Selling informative E-books on eBay could be very rewarding financially. However, many a people have tried to take advantage of this by selling other people's e-books or some other free e-books and have got into problems.
Many a people are also of the opinion that e-books should be freely available since many of them are already available for free. This situation has given rise to difficulties in selling e-books; however, this can be overcome easily.
Copyright issues associated with e-books have also been a center of discussion and scandal, as a result of which, eBay has taken some bold and relevant steps and modified its VERO (Verified Rights Owner) policy, making it more stringent. A copy of this can be found at
Instead of getting into all the rigmarole of getting an e-book and trying to circumvent eBay's VERO policy to suit yourself, it is much easier to create your own information product of e-book. This can bring you better rewards by way of being
- made for a particular niche
- can have only required information
- can be edited and tailor made as and when needed
- no copyright violations
- no competition (probably)
To create a demand for your e-book at eBay, the easiest way would be to bundle it with another small physical product like a hard copy book or a DVD. You can do this by making a printed version of the e-book and binding it in a presentable folder. The next step would be to take a digital photograph of the cover of the printed e-book along with the DVD and use it as the gallery picture in the Purchase-it-NOW auction page. Please include information in the sales page that the whole package can be downloaded if so required.
Another technique would be to get someone convert your e-book into an Audio-CD. This would enhance sales since both the digital and audio versions are being sold as a bundle.
These techniques are rarely used by e-book sellers on eBay and it is very powerful. Use it for better results. At the onset, this may seem to be complicated, but it is actually very easy to do, once you get the hang of it.