Top 10 Tips For Writing A Good Press Release

in article •  2 years ago 

Writing a press release doesn’t need to be difficult. Here are 10 tips for writing a successful press release.

1 – You are writing for journalists

Press releases are for reporters and journalists who will use them as the basis for a bigger piece or feature, not for customers or consumers. Write your tale in the way that you would like to hear it. Press releases intended to be sales materials won't be read at all. Your press release's main points and the order in which you present them may influence how the journalist develops the story.

2 – Start with a strong “lead”

The "lead" is the opening sentence in the news release. The lead should be compelling and convey your message clearly and briefly. If simply the headline and first paragraph were read, there would be enough information to grasp the topic of the release. Therefore, you must use your headline and first paragraph well. The information should be in the body of your press release. You just have a few seconds to get the attention of journalists because they may read thousands of press releases every day.

3 – What is your angle?

The media are constantly searching for a compelling narrative. In reality, your press release needs to be newsworthy in order to be effective. The secret to success is knowing why journalists would find your story fascinating. Put yourself in the journalist's shoes and consider the release from their perspective. It is best to time your press release and, if you can, connect it to current affairs or societal issues. You can start an excellent press release by finding a nice perspective and news hook.

4 – Who, what, where, when and why

The "W" questions—who, what, where, when, and why—must all be addressed in a press release in order to give the journalist relevant details about your business, event, or product. If your press release reads like a pitch for a product or service, throw it out.

5 – Why should anyone care?

The constant occurrence of company debuts, new websites, and management changes makes them uninteresting. Focus on what makes your new business, website, CEO, or product distinctive. Why should anyone care? is a question you should ask yourself. Pay attention to the elements in your press release that set it apart.

6 – Add the human touch

Always share true tales of how your business found an issue and fixed it. How did your product or service meet a need or benefit the neighbourhood? Real-world examples effectively convey the advantages of utilising your product or service.

7 – Keep to the point

Use neither more nor fewer words than necessary to convey your message. Don't overuse adjectives or use fancy wording to fill out your release. However, make every word count as well.

8 – Limit the jargon

Speak simply while sharing your news; this is the finest method. You might need to employ jargon or terminology relevant to your sector, but keep it to a minimum. In contrast to your press release, which is intended for a general reading, industry-specific phrases are only understood by persons in the same industry.

9 – Add an “About” section

Make sure to include an "About" section in which you outline your business and its offerings. This will help put the press release in its proper context. Don't forget to provide your website's URL.

10 – Add good contact information

A journalist will want to speak with you if they read your press release. The URL of your website alone is insufficient. You must include a contact name and an email address at the very least. Better still, include a phone number where people can reach you.

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