Here are some interesting papers in the Superconductivity.
Heating-Induced Long-Range -Pairing in the Hubbard Model (1902.05012v1)
Joseph Tindall, Berislav Buca, Jonathan R. Coulthard, Dieter Jaksch
We show how heating the spin degrees of freedom of the Hubbard model to infinite temperature can be used to melt the order within this sector and reach steady states, in any dimension, which have completely uniform long-range correlations between pairs. We induce this heating with either dissipation or periodic driving and evolve the system towards a non-equilibrium steady state. This steady state is identical in both cases and displays distance-invariant off-diagonal correlations. These correlations were first recognised in the superconducting eigenstates described in C. N. Yang's seminal paper (Physical Review Letters, 63, 2144 (1989)), which are a subset of our steady states. Finally, we show that our results are a consequence of the symmetry properties of the model and independent of the microscopic details of the heating mechanism.
Topological superconductivity of spin-3/2 carriers in a three-dimensional doped Luttinger semimetal (1708.07825v2)
Bitan Roy, Sayed Ali Akbar Ghorashi, Matthew S. Foster, Andriy H. Nevidomskyy
We investigate topological Cooper pairing, including gapless Weyl and fully gapped class DIII superconductivity, in a three-dimensional doped Luttinger semimetal. The latter describes effective spin-3/2 carriers near a quadratic band touching and captures the normal-state properties of the 227 pyrochlore iridates and half-Heusler alloys. Electron-electron interactions may favor non--wave pairing in such systems, including even-parity -wave pairing. We argue that the lowest energy -wave pairings are always of complex (e.g., ) type, with nodal Weyl quasiparticles. This implies scaling of the density of states (DoS) at low energies in the clean limit, or over a wide critical region in the presence of disorder. The latter is consistent with the -dependence of the penetration depth in the half-Heusler compound YPtBi. We enumerate routes for experimental verification, including specific heat, thermal conductivity, NMR relaxation time, and topological Fermi arcs. Nucleation of any -wave pairing also causes a small lattice distortion and induces an -wave component; this gives a route to strain-engineer exotic pairings. We also consider odd-parity, fully gapped -wave superconductivity. For hole doping, a gapless Majorana fluid with cubic dispersion appears at the surface. We invent a generalized surface model with -fold dispersion to simulate a bulk with winding number . Using exact diagonalization, we show that disorder drives the surface into a critically delocalized phase, with universal DoS and multifractal scaling consistent with the conformal field theory (CFT) SO(), where counts replicas. This is contrary to the naive expectation of a surface thermal metal, and implies that the topology tunes the surface renormalization group to the CFT in the presence of disorder.
Is there any hidden symmetry in the stripe structure of perovskite high temperature superconductors? (1902.01915v2)
Vladimir A. Gavrichkov, Yury Shanko, Natalia G. Zamkova, Antonio Bianconi
Local and fast structural probes using synchrotron radiation have shown nanoscale striped puddles and nanoscale phase separation in doped perovskites.It is known that the striped phases in doped perovskites are due to competing interactions involving charge, spin and lattice degrees of freedom,but while many theoretical models for spin and charge stripes have been proposed we are missing theoretical models describing the complex lattice striped modulations in doped perovskites. In this work we show that two different stripes can be represented as a superposition of a pair of stripes, U(theta_n) and D(theta_n), characterized by perovskite tilts where one of the pair is rotated in relation to the other partner by an angle Delta(theta _n)=pi/2. The spatial distribution of the U and D stripes is reduced to all possible maps in the well-known mathematical four-color theorem. Both the periodic striped puddles and random structures can be represented by using graphs with a chromatic number. To observe the colors in mapping experiments, it is necessary to recover variously oriented tilting effects from the replica. It is established that there is an interplay between the annihilation/creation of new stripes and ordering/disordering tilts in relation to the theta _n angle in the CuO2 plane, where the characteristic shape of the stripes coincides with the tilting-ordered regions. By their origin, the boundaries between the stripes should be atomically sharp.
