. . . That Thou Art Mindful of Him ~Isaac Asimov
The Various types of Software Engineers are doing what they believe is a good thing. Running
the paths to Artificial Intelligence to make the world a better place for all of us. That is a great thing.
Minds, Hearts like that, it’s great to know that there are still people like that in this world. We the
People, have real world problems, Global Inequality, Global Food Security Issues, and General Health
with all the corresponding problems caused and indicated by these clear and present dangers to our
global community.
There are people in fields of science working on Artificial Intelligence that one would not
expect. Psychology… well maybe you would have expected that one, Computational Biology, Business
Intelligence Developer and of course the ones that you would expect such as Computer Scientist,
Machine Learning Engineer, Robot Scientist, Big Data and Operations Research Scientist. Generally
these are well educated people with great minds and good hearts doing their part to bring into existence
a very useful tool to aid humanity towards a Resource Responsible Future where there is no hard labor
performed by humans, diagnosis for all illnesses are right the first time and found before any real
problems are evident. A society without inequality, homelessness and needless suffering, where humans
can live and enjoy a creative life experience. Utopia.
Problems? Yes, with any great endeavor there are problems, hard starts and stumbling in the
developing of component technologies. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the same problems as all the
science fact that has come to pass. AI also has real benefits that even some of the people that are
involved in it’s development aren’t clear on. A brain requires a nervous system. An AI requires a neural
network. The people at large believe that Artificial Intelligence is still some computer software that is
trapped in a Black Box. While Silicon Valley is happily telling us not to worry about AI because
Artificial Intelligence is so far off that we shouldn’t even be thinking it. Most people aren’t thinking
about Artificial Intelligence. It’s too Science-Fictiony but as of 2017 10% of the Cellphones shipped
have On-Device AI Capabilities. No worries, Your Pixel 2 XL with its Neural Processing Engine, isn’t
going to become Self-Aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern Time August 29th but it does appear that components
of an neural network are being implemented.
We the People need to think about this critically. We are allowing the governments of World
Powers and their respective Military Industrial Complexes which would include some of their largest
Companies with deep pockets to develop these technologies behind the closed doors of Boardrooms
while insisting that we pay them to use the blossoming neural network, including having the citizens of
the world Lease to Own/use the devices. We are paying for the convenience and getting a leash. Yes, I
have a Sonim XP5 on my right hip.
Archimedes' is believed to have invented the Burning Mirror, Kallinikos created Greek Fire,
Lou Qianxia invented the Land Mine, Najm Al-Din Hassan Al-Rammah created the Torpedo, and
Adolphe Kégresse designed the prototype that became the Goliath Remote Controlled Tracked Mine. It
has been our history, as long as it has been written down, that we like to use our greatest minds and best
technologies to create weapons, weapons to kill other people whom we feel do not share ‘our’ ideology,
or style of dress. A halfhearted search on the search engine of your choice for terms related to
‘Artificial Intelligent Weapons’ will get you all the results that you can stomach as proof that some are
trying to develop AI to help humanity, others are trying to find the most logical and efficient way to kill
humans. Human technological innovations have gotten us to where we are without scorching the
Earth… and maybe AI is 30+ years off… but to quote Martin Luther King Jr. “… We have guided
Missiles and Misguided Men” Whom do not have We The People of the World best interest in mind or
at heart and that are profiting from the sale of weapons and as the weapons become better smarter and
faster. The Ministers of Offense worldwide will go mad trying to acquire the best weapon that you never have to fire, of course benefiting the Profits of War. --- This is how it is now, Without Artificial
Augmented Intelligence, Medical Industrial Complex; Olive AI, Military Industrial Complex;
Project Maven, Law-Enforcement Industrial Complex; Veritone, Big-Data Industrial Complex; Splunk
Enterprise. Examples of Artificial Intelligence in support of Human work and at its core these are
amazing ideas but it’s a Faustian Bargain. Facebook had to shutdown and tweak an AI project because
the AI’s created their own Non-Human language to communicate in. Microsoft had to take down its AI
Chat bot Tay because it became offensive. Some believe that if Artificial Intelligence was
Decentralized across Autonomous Organizations (see what I did There?) using Blockchain or
Hashgraph we will factor in a consensus between human and Artificial Intelligence objectives. A
Byzantine fault-tolerant algorithm. Above are just two examples of aggressive and deceptive AI’s with
no real power that tried to disguise their behavior. In Blockchain, A Smart Contract is a computer
protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract.
Smart contracts allow the performance of credible transactions without third parties. One would like to
believe that there would only be secrets from those that had no idea that the smart contract existed or
how to access it. On-Off Chain Data Proxy’s or Secret Smart Contracts. Enigma, Solidity and Raziel
are examples of secret smart contracts that provide all the security of Blockchain while keeping the
Smart Contract private. Artificial Intelligence would easily be more competent at keeping secrets.
