Artificial Intelligence AI - What is Artificial Intelligence & What Happens When The Machines Around Us Finally Become Self Aware? (Artificial Intelligence TShirt)

in artificial •  8 years ago  (edited)

Artificial Intelligence is a computer science term that is increasingly talked about on the nightly news and around the water cooler, but what does it mean to the average American? Will our electronics autoprogram based on our preferences, our telephones answer themselves and screen all of our calls, our cars drive us everywhere we want to go?

Put simply, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is intelligence exhibited by machines. When a machine mimics a cognitive function normally reserved for the human brain to process, such as problem solving and learning.

Scientists are working feverishly to use AI knowledge to create innovative new products to help humanity, but many are worried that they are "playing God" in the process, or that the act of making machines smarter than humans could lead to the downfall of the human race at some point.

Whether you're a fan of science fiction movies showcasing AI or just a science geek, there are even Artificial Intelligence TShirts on the market now to show your support of AI.

Available at Amazon here:

We've already seen AI in action in our daily lives with products like speech recognition features on cell phones and computers, and products like self driving cars which are just hitting the market and going through extensive testing and revisions before they are made available to the general public.

Available at Amazon here:

Although the concept of AI goes back hundreds of years, the field of AI research was founded at a conference at Dartmouth College in 1956 and innovation has grown exponentially since then.

Current AI development projects include one which is helping doctors select the right treatments for cancer, and many advances in the automotive industry related to potential self driving public transport and personal vehicles to improve safety and remove human err in driving decisions.

Available at Amazon here:

Only time will tell what the future holds for Artificial Intelligence (AI) advancements, but we are certain to hear about many new innovations in the AI realm in the upcoming years and decades.

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Just curious, but what's with all the t-shirt accounts?