RE: The Rise Of The Human Cyborgs – Outsmarting Smartphones and The Internables Trend

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The Rise Of The Human Cyborgs – Outsmarting Smartphones and The Internables Trend

I take caution to these new changes though. Because government has consistently shown that they are going to serve there self interest first (which is usually based on corrupt and immature decisions), then they are not trust worthy and this could be used as a tool to control the masses.

I'm not necessarily a full believer in every single thing in the bible (since it could and has been altered by man through out time) but to add to the suspicion, the similarities between this happening and the bible prophecy in revelation is eerily accurate.

Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Basically it is saying that each person will receive a mark on there right hand or forehead and that they will not be able to buy or sell unless they have the mark with either the name or the number (social security). Really not sure about all this, especially if the start mandating RFID chips in every newborn.

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The Hindu Bindi?

I don't know of the hindu bindi. What about it?

It's a red mark on the forehead. It's been in use for thousands of years.

Mmm interesting, but I don't think that's what there talking about from the way they describe it.

Ooh.. I see.. Just to note that the forerunners of this movement are just the nerds who are excited about the geekiness of such powers... Ofcourse, as with anything cool, the govt always has a way of corrupting/ruining everything :(

forgot to mention, great a blog btw:) Agreed especially for the person who has never seen color. Very beautiful for him to finally experience it through hearing. As a hobby it is just all fun, really exciting and innovative.
What concerns me is when this starts getting implemented in the health care business. I cant speak for other countries but the U.S. health care industry is pretty much mostly corrupted and controlled.
A very wicked triangle between health care, Insurance and the pharmaceutical company has been made. Exactly, lol this is why we cant have nice things:p

Also on a side not, idk if you know what shadowrun is but its kinda like DnD. It take place in the future with a whole story line and pretty much every cyborg mod (called Cyberware mods) is available. but you can only get so much added to you because it starts taking away from you humanity:p

The government is in the business of saying "no" then selling you a permit to do what you originally could do anyway.