InkTober 2018: Day 31: Slice (Rebanada)steemCreated with Sketch.

in artzone •  6 years ago 

31 - Slice

Happy Halloween! (Actually in my country we don't celebrate it, but it works for me).

It was a super fun day today, I went to my university with a witch costume and a blonde wig, and I was handing out mini drawings with various designs. Some people liked my dress and others looked weird, but overall it was great!

31 - Slice

Feliz Halloween!! (en realidad en mi país no lo celebramos, pero me vale).

Fue un día súper divertido hoy, me fui a mi universidad con un disfraz de bruja y una peluca rubia, e iba repartiendo mini dibujos con diseños varios. A algunas personas les gustó mi vestido y otras se me quedaron viendo raro, pero en general fue genial!


I also invite you to visit my other InkTober, thank you for your support:

InkTober 2018: Día 1: Venenoso (Poisonous)
InkTober 2018: Day 2: Tranquil (Tranquilo)
InkTober 2018: Day 3: Roasted (Rostizado)
InkTober 2018: Day 4: Spell (hechizo)
InkTober 2018: Day 5: Chicken (Pollitos)
InkTober 2018: Day 6: Drool (babear)
InkTober 2018: Day 7: Exhausted (exhausto)
InkTober 2018: Day 8: Star (Estrella)
InkTober 2018: Day 9: Precious (Precioso)
InkTober 2018: Day 10: Flowing (Fluyendo)
InkTober 2018: Day 11: Cruel
InkTober 2018: Day 12: Whale (Ballena)
InkTober 2018: Day 13: Guarded (Protegido)
InkTober 2018: Day 14: Clock (Reloj)
InkTober 2018: Day 15: Weak (Débil)
InkTober 2018: Day 16: Angular
InkTober 2018: Day 17: Swollen (Hinchado)
InkTober 2018: Day 18: Bottle (Botella)
InkTober 2018: Day 19: Scorched (Chamuscado)
InkTober 2018: Day 20: Breakable (Rompible)
InkTober 2018: Day 21 Drain (Drenar)
InkTober 2018: Day 22 Expensive (Costoso)
InkTober 2018: Day 23: Muddy (Lodoso)
InkTober 2018: Day 24: Chop (Cortar)
InkTober 2018: Day 25: Prickly (Espinoso)

Inktober challenge


Inktober Inktober2018


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So cute ! She has a beautiful big smile and I would like a slice of halloween cake myself !!

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