The graveyard beach club

in artschool •  6 years ago  (edited)

I found this one in an old grave I was digging in last Saturday; a hand reached out and gave me a note that said:


When we eat your soul we shall have full control over you…

And then we shall judge you, and if found wanting, then you shall be cast into the fiery pit of hell to die forever…

So, what have you got to say to that?

Nothing me lord.


No me lord, absolutely nothing.

Then you are doomed; doomed I say.

Yes me lord, thank ye me lord.


Everyone alive today is a descendant of the great sperm whale;

And that’s it, end of discussion.

Ah, the brave beggars of 5th street

Crazy, as on a plate full of dishes

Be very careful, you down below, or we will send a plague

The age group of this is beyond perpendicular, said the snake

Oh, you craven beauty you

Oh, you pass to the pictures you

Oh, the horrendous scope of it all…


Hot-plates; dishes; we got a plenty.

What’s that old fool going on about now?

He says it’s half moon tonight and full moon on Saturday…

And that means:

If you’re going to die then you may as well go for the big time.

And then chips on Sunday came around…

And that was it; there wasn’t much more we could say.


I am now officially 14 feet higher than the Eskimos that live down below on Saturday night and come home after

midnight to tell you all about it.

Well it was the pulse, wasn’t it; that saved her.

And the Eskimos I hear tell.

Well we’ve always got to get the Eskimos in somewhere, haven’t we?

The instruction manual said 14 feet.

And there’s me thinking it was Saturday night.


So it was east or west then that this man rode upon your bike?

Exactly, yes, I’m sure it was something like that.

And did you get a description?

No; but I did get his wallet.

Perhaps that might give us a clue?

Do not take this lightly, my friend,

But if you take hate into your heart,

You will become as lost as the infidels…


After the bomb went off,

We were as gentle as snowflakes in the wind.

And we loved our government even more

Until the wind broke down

And lost our suitcases somewhere in



This was going to be our last midnight together

But I guess we missed the station going straight on through….


And then I heard snoring…that stopped suddenly.

And who are you then?

I’m: just sitting in the back seat.

Describe it for me and I will grant you something

They put me on new meds today and I can’t remember anything

That explains it all then.

Stuffy in here, isn’t it?

Someone open a window immediately.

I think I shall call out for help now.


They put me on the third seat from the back

Needless to say I escaped straight through the emergency door

And never stopped running until I got to where I belonged.


When they moved the walls of all I was looking for

I crept home in a funk

And had a cup of tea

And I never once suspected

That it was me that moved the walls

When I forgot what I was looking for

And had a cup of tea, which is when:

The wrong side of midnight came and went away

Like a puff of smoke on a windy day.

Like I said, they were moving the walls.


So anyway, after I enrolled in art school

And puffed a lot of stuff

Back and fore and here and there

Before I knew anything…

And then it was over

And they gave me a degree.

When I asked them: how did I do?

They said: congratulations, you passed.

Well, they could take my name home in vain

And pass me off in despair,

But hey, I got my degree, didn’t I, in the graveyard beach club?

Image from Pixabay

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Interesting, it must feel good to write these things right?


I have no idea about it really, they just come and flow through my pen onto the page. I hardly ever edit them, I just leave them as is and put them out. Thanks for commenting; you are now at the top of my Christmas card list

Definitely a different style of writing! Yes, it was very interesting and I have no idea what I just read lol. But I did enjoy it. Thanks for sharing this!

It's possible that our inner beings know more than our conscious minds do and is why the advert people use subliminal messages

Agreed. Sometimes I tap into a creative consciousness that I know is bigger than me and I can produce great things. I'm sure our not too distant ancestors knew how to easily access this, before the constant bombardment of noise (the church being the loudest and now the media). Up to us to relearn this gift and pass it on to our children. Keep it up!

This is really like a poetry post... I could never write anything like this

I can't either, I just pick up my pen and out it comes from somewhere, and I never know what the next word will be until it's on the paper.

Its magical....👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks; it is special but I don't know where it's going yet will go somewhere... @wales 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Very artistic way of presenting very special write up.

Posted using Partiko Android

You're not the first to say it is art; and my photos too; maybe I'm an artist then

Hahah.....first it looknlike a poem to me...but few lines made me to think what it is...and then i again read it. Generally i dont read poem much or say it is some thing which is out of my mind

Posted using Partiko Android

The beginning of this I love very much, and then you had me at

Everyone alive today is a descendant of the great sperm whale
As I read that as we all come from whale sperm lol. I really need to stop being tired when reading. Although it does make for a funny read that way lol.

The beginning is so strong that I find (in my opinion as a reader) it tells us exactly what hell is. It is what we are living. The sadness of it all. That's what I am getting but, I could be wrong about that. I am not in your mindset.
Nevertheless, great writing you did here! :D

Thank you for saying that; everyone must read into what they find in my writing for themselves