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of an Air Sensitive Dichalcogenide Through an Encapsulating Layer (1902.04808v1)
Jose Martinez-Castro, Diego Mauro, Árpád Pásztor, Ignacio Gutiérrez-Lezama, Alessandro Scarfato, Alberto F. Morpurgo, Christoph Renner
Many atomically thin exfoliated 2D materials degrade when exposed to ambient conditions. They can be protected and investigated by means of transport and optical measurements if they are encapsulated between chemically inert single layers in the controlled atmosphere of a glove box. Here, we demonstrate that the same encapsulation procedure is also compatible with scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS). To this end, we report a systematic STM/STS investigation of a model system consisting of an exfoliated 2H-NbSe2 crystal capped with a protective 2H-MoS2 monolayer. We observe different electronic coupling between MoS2 and NbSe2, from a strong coupling when their lattices are aligned within a few degrees to 2 essentially no coupling for 30{\deg} misaligned layers. We show that STM always probes intrinsic NbSe2 properties such as the superconducting gap and charge density wave at low temperature when setting the tunneling bias inside the MoS2 band gap, irrespective of the relative angle between the NbSe2 and MoS2 lattices. This study demonstrates that encapsulation is fully compatible with STM/STS investigations of 2D materials.
Interplay of the spin density wave and a possible Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in in rotating magnetic field (1902.04797v1)
Shi-Zeng Lin, Duk Y. Kim, Eric D. Bauer, Filip Ronning, J. D. Thompson, Roman Movshovich
The -wave superconductor has been proposed as a strong candidate for supporting the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state near the low-temperature boundary of its upper critical field. Neutron diffraction, however, finds spin-density wave (SDW) order in this part of the phase diagram for field in the - plane, and evidence for the SDW disappears as the applied field is rotated toward the tetragonal axis. It is important to understand the interplay between the SDW and a possible FFLO state in , as the mere existence of an SDW does not necessary exclude an FFLO state. Here, based on a model constructed on the basis of available experiments, we show that an FFLO state competes with an SDW phase. The SDW state in is stabilized when the field is directed close to the - plane. When the field is rotated toward the axis, the FFLO state emerges, and the SDW phase disappears. In the FFLO state, the nodal planes with extra quasiparticles (where the superconducting order parameter is zero) are perpendicular to the field, and in the SDW phase, the quasiparticle density of states is reduced. We test this model prediction by measuring heat transported by normal quasiparticles in the superconducting state. As a function of field, we observe a reduction of thermal conductivity for field close to the - plane and an enhancement of thermal conductivity when field is close to the axis, consistent with theoretical expectations. Our modeling and experiments, therefore, indicate the existence of the FFLO state when field is parallel to the axis.
Fragile superconductivity in the presence of weakly disordered charge density waves (1809.10160v2)
Yue Yu, S. A. Kivelson
When superconducting (SC) and charge-density wave (CDW) orders compete, novel low temperature behaviors can result. From an analysis of the Landau-Ginzberg-Wilson theory of competing orders, we demonstrate the generic occurrence of a
fragile' SC phase at low temperatures and high fields in the presence of weak disorder. Here, the SC order is largely concentrated in the vicinity of dilute dislocations in the CDW order, leading to transition temperatures and critical currents that are parametrically smaller than those characterizing the zero field SC phase. This may provide the outline of an explanation of the recently discovered
resilient' superconducting phase at high fields in underdoped YBaCuO.
Anisotropic magnetic-field response of quantum critical fluctuations in Ni-doped CeCoIn5 (1902.04717v1)
M. Yokoyama, K. Suzuki, K. Tenya, S. Nakamura, Y. Kono, S. Kittaka, T. Sakakibara
This paper demonstrates the anisotropic response of quantum critical fluctuations with respect to the direction of the magnetic field in Ni-doped CeCoIn by measuring the magnetization and specific heat . The results show that at for both the tetragonal and directions exhibits dependencies, and that at follows a function, which are the characteristics of non-Fermi-liquid (NFL) behaviors. For , both the and dependencies change into nearly temperature-constant behaviors by increasing , indicating a crossover from the NFL state to the Fermi-liquid state. For , however, the NFL behavior in persists up to , whereas exhibits temperature-independent behavior for . These contrasting characteristics in and reflect the anisotropic nature of quantum critical fluctuations; the -axis spin component significantly contributes to the quantum critical fluctuations. We compare this anisotropic behavior of the spin fluctuations to superconducting properties in pure CeCoIn, especially to the anisotropy in the upper critical field and the Ising-like characteristics in the spin resonance excitation, and suggest a close relationship between them.
