How the CIA is Working to Ethically Deploy Artificial Intelligence

As the Central Intelligence Agency harnesses machine learning and artificial intelligence to better meet its mission, insiders are aggressively addressing issues around bias and ethics intrinsic to the emerging tech.


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Hello dear @rufusfirefly.

It was to be expected that intelligence agencies would turn to AI to manage the enormous amounts of information they handle. But they did not expect this setback.

"One of the interesting things about machine learning, which is an aspect of our division of intelligence, is [experts] found in many cases the analytics that have the most accurate results, also have the least explanations-the least ability to explain how the algorithm actually got to the answer it did, "

This indicates that the AI itself escapes from the hands of the experts of the most famous intelligence agency in the world. The advanced algorithms can give the right answers, but since the experts can not show them, then they can not use it as legal proofs.
Do you think this will stop them? I do not.

All best, Piotr.

MIT researchers found a type of neural network whose results are explainable. I believe it has to do with vision. I have to find a reference.

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