Happy End of September folks! There was an awful storm earlier this week (which I knew about thanks to the awesome IBM Weather Company) and I hope you didn’t get affected too badly (jams, floods, rain seeping through your windows… story of my life). Check me out on Steemit! https://steemit.com/@limkenvi
1. Murder She Wrote
O brave new world... we have just begun to seriously consider the prospect of travelling to Mars. Our minds fill with visions of hyper-connectivity with airlocks, space suits all transmitting data and locations... so how will crime solving look like in this future? It's not idle thinking... because these are the same questions being asked today in our hyper-connected world.
2. What’s New with Big Blue: Two! Four! Six! Eight! Who do we discriminate!
No-one! That’s who! AI and analytics are playing bigger roles in our lives- from jobs to justice, AI is making more decisions on who to hire and who’s guilty or not.
This is how IBM is responding to ensuring that our human bias is not inadvertently captured and magnified by AI.
3. Analytickets (say this five times fast)
Meet the dark side of marketing analytics. The secret dream of every business is using analytics to pump up prices and maximize profits. Here’s how ticketmaster uses analytics to scalp the scalpers!
4. Shifts and Gig-gles
More and more people are moving into the so-called “gig economy”. So are we better off? More flexibility to work whenever we want? Or is it a euphemisim for “adios job security”?
5. What Kenvi learned this week: Ocean’s Eleven
What’s the difference between an Ocean and a Sea? The definitive answer is here: https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/oceanorsea.html
Why couldn’t the bicycle stand?
It was two-tyred.