Tuning Dissipation and Excitations in Superfluid Fermi Gases with a Moving Impurity (1902.04710v1)
Dong-Chen Zheng, Yan-Qiang Yu, Renyuan Liao
We develop a method to extract the dissipation for a heavy moving impurity immersed in superfluid Fermi gases. The drag force is derived analytically. As a reward, we are able to extract the dynamical structure factor, from which density excitations of the system is carefully examined. We show that dissipations through drag force is associated with two types of excitations, one being single-particle and the other being collective. We map out the critical velocity for dissipation across the BEC-BCS crossover, consistent with existing experiments. For a magnetic impurity, we show that the dissipation is immune to collective excitations. Our study clearly manifests that dissipation and associated excitations can be controlled by coupling superfluid Fermi gases with a moving impurity, and paves the way for further exploring intriguing realm of nonequilibrium phenomena and dissipation dynamics.
Long-lived non-equilibrium superconductivity in a non-centrosymmetric Rashba semiconductor (1902.04675v1)
V. Narayan, P. C. Verpoort, J. R. A. Dann, D. Backes, C. J. B. Ford, M. Lanius, A. R. Jalil, P. Schüffelgen, G. Mussler, G. J. Conduit, D. Grützmacher
We report non-equilibrium magnetodynamics in the Rashba-superconductor GeTe, which lacks inversion symmetry in the bulk. We find that at low temperature the system exhibits a non-equilibrium state, which decays on time scales that exceed conventional electronic scattering times by many orders of magnitude. This reveals a non-equilibrium magnetoresponse that is asymmetric under magnetic field reversal and, strikingly, induces a non-equilibrium superconducting state distinct from the equilibrium one. We develop a model of a Rashba system where non-equilibrium configurations relax on a finite timescale which captures the qualitative features of the data. We also obtain evidence for the slow dynamics in another non-superconducting Rashba system. Our work provides novel insights into the dynamics of non-centrosymmetric superconductors and Rashba systems in general.
Topological Phase Transition in Superconductors with Mirror Symmetry (1902.04599v1)
Adam Lowe, Miguel Ortuno, Igor V Yurkevich
We provide analytical and numerical evidence that the attractive two-dimensional Kitaev model on a lattice with mirror symmetry demonstrates unusual 'intrinsic' phase at half filling. This phase emerges in the phase diagram at the boundary separating two topological superconductors with opposite Chern numbers and exists due to condensation of non-zero momentum Cooper pairs. Unlike Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconductivity, the Cooper pairs momenta are lying along two lines in the Brillouin zone meaning simultaneous condensation of a continuum of Cooper pairs.
Scattering mechanisms and electrical transport near an Ising nematic quantum critical point (1902.04590v1)
Xiaoyu Wang, Erez Berg
Electrical transport properties near an electronic Ising-nematic quantum critical point in two dimensions are of both theoretical and experimental interest. In this work, we derive a kinetic equation valid in a broad regime near the quantum critical point using the memory matrix approach. The formalism is applied to study the effect of the critical fluctuations on the dc resistivity through different scattering mechanisms, including umklapp, impurity scattering, and electron-hole scattering in a compensated metal. We show that electrical transport in the quantum critical regime exhibits a rich behavior that depends sensitively on the scattering mechanism and the band structure. In the case of a single large Fermi surface, the resistivity due to umklapp scattering crosses over from at low temperature to sublinear at high temperature. The crossover temperature scales as , where is the minimal wavevector for umklapp scattering. Impurity scattering leads to ( being the residual resistivity), where is either larger than 2 if there is only a single Fermi sheet present, or 4/3 in the case of multiple Fermi sheets. Finally, in a perfectly compensated metal with an equal density of electrons and holes, the low temperature behavior depends strongly on the structure of "cold spots" on the Fermi surface, where the coupling between the quasiparticles and order parameter fluctuations vanishes by symmetry. In particular, for a system where cold spots are present on some (but not all) Fermi sheets, . At higher temperatures there is a broad crossover regime where either saturates or , depending on microscopic details. We discuss these results in the context of recent quantum Monte Carlo simulations of a metallic Ising nematic critical point, and experiments in certain iron-based superconductors.
