Token detail:

Token name: Taurus0x
Symbol: Taur
Price: 1ETH= 10000 Taur
Total supply: 250 million Taur
Soft cap: none
Hard cap: 15,090 ETH.
Token allocation:

Team and advisors: 15%
Taurus0x trust: 15%
Growth reserve: 5%
Pre-sale: 5%
Round 1: 10%
Round 2: 20%
Round 3: 30%


Taurus0x protocol is a network agnostic so the contract is transferred to the takers directly from the makers. This protocol is supporting derivative assets along with cryptocurrency. The blockchain scalability limitation mitigates due to the off chain contracts which decrease the number of needed tips for the blockchain network. This protocol has message formats facility to facilitate the inter DApp operability, inter exchange and mitigate data fragmentation. If you are interested in this ICO then visit its site.

Learn more about Taurus0x :

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