How A Jaw Supporter Can Help Prevent Snoring and OSA

in article •  7 years ago 

How A Jaw Supporter Can Help Prevent Snoring and OSA

Snoring research has shown that a jaw supporter (worn during sleep time) that keeps the lower jaw in an upward position increases the three dimensional space in the airway tube which reduces air velocity and soft tissue vibration. By increasing the volumetric capacity of the airway and preventing soft tissue vibrations, snoring can be eliminated or substantially reduced. The My Snoring Solution jaw supporter comfortably keeps the lower jaw in an upward/forward position and increases three-dimensional space in the airway.

A jaw supporter is based on the same principle as CPR. The airway must be open to allow air to pass through the throat. A constricted or collapsed airway causes snoring and/or OSA. A jaw supporter can hold the lower jaw in a position so that it does not fall backwards/down during the night and cause the airway to collapse. Maintaining a clear airway

imageimproves breathing and reduces snoring.

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