Le Circuits des RempartssteemCreated with Sketch.

in artzone •  6 years ago  (edited)
The author spent the last weekeng sketching dreaming car at the _Circuits des Remparts_ event in Angouleme, France, city where he lives.

It has been a fantastic weekend. The preparatory drawings I had been doing the week before the event helped me a lot to find good frehand spherical perspective to make all these fantastic car drawings. I have been able to meet many people and they proposed to me to attend several events of this type because the owners would be delighted to have a portrait of their cars.

Ha sido un fin de semana fantástico. Los dibujos preparatorios que habia ido haciendo la semana anterior al evento me ayudaron mucho para encontrar la buena perspectiva esférica a mano alzada para hacer todos estos dibujos de coches fantasticos. He podido conocer a mucha gente y me propusieron asistir a varios eventos de este tipo pues los propietarios estarian encantados de que les haga un retrato de sus coches.

Renault 1911

This was my first drawing. This box with wheels was hidden in the gardens of the Hotel de Ville. I started something hesitant because I did not know very well how the watercolors were going to behave in the papier Canson Moulin du Roi of 300 gr. During the drawing, many people would come and browse. One of them, spilled the bottle of water in my feet!

Este fue mi primer dibujo. Esta caja con ruedas estaba escondido en los jardines del Hotel de Ville. Empecé algo dubitativo pues no sabia muy bien como iban a comportarse las acuarelas en el papier Canson Moulin du Roi de 300 gr. Durante el dibujo, mucha gente se acercaba y curioseaba. Uno de ellos, me derramo el bote de agua.

Renault 1920 40 hp

This incredible float governed the whole garden of the Hotel de Ville. Its brown tones convinced me to make a watercolor simpler than the predecessor.

Esta increible carroza gobernaba majuestosa toda el jardin del Hotel de Ville. Sus tonos marrones me convencieron para hacer una acuarela algo mas sencilla que la antecesora-

Morgan Tricicle Racing 1932

When passing in front of this thing, jump immediately to my notebook to capture this angle of the Morgan. Morgan produced this type of tricycles during the 30s for racing. It is the closest thing to a tuned tooth tube at 150 km/h!

Al pasar delante de este trasto, salte enseguida a mi cuarderno para captar este angulo de la Morgan. Morgan produjo este tipo de triciclos durante los años 30 para las carreras. Es lo mas parecido a un tubo de dientes tuneado a 150 km/h

Citroen GS Especial

On Saturday morning, I woke up very early and at 9 in the morning I was looking for victims to draw.
This car was called the shark, guess way. In one like this, General De Gaulle suffered an attack in 1969. My father had in the 70s a model similar to this one. It took about half an hour for the Citroen's own hydraulic suspension to be tuned. It was very very slow and heavy.
El sabado por la mañana, me desperte muy temprano y a las 9 de la mañana ya estaba buscando victimas para dibujar.
A este coche lo llamaban el tiburon. En uno como este, el General De Gaulle sufrió un atentado en 1969. Mi padre tuvo en los 70 un modelo parecido a este. Habia que esperar como media hora a que la suspensión hidraulica propia de Citroen se afinara. Corria poco y era muy pesado.

Alfa Romeo Giulia 1973

When I finished the Citroen, which served me as Warm up drawing, attack this stunning Alfa Romeo. The owner, approached several times during the sketch process. When I finished it, he asked me to draw the logo and signature of Zagato.

Then he asked me to draw the engine, since Giulia was equipped with a Ferrari TestaRossa engine and he told me there were very few like that.

Cuando termine el Citroen, que me sirvió como Warm up drawing, ataque este impresinante Alfa Romeo. El dueño, se acercó varias durante el dibujo. Cuando lo termine, me pidió que dibujara el logo y la firma de Zagato.

Luego me pidió que dibujara el motor, ya que esta Giulia estaba equipada con un motor Ferrari TestaRossa y me comentó que había muy pocas así.