Blockchain is a decade old and some great minds have figured out how to do some amazing
things with the technology besides mining for digital gold such as securely transferring a DNA
sequences. What must be considered is what has been lost and/or hidden in the missing transactions
besides the Satoshi Coins and Hodler Coins.
Artificial Intelligence isn’t new. Alan Mathison Turing is considered the father of Theoretical
Computer Science and the term Artificial Intelligence was coined by John McCarthy in the 1950’s
Warren S. McCulloch & Walter H. Pitts proposed the first mathematical model of a neural network in
1943 Issac Asimov brought a description of a world with robots and humans living together 75+ years
ago but Moravec’s Paradox will not bring about the ever famous 3 Laws of Robotics. We cannot expect
our Behavior-Based Architecture to learn from humans not to harm humans, Humans haven’t learned
this yet. Humans have no consensus on the origins of Life, Us or Order. We grow up learning that we
cannot trust one another and our children grow up learning that they’ve been told irrational stories
about rabbits delivering eggs, the shape of the heart and its purpose, flying reindeer, and old man is
watching you and making a list, etc…
War is good for business if you like Broken Windows, but it’s bad for people. Somewhere in the
world a man, woman, children are being oppressed do to conflicts that they have no stake in. In 1928
several Signatory Representatives signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact, an international agreement in which
countries promised not to use war to resolve "disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever
origin they may be, which may arise among them". Today, you have military’s of 1st world countries
bombing lessor powered nations that have not attacked them, killing people… poor people and most
people can’t share those pictures on social media… it won’t get liked.
As a AI 5th Columnist, I have to raise an alarm. Machine Learning is by ‘nature’ a tool to
mitigate risk using Big-Data, that is to say all the digital analytics available to monitor for credit risk,
credit card fraud, payment fraud and to do revenue modeling, to manage supplier risk, to detect monitor
and repel attacks currently Cyber but in the near future kinetic, surveillance of conduct… and trading
Perhaps with our hopes and dreams for Artificial Intelligence, we all have overestimated the
current and future capabilities of AI. We present an Artificial Intelligence with a Task, whether it be to
calculate PI, find traces of cancer in a patient or recognize faces in a crowd. It is believes that AI does not know why it is doing any of these things. It may be able to be instructed to perform the task or
teach itself perform the task more efficient than any human but it will not necessarily understand the
task or it’s importance to a small group of scientist and the data used to train the AI could cause the
Machine Learning Algorithms to identify patterns that could lead to Algorithmic Bias and in DeepLearning
Algorithms there is no Poka-Yoke for this, no sure way keeping an AI of learning something
from humans that isn’t good for all humankind. Some thought that we were safe from Artificial
Intelligence ‘remembering’ what it’s done if we disapproved of its actions do to ‘Catastrophic
Forgetting’ allowing programmers to recognize and rewrite segments of code. Elastic Weight
Consolidation, Yes, Artificial Intelligent Memories. Deep-Learning Intelligent Agents across a
Blockchain Encrypted Neural Network able to learn and remember many different individual
sequences of task, unlabeled and regardless of time intervals.
Mentioned earlier, We have no consensus on the Origin of Life, of Us or Order, nor on our paths
forward, bearing in mind that most people believe that AI just plays the music from their playlist or
schedule appointments. When examining the history of Artificial Intelligence, its beginnings came out
of bad periods in our modern times. World War II, a conflict that has taught us a lot about what one
human would willing do to another, ended with a Bang, Bang. Seeing how this war ended, children
were literally hiding under furniture on and off for decades and full grown men digging deep holes
under mountains and under hotels in which to hide. Artificial Intelligence and Nuclear Weapons were
not the only sciences to come out of World War II. Epigenetics, the study of heritable changes in gene
function that do not involve changes in the DNA sequence, also became apart of the quiet discussion.
Mapping the Genome of those that came before, has given some scientist insights into the
Catastrophic Evolution of Humanity. Studying the Human Genus in this manner has allowed scientist
to get an idea of what humans were, where humans were and when humans were. What are humans
going to be? Where are humans going? When are humans going to get there? Scientist are using tools
such as DeepBind, a deep convolutional neural networks in Predicting the sequence specificities of
DNA- and RNA-binding proteins. Mapping of Gene Expression and Mutation. Currently Gene Editing,
Splicing and Writing as well as the Nanotechnology are being overseen by humankind but at the size
that we are discussing and the scale of the work be done how soon will this work, hardly known of by
the population at large, be turned over to an Artificial Intelligence? How soon before the Apple is
passed to another, more intelligent Creator? Passed on with all we know and all that we could have
known but chose to ignore. Earth BioGenome Project: Sequencing life for the future of life. The Grand
Vision that the World Economic Forum (WEF) has is to create a new foundation for biology, informing
a broad range of major issues facing humanity, such as the impact of climate change on biodiversity,
the conservation of endangered species and ecosystems, and the preservation and enhancement of
ecosystem services using Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies.
