The Dark Face Of AI

Well if you people consider artificial intelligence as Human Evolution
Here are some opposite facts which will prove it as our own Destruction .....
Stephen Hawking Remarks
A LEADING scientist involved in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has warned that it could rise up against us and end humanity within decades
According to stephen hawking(Scientist)"the development of full Artificial Intelligence could spell the end of the human race"
Robots As Warrior
History tells us when ever human make anything new it is used for militant purpose .
Now suppose the robots with weapons standing as military against the civilization of mankind it can permanently disable the mankind.

Elon Musk Remarks
Musk, founder of PayPal and SpaceX, has previously said: “I think we should be very careful about Artificial Intelligence. If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very careful.”

However, Right now we are in control of that technology and we can make lots of choices about the paths that we follow

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