Do weight loss supplement really works.

in article •  7 years ago 

coffee-171653_640.jpgEveryone want to look good. To have a good looking face and figure. With the advancement of cosmetic industry and crazy advertisement on TV. People always fantasise to look like their role model. Dreams of having a good and attractive personality without exercise and proper diet i.e. people want shortcuts for everything. But sorry to say in the world of mother nature there is no shortcuts, you have to earn them what you want. So coming back to the point, people go for the use of supplement to achieve fast and desired results. And one of the supplement which is widely used is weight loss supplement.
How weight loss supplement works.
Weight loss supplement works by following mechanism.
• Increasing metabolism; with increased metabolism body uses more energy and thus in the process burns the extra fat deposits.
• Appetite reduction; you will have relatively less or reduced craving for food. This works for them who eat a lot and eat unwantedly. Appetite reduction can be harmful for them who eat less because it will ultimately damage their muscles and will lead to weakness and accelerated bone damage.
• Reduction in absorption of food in the body; reduced absorption will help in less accumulation of fat. But this is harmful because reduction in absorption will cause deficiency of essential nutrients in body. Body won’t absorb other essential nutrients in food along with fats. And this will lead to other serious problems.
Let’s look at some of the popular weight loss supplement available in the market now and their effectiveness.

  1. Garcinia Cambogia: it’s a green and yellow coloured, small pumpkin like fruits. It is also called Malabar tamarind and grows across south west India. This fruit contains Hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which according to research help to stop an enzyme which converts sugar to fat. The weight loss pills available in market contain extract of active ingredient HCA.
    Results: results of use of Garcinia Cambogia do not show any effective results in weight loss. When compared against people who do not consume the pill in the same period of time. Although no major side effect has been observed. So ultimately the effectiveness of this is very little to none in weight loss.
  2. Green tea and green tea extract: green tea is the green leaves of tea plant which has not undergone oxidation to make brown or black tea. Green tea contains flavonoids, catechin and caffeine. There are lots health benefits of drinking green tea. But a catechin EGCG found in green tea is supposed to increase oxidation of fat i.e. breakdown of fat. And the extract of EGCG is used in pills.
    Results: moderate results have been found to suggest that green tea could help in weight loss but not in everyone. A reduction in belly fat is also observed in certain cases. Presence of caffeine also helps in increasing metabolism thus aid in weight loss. But the conclusion is green tea only supports weight loss besides other health benefits.
  3. Green coffee bean and its Extract: green coffee beans are unroasted coffee beans. Caffeine and Chlorogenic acid are the two active compounds present in green coffee. These active compounds particularly Chlorogenic acid is supposed to inhibit excessive absorption and conversion of carbohydrate into fat. Thus, it prevents gain of weight and storage of fat.
    Results: clinical test shows the green coffee beans can moderately prevent weight gain but has no other promising role in burning of already deposited fat in body is found. Although the role of green coffee bean in regulating blood pressure and glucose metabolism is quite helpful for health.
  4. Caffeine: caffeine stimulates central nervous system. It is one the most commonly and widely used psychoactive drug. It is naturally found in tea, coffee, chocolate and added to many beverage like soft drink etc. and other processed food. Caffeine is one the main active substance added in most weight loss supplement. Caffeine works by increasing the metabolism and induce fat burning in the body.
    Results. Due to role in increased metabolism, caffeine shows moderate results in weight reduction. But this result of caffeine can be achieved from regular consumption of tea or coffee. You don’t need to take extra caffeine pills for this result. Because high amount of caffeine can induce insomnia, sleep disturbance, irritability and headache.
    Thus, you can finally conclude and understand the ultimate way to lose weight is through exercise. Weight loss supplement are only supportive and shows moderate to no results. There is no short cut to lose weight.
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