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Sorry, Day 2 is closed and the prizes have been awarded.

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Stunning pic @losthippie. Organized chaos, brilliant colours.

As I said earlier in the post, I love it, it makes you feel the adrenaline, thank you.


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Here is my entry:

01 - copia.jpg

Contest hosted by @deemarshall.
Categorie: Non-digital Art.
Link to the contest HERE

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I can't find your resteem and upvote.

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I like artwork that inspires emotion. I know exactly how it feels to be sitting looking out at the storm mug of hot chocolate in hand.

It's a very cozy feeling. ;)

Here is my entry under digital artwork cathegory,

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thank you for supporting the art

Hola amigos! Acá mi entrada al concurso promovido por @deemarshall


Espero les guste!

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Thank you for both entries!

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Hello this is my entry, I hope you like it, I thank @deemarshall for creating super fast contests.

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Hello! Here's my entry for the day 2 contest... Thank you...


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