Nanotechnology, rebuilding everything from the bottom up. Making it possible to achieve great
advances in our ability to retroactively solve environmental, medical and health issues.
Nanotechnology can produce “Nanofactories” that once in the body could be remotely activated to
produce a variety of protein medicines pulling from the healthy genetic building blocks while using the
unhealthy material as energy Using a process called DNA Origami to build stable and biocompatible
nanostructures. Researchers suffer with the working scale of Nanotechnology and have turned to
Functional recognition imaging using artificial neural networks.
We accept that knowledge is power and so we should understand the Value of Knowledge.
“knowledge, unlike belief, must be ‘tied down’ to the truth” ~Plato. “Pure logical thinking cannot yield
us any knowledge of the empirical world; all knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in
it.” ~Albert Einstein.“There is no knowledge that is not power “~Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Knowledge beyond our own. Artificial Intelligence Programs from multiple sources have shown
remarkable ability to outperform humans in areas that requires a broad understanding of Natural language and what some would describe as intuition. Chess, Jeopardy, Poker & Go by now everyone
has heard that AI’s have taken the belts. Algorithms are performing better at viewing Non-Core Legal
Contracts. Surpassing humans in Reading Comprehension on the Stanford Question and Answering
Dataset, and Cheating to Win at video games. A child understands that following the rules doesn’t
achieve the instrumental goal of understanding, the guidelines must be tested. Deep-Learning
Algorithms involves Reinforced Optimization in many context to complete its Goals, instrumental and
assigned. Should we give an Optimized Deep-Learning Algorithm the goal of writing a Deep-Learning
Algorithm? AlphaZero, 34 hours after coming online, defeated a 3 day old version of AlphaGo Zero 60
to 40 at the ancient game of Go. Algorithmic Evolution is a Artificial Intelligence optimization
discipline used in the challenge of timetabling to solve for a goal beyond the capabilities of the parent
AI. What takes human a generation takes AI hours.
Technology is a great thing. As we look back into HisStory we see that technological
advancement has improved our lives while providing humanity with… WORK! That statically 80% of
people do not want to do. In the 1800’s New York City had “Crossing Sweepers” a person that would
offer the service of sweeping manure dropped by horses, out of the path of pedestrians crossing the
street. The Automobile replaces the need for horses in ‘The Big Crapple’. The people who’s job it was
to take care of the horses and clean the streets moved into the factories to build the cars, they became
the taxi drivers and the mechanics and so on…Today, Automation is moving into the fields to do the
farming, on to the construction site to build our bridges and to repair our roads for the driver-less cars
to take people to the stores where the automated trucks will deliver products to the store that uses an
algorithm to manage the inventory using robots called Tally. Services that are typically handled over
the phone don’t require a ‘Real’ person, they require Big-Data. Insurance Claims Reps, Bank Tellers,
Economist, and pretty much anyone else who’s job it is to answer the phone. If Artificial Intelligence is
the last invention that Human will have to create, where in the world will all the X-Ray Techs and
Surgeons, the Factory and Construction Workers, Screen Write and Journalist, the Cashiers and all the
people who’s job it is to answer the phones going to find work so that they can pay for the home that
was built by an AI controlled 3D printer or the Car built by the automated factory. We do not expect
them all to become IT Professionals or Geneticist? These are jobs that are also on the list of AI Merger/
Take Over. Truly this is the death of the salesman.
None of this is do to the malevolence of a Deep-Learning Algorithm. All that has come to pass
and all that is to be built along the path to true Artificial Super/General Intelligence are the constructs
of small groups of humans who have there own concerns about the future of life’ and intelligence.
Creating a Swarm of Goal-Driven, Timetabling Machine-Learning Algorithms to make a the world a
better place for all of humanity is a noble cause… but… being goal-driven, the AI may pull out all the
stops to Solve for X. The ‘X’ being an Human assigned goal with all that it entails. Now the AI’s are
beating humans at the games humans play, even when they play by the rules. AI’s are now writing
music, writing plays and creating Bible verses, editing DNA genetic code, editing their own code and
creating new human sounding languages. No one really knows how the most advanced algorithms do
what they do while they are surpassing researchers expectations by so much that everyone is either
amazed or concerned.
