in artist •  8 years ago 

We tend to believe that there is only one way in life! This is a flawed premise. Finding relief in a problem situation isn’t about doing an action oriented activity in order to change that problem, it’s choosing to have another thought that will change that which we are experiencing. “When we change the way we look at things the things we look at change”, W.D Dyer. This by the way is a Universal Law, Physics if you’d like, Quantum Physics, for those that are Scientifically oriented! And it is something that I am continually refining. As when you become aware of your thoughts and that you are the sole being that is creating your world, then you would know that you have all the power!

I have made it my mission in life to allow all that is part of my wellness, my joy, my fun, my prosperity to find itself in my life, without thinking that I have to do some “saint miracle, I have to suffer to earn it” action point of view, before I can physically experience that which I would like to arrive in my life…..that by knowing that we are all worthy, then the suffering disappears!!!!!Thus, thought I would share this idea and perhaps inspire the fun, joy, love, prosperity, adventure…. that is also rightfully yours!

To highlight this point, thought I would illustrate it via a simple walk in Nature and a real life example I had experienced with friends some years ago. The Highlands is an incredibly abundant area in the wider NSW region of Australia and most people, have a simple approach of “I must see that” destination and then get back in their cars for their 4 hour round trip home.

I have seen on numerous accounts, they drive from the Big Some, for 2 hours (one way) to experience a bush walk and then simply spend their time, rushing from the car park and straight toward the water fall or the cave, (like it’s a ticker box race of “seen that”) all the while missing all the fun and interesting things along the way. In fact, years ago I took some friends to a rain forest, that had incredible trails, bridges, water, flora and fauna, with the end point of a large waterfall. In this one hour Nature experience,  this particular individual dedicated his thoughts toward focusing on problems and not on the now moment. I remember pointing out the stag-horns that were hanging from the Gum Trees and asked if he was aware of how they chose to exist in their environment and how fascinating they were, to which he replied, “ are you receiving mail from the bank with fees that needed to be paid?” I remember pointing out to him that in this moment of peace and tranquillity, why wasn’t he able to allow himself thoughts and emotions of peace? That he had the opportunity to experience beauty, the sound of the birds, the cool breeze, the ruggedness of trees and the odd wild animal that would scurry through the scrub-land? I didn’t realise it then, not completely as to his state of being, however I found an answer after an hour of reaching our destination. He sat down looked at the water fall and said, in a disappointing tone, “Oh is that all!?” He had missed it all!

Art is also similar. I paint, not because of reaching the end point, rather for the experience of discovery! If I only focused on the end point, I would have a huge storage problem. In fact once I finish a painting, I loose interest in it. All that remains are my memories of what it took to create that peace of art work and how much I had to consider, how I discovered the landscape that inspired me, how I met the person whose portrait I painted and how I got wet in the rain and my fingers became frosty in the minus five deg C winters morning, how the farmer in the neighbouring land accused me of polluting the land and how I had to explain to him that I was an artist not a "illegal rubbish dumper", that's what makes our lives richer, the experiences we gather along our trails!

We always have the power to choose another perspective! We have become prisoners to the belief that I have to “earn” something before I can allow myself to feel good! We have become prisoners to our own thoughts, not realising that we always had the power to change how we feel. While things happen that leave us shaken and vulnerable, those things happen not because we are bad people, rather it is an opportunity, like a fork in the road to say, “what can I learn from this that will make my life even better?” and then choose another direction (this I know from direct experience!)

It’s when we stay in the positive energy that we will start to experience positive things, that no “negative” scenario will ever feel like something bad, rather something where we can now choose to change direction…..and changing direction is a fun adventure! 

In all your adventures, take your time; look up at the sky, down at the ground, stop half way to your destination and walk into that coffee shop. Start a conversation with a total stranger and offer them a positive thought, a smile, a loving gesture. Allow the person behind you, in the supermarket line, to go first and see what happens. When you buy the next cup of coffee, buy the person’s coffee that’s waiting behind you and see what happens…….see life as a fun adventure and your life will also become one as well!

To view some of the photos from my Sunday Fun day walk click here;


Until Next time…..

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