What i learn from blog?

in articles •  7 years ago 

blog - Create a blog my feedback - 103 rd articles

"Wow more than a hundred articles in a few months (9 months). But what is finally counting 103 articles of about 500 to 900 words. There were smaller 400 words and longer ones like 2500 words (galère) and more. I'm leaving for another 10 years or even a lifetime.

If you do not have your blog, you do not know what you're missing. Yes it takes time. Yes you already have Facebook, Linkedin and other platforms to post your life or your desires etc. Having your own home on the internet is better so forget wordpress.com, social networks and all that allows you to write the best is wordpress.org. About 30% of sites on the net are managed on wordpress.org it is not for nothing. I think I have already repeated enough so let's get my feedback and these 103 articles.


I learned a lot but I can not say everything here otherwise the article would be really long. I have already made several posts on blogging as 7 mistakes to avoid.

A little bit of technique

Now I can say that Wordpress is not that complicated but here a year ago I started the affiliation with a software of capture and creation of pages because I was afraid of the technique and that I did not understand nothing. Fortunately, Wordpress seems less difficult with the experience I gained. I later transferred all domain names I had (a dozen) in Wordpress to create blogs.


I still do not consider myself a pro but I learned a lot of SEO techniques (search engine optimization) to rank some of my articles first. I continue to train with my partners as Frederic Zibette on which I made an article a few months ago. SEO is a beast that evolves all the time but there are some things that remain the same as the importance of backlinks and content production quality.

Digital marketing

In addition to the SEO that is natural for a blog, it is also important to know and use digital marketing. In our digital age how to stand out without digital marketing and growth hacking.

Thanks to professional readings like Neil Patel I was able to exceed 200 visits a day and improve my conversions on the blog.

The weight of social networks

Especially twitter for bloggers. I used to favor Facebook and Linkedin (more than 5500 contacts) but with blogging I took more time to develop my Twitter account to improve my traffic but also Instagram. In less than a week I went from less than 100 people to 1200 followers after a training I followed on Udemy .

I also developed my account Pinterest but the conversions are not extra because I think I'm not the good niche. Pinterest is dominated by women but especially for products specifically of the type fitness, weight loss, beauty and not for business finally it's my opinion.

Write is great but you have to be patient

The results do not come any later it's normal because it's a job to learn and I did not invest immediately in training but more in software. So if it was to do again I would do the opposite knowledge first and after the tools which is normal but on the moment I did not think.


Through my blog I was able to be recognized and invite by another big Anglo-Saxon blogger like John Chow (millionaire blogger) to affiliate Summit in January 2018 in Las Vegas. I will make videos and articles about my meetings and professional meetings with experts on blogging, SEO, digital marketing and affiliation.


There is a lot to say because not all platforms are equal. The important thing is to offer products and services that are there to help our audience and not make a sale just to have a small commission.

Amazon partners as you have heard it many times on my blog is often one of the first partners for bloggers. Amazon is not the most generous but from the beginning we are aware that the commissions are small compared to Clickbank, influence 4 brand or other platforms.

But you can not help but tell you 900 clicks and hours to make articles for 2.81 euros (first commission Amazon partners).

When I compare Amazon commission to my first commission that came before my blog which was 160 euros HT it's still more motivating. The advantage is that it was a recurring commission so if the customer is happy with the product and continues his subscription I will have this commission every year.

It is true that on this product the price was higher but the commission percentage also 30% instead of 4% to 10% with Amazon.

Fortunately, there are other affiliate platforms, and the infopreneur partners otherwise it would be difficult.

Yet there are Amazon specialists who manage to achieve almost a million sales year-round with Amazon. But hey this is not the subject of this article so let's go back to my feedback.


The first months April-May 2017
I started with one post a day, it was the factory . Then in May, start other blogs. I quickly realized that it was not possible to continue like this with other blogs. So I devoted myself to two blogs, this one and stomachplat.co. On this last I made an article per week then the blog in my name 2 to 3 articles per week until today.

June 2017
I realized my first paid traffic campaign on Facebook with an article about QLRR that worked very well I was able to make some sales and of course the traffic increased. And the article remains one of my top 10 articles even 6 months later.

July-August 2017
A few less articles with a decrease in traffic in late July to early August. But then with almost 60 articles the blog started to have more traffic to finish at almost 2000 visits in late August. I started monetizing the site with infopreneur training in addition to Clickbank and Amazon. Always below the smic but the first sales are always motivating.

September-October 2017
Improvement of the blog with better organized articles and better control of Wordpress and plug ins like Yoast to improve the readability of the articles and also the images with the plug in Pixabay. I had some partnership requests directly through my blog. However, the products I was asked to promote were not related to my articles or niche.

November and December 2017
My blog on health has never "taken", I never exceeded 100 visits per month. My project is to resell in the first quarter of 2018. The rest of the domain names I will keep them to make the affiliation with paid traffic so without regular blogging.

My personal blog I am on 4500 visits for this month of December or I made less articles. So I doubled compared to September.

The blog in 2018
I intend to stay on two to three articles a week. That is about 140 articles for the year 2018. I decided to promote my tops articles with paid advertising to boost sales. I will also start to develop my Youtube channel with videos on the same themes as the blog. My goal is to exceed 500 visits per day and improve conversions.

At the same time, I also plan to increase my email list with some software. But also thanks to very interesting free offers.

I will immediately put an exit intent or a light box to retrieve the emails. As soon as I put this plug in I could have more mail.

Insist on videos because a blog alone is very complicated. We need help from social networks or there is a huge and constant traffic. Make longer posts (tutorials, interviews, etc.). My most technical positions and the longest bring me 60 to 70% of the traffic.

Take more time to re-read. And yes despite the time spent correcting mistakes there are always especially with longer posts.

Finally, I plan to automate my articles over a month to take care of other business ( drosphipping and business hard) but also prepare the next month without pressure.

It's almost a year of blogging and already 103 articles. I advise you to start even if you have planned to do podcasts or videos that is currently trend. These two media are the future of the net. You can put your videos, and your audios on your blog. I'm glad I did not give up. Most bloggers stop the first months and the fateful step is the eighth month it seems. If your goal is the monetization of your blog to become professional blogger or affiliated with other media like a Youtube channel, a podcast, there is no better time. So you have to think about monetization very early to know if it's consistent with your project and then go for it.

Will 2018 be the year of the creation of your blog or your online business?

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Miakurian, you inspired me to continue with my blog. Thank you.