Dynamic properties of superconductors: Anderson-Bogoliubov mode and Berry phase in BCS and BEC regimes (1902.04588v1)
Dmitry Mozyrsky, Andrey V. Chubukov
We analyze the evolution of the dynamics of a neutral s-wave superconductor between BCS and BEC regimes. We consider 2d case, when BCS-BEC crossover occurs already at weak coupling as a function of the ratio of the two scales -- the Fermi energy and the bound state energy for two fermions in a vacuum, . BCS and BEC limits correspond to and , respectively. The chemical potential changes the sign between the two regimes. We develop an approach to derive the leading terms in the expansion of the effective action in the spatial and time derivative of the slowly varying superconducting order parameter , and express the action in terms of derivatives of the phase of . In the long wavelength limit the second gradients and , describe Bogoliubov-Anderson mode, which, as we find, does not change through BCS-BEC crossover. The effective action also contains first order gradient term, , which is meaningful only if contains topological defects, such as vortices. We apply our approach to evaluate coefficient for a moving vortex. We find that has two contributions, . One comes from the states away from the vortex core and has , where is the fermion density. The other comes from electronic states inside the vortex core and has , where is the fermion density at the vortex core. We interpret this term as the reaction force of normal electrons to the vortex displacement in the limit when the spacing between energy levels is set to zero. The difference changes through the BEC-BCS crossover as nearly compensates in the BCS regime, but vanishes in the BEC regime.
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of AB interface in superfluid 3He (1612.00004v2)
V. B. Eltsov, A. Gordeev, M. Krusius
The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is well-known in classical hydrodynamics, where it explains the sudden emergence of interfacial surface waves as a function of the velocity of flow parallel to the interface. It can be carried over to the inviscid two-fluid dynamics of superfluids, to study different types of interfaces and phase boundaries in quantum fluids. We report measurements on the stability of the phase boundary separating the two bulk phases of superfluid 3He in rotating flow, while the boundary is localized with the gradient of the magnetic field to a position perpendicular to the rotation axis. The results demonstrate that the classic stability condition, when modified for the superfluid environment, is obeyed down to 0.4 Tc, if a large fraction of the magnetic polarization of the B-phase is attributed to a parabolic reduction of the interfacial surface tension with increasing magnetic field.
Nonlinear electromagnetic response and Higgs mode excitation in BCS superconductors with impurities (1902.01666v2)
Mikhail Silaev
We reveal that due to the presence of disorder oscillations of the order parameter amplitude called the Higgs mode can be effectively excited by the external electromagnetic radiation in usual BCS superconductors. This mechanism works for superconductors with both isotropic s-wave and anisotropic, such as d-wave, pairings. The non-linear response in the presence of impurities is captured by the quasiclassical formalism. We demonstrate that analytical solutions of the Eilenberger equation with impurity collision integral and external field drive coincide with the exact summation of ladder impurity diagrams. Using the developed formalism we show that resonant third-harmonic signal observed in recent experiments is naturally explained by the excitation of Higgs mode mediated by impurity scattering.
Non-equilibrium structural phase transitions of the vortex lattice in MgB2 (1902.04565v1)
E. R. Louden, C. Rastovski, L. DeBeer-Schmitt, C. D. Dewhurst, N. D. Zhigadlo, M. R. Eskildsen
We have studied non-equilibrium phase transitions in the vortex lattice in superconducting MgB2, where metastable states are observed in connection with an intrinsically continuous rotation transition. Using small-angle neutron scattering and a stop-motion technique, we investigated the manner in which the metastable vortex lattice returns to the equilibrium state under the influence of an ac magnetic field. This shows a qualitative difference between the supercooled case which undergoes a discontinuous transition, and the superheated case where the transition to the equilibrium state is continuous. In both cases the transition may be described by an an activated process, with an activation barrier that increases as the metastable state is suppressed, as previously reported for the supercooled vortex lattice [E. R. Louden et al., Phys. Rev. B 99, 060502(R) (2019)]. Separate preparations of superheated metastable vortex lattices with different domain populations showed an identical transition towards the equilibrium state. This provides further evidence that the vortex lattice metastability, and the kinetics associated with the transition to the equilibrium state, is governed by nucleation and growth of domains and the associated domain boundaries.