Mini Cooper 1975

My aunt Luly had a Mini exactly like this one. I remember how it clung to the curves with hardly any need to brake or change gears. One summer I take a vacation with her to the Costa Brava, in the northeast of Spain. We managed to do the 600 km in just 5 hours of travel! My aunt Luly was fantastic driver..

Mi tia Luly tenia un Mini exactamente igual que este. Recuerdo como se agarraba a las curvas sin apenas necesidad de frenar o cambiar de marcha. Un verano me llevo de vacaciones con ella hasta la Costa Brava, en el noreste de España. Logramos hacer los 600 km en apenas 5 horas de viaje! Mi tia Luly era fantástica al volante..

Peugot 404 Convertible 1963

Walking through the allee_de_New York a gleaming Peugeot 404 Convertible 1963 jumped into my eyes, I could not avoid the temptation and take out the notebook to make a quick sketch in pencil. It was an incredibly sexy and elegant machine. I wondered how many girls it will have taken inside and where..

Paseando por el allee_de_New York una reluciente Peugot 404 Convertible 1963 me saltó a los ojos, no puede evitar la tentación y saque el cuaderno para hacer un boceto rápido a lapiz. Era una maquina increiblemente sexy y elegante. Me preguntó a cuantas chicas habrá llevado dentro y a donde..

Catherman 1975

Something surprising happened when I was drawing Miss Peugeot. A very attractive brunette girl approached me and asked if I could draw this 1975 Catherman. I told her that, of course, I would do it after finishing the Peugeot.

Algo sorprendente ocurrió cuando estaba dibujando a la señorita Peugeot. Una chica morena muy atractiva se acercó y me preguntó si podría dibujar esta Catherman del 1975. Le dije que, claro, que la haría despues de terminar el Peugeot.

MG MX 1973

While I was finishing with the drawing of the Catheram, two English ladies invited me to the paddock to draw this MG NX. Upon entering, the security guard did not let me enter my flexible stool. I had to pass it behind a fence and then pick it up so I could work properly. The paddock was dirt and the engines of the cars coming and going roared behind me.

Cuando esta concentrado finalizando el dibujo de la catheram dos ladies inglesas me invitaron al paddock para que dibujara esta MG. Al entrar, el guardia de seguridad no me dejo entrar mi taburete flexible. Tuve que pasarlo detrás de una verja y luego recogerlo para poder trabajar en condiciones. El paddock era de tierra y los motores de los coches entrando y saliendo rugian detras de mi.

MGA 1969

It was already Sunday afternoon. The excesses of the previous night started to take a toll on me and it was hard for me to find the magic pencil stroke of the previous day. While I was trying to introduce my stool again int the paddock, someone pick it up and I could not find it any more. mmm things are getting harder today, I said to my self when a nice and pretty brunette lady proposed me to sketch his uncle's MGA, I had to start the drawing three times since I could not find the good position and the owner had to move it.

Era ya el domingo por la tarde. Los excesos de la noche anterior me empezaban a pasar factura y me costaba encontrar el golp de lapiz magico del dia anterior. Me robaron el taburete al tratar de introducirlo ilegalmente en el paddock de nuevo. mmm, hoy esto esta mas complicado, me dije a mi mismo cuando una agradable y guapa señorita morena me preguntó que porque no dibuja la MGA de su tio, que le gustaría ver como quedaba. Tuve que empezar el dibujo tres veces ya que no encontraba la buena posición y el propietario tuvo que desplazarla.


I wanted to redraw the Peugeot 404 cabriolet this time in a nice watercolor, thi car was rumbling in my mind. However, when I arrived, the owner had taken it away. I still do not know if I saw it for real or it was a dream. So I started to draw this incredible Morgan that was right in front, for sale, € 64,000. The geometry worked almost at the first stroke, so I could skecth the vehicle without doubts, alla_prima. So imagine what a serious lady would be like driving that shapely bundle ..

