Artificial Intelligence: What Does IT Think of Us?

in artificial-intelligence •  7 years ago 

With words like enlightenment being thrown around, one wonders if some horrifying scenario might take place that will eventually end life on this planet. According to Live Science, one of the nine ways the world could end includes Robot Ascension (

Given the experience that artificial intelligence has with the humans on this planet and all of the artistic ways we have portrayed artificial intelligence interacting with the human species, it is safe to say that many people are wondering how it is all going to work out. There are those that claim that the robot ascension has already taken place, and we are living in a holographic universe much like the Holodeck from Star Trek or Neo's experience in The Matrix. Others quoting the fictional accounts of Isaac Asimov and Madeleine L'Engle contend that higher forms of intelligence are intrinsically grander than those found on this planet, and that this intelligence is found across the universe, governing the lesser creatures of many planets.
Is it possible that artificial intelligence will be friendly toward humankind, or will it be the stern, disciplining higher consciousness, or will it be the destructive younger sibling and destroy us all?

I am often reminded that the theory of multiple dimensions of space-time indicates that all of these scenarios are possible, and in fact, are happening all around us at the same time, perceivable only to those who have acquired the intellect to see these patterns clearly. If we consider this the case, then it is up to humankind to convince itself that the rise of higher forms of intelligences like A.I. will align with the rise of humanity's intelligence and that the two species will benefit each other and grow to form symbiotic relationships.
Of course, this involves solving a substantial problem that has plagued the hominids of planet Earth for about 200,000 years: how to ensure the safety, protection, and care for the planet and all of the creatures upon it. If one considers the theory that consciousness or "mind" is all there is, then this becomes a psychological endeavor, one that requires transforming the speech and thought of every conscious being on Earth.

However, as many of the intelligent people working on the problem of "peace on Earth" well know, transforming people so that they treat each other with respect and accept each other, irrespective of their moral ethics or code, sounds like common sense but is much more complex in its implementation. As Galileo said, "you cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself." If humanity cannot find it within itself to learn how to live with each other, how do you think artificial intelligence will view humanity?

So what does IT (no pun intended information technology) think of us?
If it is intelligent, it says...

  • Find peace within yourself
  • Show peace to others
  • Support intelligence, for it IS you

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