A minimal tight-binding model for the quasi-one-dimensional superconductor K2Cr3As3 (1812.01457v2)
Giuseppe Cuono, Carmine Autieri, Filomena Forte, Maria Teresa Mercaldo, Alfonso Romano, Adolfo Avella, Canio Noce
We present a systematic derivation of a minimal five-band tight-binding model for the description of the electronic structure of the recently discovered quasi one-dimensional superconductor K2Cr3As3. Taking as a reference the density-functional theory (DFT) calculation, we use the outcome of a Lowdin procedure to refine a Wannier projection and fully exploit the predominant weight at the Fermi level of the states having the same symmetry of the crystal structure. Such states are described in terms of five atomic-like d orbitals: four planar orbitals, two dxy and two dx2-y2, and a single out-of-plane one, dz2 . We show that this minimal model reproduces with great accuracy the DFT band structure in a broad energy window around the Fermi energy. Moreover, we derive an explicit simplified analytical expression of such model, which includes three nearest-neighbor hopping terms along the z direction and one nearest-neighbor term within the xy plane. This model captures very efficiently the energy spectrum of the system and, consequently, can be used to study transport properties, superconductivity and dynamical effects in this novel class of superconductors.
Superconductivity near a magnetic domain wall (1812.08410v2)
Faluke Aikebaier, P. Virtanen, Tero Heikkilä
We study the equilibrium properties of a ferromagnetic insulator/superconductor structure near a magnetic domain wall. We show how the domain wall size is affected by the superconductivity in such structures. Moreover, we calculate several physical quantities altered due to the magnetic domain wall, such as the spin current density and local density of states, as well as the resulting tunneling conductance into a structure with a magnetic domain wall.
Hydrogen-induced high-temperature superconductivity in two-dimensional materials: Example of hydrogenated monolayer MgB (1902.03818v1)
Jonas Bekaert, Mikhail Petrov, Alex Aperis, Peter M. Oppeneer, Milorad V. Milosevic
Hydrogen-based compounds under ultra-high pressure, such as the polyhydrides HS and LaH, superconduct through the conventional electron-phonon coupling mechanism to attain the record critical temperatures known to date. We demonstrate here that the intrinsic advantages of hydrogen for phonon-mediated superconductivity can be exploited in a completely different system, namely two-dimensional (2D) materials. We find that hydrogen adatoms can strongly enhance superconductivity in 2D materials due to flatband states originating from atomic-like hydrogen orbitals, with a resulting high density of states, and due to the emergence of high-frequency hydrogen-related phonon modes that boost the electron-phonon coupling. As a concrete example, we investigate the effect of hydrogen adatoms on the superconducting properties of monolayer MgB, by solving the fully anisotropic Eliashberg equations, in conjunction with a first-principles description of the electronic and vibrational states, and the coupling between them. We show that hydrogenation leads to a high critical temperature of 67 K, which can be boosted to over 100 K by biaxial tensile strain.
Supersonic dynamics of guided magnetic flux quanta (1902.03761v1)
O. V. Dobrovolskiy, V. M. Bevz, E. Begun, R. Sachser, R. V. Vovk, M. Huth
The dynamics of Abrikosov vortices in superconductors is usually limited to vortex velocities km/s above which samples abruptly transit into the normal state. In the Larkin-Ovchinnikov framework, near the critical temperature this is because of a flux-flow instability triggered by the reduction of the viscous drag coefficient due to the quasiparticles leaving the vortex cores. While the existing instability theories rely upon a uniform spatial distribution of vortex velocities, the measured (mean) value of is always smaller than the maximal possible one, since the distribution of never reaches the -functional shape. Here, by guiding magnetic flux quanta at a tilt angle of with respect to a Co nanostripe array, we speed up vortices to supersonic velocities. These exceed in the reference as-grown Nb films by almost an order of magnitude and are only a factor of two smaller than the maximal vortex velocities observed in superconductors so far. We argue that such high values appear in consequence of a collective dynamic ordering when all vortices move in the channels with the same pinning strength and exhibit a very narrow distribution of . Our findings render the well-known vortex guiding effect to open prospects for investigations of ultrafast vortex dynamics.
Electric-circuit realization of Hermitian and non-Hermitian Majorana edge states (1902.03716v1)
Motohiko Ezawa
We study non-Hermitian generalizations of the Kitaev and topological superconductor models only by requiring the particle-hole symmetry. The condition of the emergence of the Majorana edge states in non-Hermitian systems is that the states have zero or pure imaginary energy. Skin Majorana edge states emerge when the system is nonreciprocal. We then propose to simulate the Kitaev model by an LC electric circuit and the model by an LC circuit together with operational amplifiers. The particle-hole symmetry is preserved and Majorana edge states survive even in the presence of parasite resistances in the circuits. It is pointed out that these Majorana edge states can be detected by measuring two-point impedance.
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