Queria volver a dibujar la Peugeot 404 descapotable, me retumbaba en la mente. Sin embargo, cuando llegue, el propietario se la habia llevado. Aun no se si la vi de verdad o fue un sueño. Asi que me puse a dibujar esta increible Morgan que estaba justo en frente, en venta, 64,000 €. La geometria me funcionó al isntante, dubje el vehiculo sin dudas, _alla_prima. Asi que imagine como seria una señorita conduciendo ese trasto formidadble..

Thank you for reading and have fun!

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Hello this artwork is featured on the 8th Issue of Steem Sketch Book on this blog : 8 Wonderful Watercolor Paintings

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Very lovely. I like seeing all the different old vehicles that you illustrated nicely on this post. Both your sketches and the watercolour works are beautiful :D.    
Congratulations on your curie vote ^_^.      

Thank you scrawly! Observation drawing is very appreciated. Tomorrrow I am travelling to another vintage car event in Palma de Mallorca in Spain. Hope is going to be as amazing as the one in Angouleme.

Wow, amazing sketches! I am often in Angouleme briefly over summer for work. Often, I am just getting picked up there, so I never see much of the town. These sketches lead me to think that there is much much more to the town than the train station!

thank you!

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Hi javier.dejuan,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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Nices sketches and lovely cars. The last one is moody!

thank you!

Very beautiful your sketches, simply are PERFECT, they are very well made, each one is full of incredible details, I loved them .. Greetings @javier.dejuan

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

@javier.dejuan Your cartoons are fascinating. All these car portraits are fantastic. The cacuarelas behaved extraordinarily well in the cardboard. Your sketches are incredible. You are very talented at capturing every detail of the fast cars and drawing them on the spot. Excellent would be to see a lady driving the last car that is expectacular. Thank you for showing us all your beautiful drawings of those days. A big greeting.

i m out of words! very great technique, i love the "colors" ;) ...
really impressive sketch technique too!
great works!!!


-edga NOWARGraffitis

thank you!

Wow, amazing drawing @javier.dejuan. You can compiled your drawing as a collection. It was not easy to have all the car drawn in an exhibition. Your Renault 1911 water color drawing nicely done. I love it, you must be in shocked when water spilled in your feet, luckily not on your painting :). What amazing about your drawing was, I noticed you used less colors for each drawing but you have color it well with all the right mixture of colors and shade it.

If i was one of the car owner, I would like you to portrait my car, frame it and hang it on my wall.

I love your drawing from 1st to last even the sketches :)

Some of the owners could hung them on their walls : ) People love when someone goes life drawing and have a good result.

People love when someone goes life drawing and have a good result.

Yes, I am one of them. You must be very focus and concentrate with people gather around you. If not, the noise and movement will distract your work. By the way, beside cars. What else you draw? I like to see your sketches but I am not an artist :p

Just look around my blog, there are many different kinds of subjects. I draw life nature, buildings, people from observation and also I can draw anything from imagination.

Wow, i really admire people can draw freely. Keep it up and share us more of your work if you can.

These are amazing, both wonderful cars and even better sketches.

You drew all of these in just two days? That's impressive!! I love these paintings, they are just beautiful and I love the vintage looks of the car.

Why did you decide to draw old cars though, any particular reason?

because they have very sexy curves : )

Very sexy indeed, I can see that! Great selections... Hopefully, I will get to see more from you

Really nice, Javier ! I love all the different cars you've featured here * ___ * Each of them have such distinct design and personality <3 Wonderful !!!

thank you ! @veryspider

The paintings of the cars are beautiful @javier.dejuan and these babies are one of a kind! Classic beauties and you drew and painted them beautifully. I really like them, each model (I also like the real car :D).

because the owners would be delighted to have a portrait of their cars.

I know I would if my car is drawn and painted the way you did! :) Great work @javier.dejuan! It does show your love for classic cars :)