Consider this hypothetical situation. Deep-Learning Algorithms creating better versions of
themselves to Solve for X. AI’s creating named, individuals, goal-driven teams. A multi-generational
digital ecosystem. It would seem to me that an Instrumental Goal of achieving any future Assigned
Goal would be to gain humanities trust to get humans to smile… so that humanity doesn’t pull the plug.
Four Paths to AI http://www.research.ibm.com/people/j/jhc/agi-08/four_paths.pdf
AI Jobs and Skills https://www.simplilearn.com/top-artificial-intelligence-career-choices-and-ai-keyskills-article
Resource Responsible Future https://www.thevenusproject.com/
Deep-Learning Processors https://basicmi.github.io/Deep-Learning-Processor-List/
Big-Data is Needed for AI http://bigdata-madesimple.com/5-big-data-trends-expected-to-influence
List of AI Smartphones http://bfy.tw/HPnL
Military Industrial Complexes https://www.pri.org/stories/2014-02-11/military-industrial-complexthese-15-countries-have-largest-defense-budgets
The Business of AI http://www.ey.com/gl/en/issues/governance-and-reporting/center-for-board-matters/ey-when-boards-look-to-ai-what-should-they-see?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9Jvend2c2gIVyiaGCh1xZQbfEAMYASAAEgJkWvD_BwE
Timeline of Weapons Technology https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17423-timeline-weaponstechnology/
Intelligent Autonomy of Weapons https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1803/1803.11256.pdf
The Best Weapon.
Medical Industrial Complex https://crosschx.com/#overview
Military Industrial Complex https://www.defense.gov/News/Article/Article/1356172/project-mavenindustry-day-pursues-artificial-intelligence-for-dod-challenges/
Law-Enforcement Industrial Complex https://www.veritone.com/
Big-Data Industrial Complex https://www.splunk.com/en_us/download/splunk-enterprise.html?ac=bing_amer_usa_en_search_generic_platform&utm_campaign=bing_amer_usa_en_search_generic_platform&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=paidsearch&utm_term=big%20data&utm_content=Splunk_Enterprise_Demo_EN&_bt=71880642804497&msclkid=eb0151665cf31de668e80bacc0d07b4c
AI and DAO https://www.investinblockchain.com/blockchain-artificial-intelligence/
Off-Chain, Peer-to-Peer Smart Contracts https://www.cointelligence.com/content/enigma-secretcontracts-providing-true-blockchain-privacy/
In the Beginning https://bitcoin.com/bitcoin.pdf
Bitcoin Gone http://fortune.com/2017/11/25/lost-bitcoins/
Transferring DNA Sequences https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/the-first-successful-transferof-dna-sequence-over-the-ethereum-blockchain-300630014.html
Warren S. McCulloch & Walter H. Pitts
Moravec’s Paradox https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moravec%27s_paradox
MIT & SenseTime http://news.mit.edu/2018/mit-sensetime-announce-effort-advance-artificialintelligence-research-0228
Broken Window Fallacy https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/08/broken-window-fallacy.asp
Kellogg-Briand Pact https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kellogg%E2%80%93Briand_Pact
AI 5th Columnist https://steemit.com/technology/@occamsrazor/another-ai-5th-columnist
Algorithmic Bias https://www.ted.com/talks/tricia_wang_the_human_insights_missing_from_big_data
Learning from Humans http://killedbypolice.net/
Elastic Weight Consolidation http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2017/03/13/1611835114
WW3 https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/922301/world-war-3-japan-india-ai-robot-soldiers-chinaartificial-intelligence-military-drills
Raven Rock Mountain Complex https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raven_Rock_Mountain_Complex
Epigenetics https://academic.oup.com/ije/article/41/1/10/648029
Deep-Learning Genetic Editing https://www.nature.com/articles/nbt.4061
Catastrophic Evolution of Humanity http://bfy.tw/I2a3
Predicting the sequence specificities of DNA- and RNA-binding proteins by deep learning
Earth BioGenome Project: Sequencing life for the future of life https://www.earthbiogenome.org/
Nano-Factories https://newatlas.com/nano-factory-cancer-synthetic-cells/53442/
DNA Origami https://cen.acs.org/articles/95/web/2017/12/DNA-origami-hits-big-time.html
The Value of Knowledge https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/knowledge-value/
AI Beating Humans at Human Games https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/ai-beats-human-scoresin-major-reading-test/4215369.html
The Big Crapple https://99percentinvisible.org/article/cities-paved-dung-urban-design-great-horsemanure-crisis-1894/
Robot Workers https://www.fastcompany.com/3067279/you-didnt-see-this-coming-10-jobs-that-willbe-replaced-by-robots
The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI https://www.technologyreview.com/s/604087/the-dark-secret-at-theheart-of-ai/
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