Your Unique Artistic Style

in artstyle •  3 years ago 



Given the time and resources, I believe anyone can learn to draw, or paint, or write. But making art is more than just studying anatomy, learning to mix paint, and mastering grammar.
There’s a special mental side to making art that deals with voice, style, originality, and authenticity. But the good news is that, in my opinion, you can learn how to master all those things too.
Your artistic style is what makes your work feel like you.


It’s what makes a Picasso feel like a Picasso, and a Hitchcock feel like a Hitchcock.
There are plenty of tutorials online and in books describing step by step how to draw the human body or paint a sunset of film a fight scene.
But there’s no tutorial on finding your voice as an artist.


The reason is that no one really knows the exact steps they took to hone their style, and even if they did, it wouldn’t be much help to anyone but themselves, because your artistic style is totally specific to you.
In fact, it is you.
Just as you develop your Self and become more like “you” as you grow up, your artistic voice is doing the same thing. With every experience you have, your Self changes and grows, and with every piece of art you make, your style changes and grows.
So, although I can’t lay out a step by step guide for you to find your artistic style, I do believe there’s a general progression through an artist’s life.



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