Here are some interesting papers in the Superconductivity.
Cross-correlated shot noise in three-terminal superconducting hybrid nanostructures (1902.05476v1)
Dmitry S. Golubev, Andrei D. Zaikin
We work out a unified theory describing both non-local electron transport and cross-correlated shot noise in a three-terminal normal-superconducting-normal (NSN) hybrid nanostructure. We describe noise cross correlations both for subgap and overgap bias voltages and for arbitrary distribution of channel transmissions in NS contacts. We specifically address a physically important situation of diffusive contacts and demonstrate a non-trivial behavior of non-local shot noise exhibiting both positive and negative cross correlations depending on the bias voltages. For this case, we derive a relatively simple analytical expression for cross-correlated noise power which contains only experimentally accessible parameters.
Breakdown of the Hebel-Slichter effect in superconducting graphene due to the emergence of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states at magnetic resonant scatterers (1902.05474v1)
Denis Kochan, Jaroslav Fabian
We study theoretically the relaxation of electron spins in graphene in proximity to an -wave superconductor in the presence of resonant magnetic and spin-orbit impurities. Off resonance, the relaxation behaves as predicted from superconducting coherence: with lower temperatures the spin relaxation increases when electrons scatter off magnetic impurities (Hebel-Slichter effect), and decreases when the scatterers induce spin-orbit coupling. This distinct temperature dependence, not available in the normal state, can uniquely discriminate between the two scattering mechanisms. But the Hebel-Slichter picture breaks down at resonances. The emergence of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov bound states within the superconducting gap shifts the spectral weight of the magnetic resonances and leads to a significant decrease of the spin relaxation rate at lower temperatures. Our findings should be valid for generic -wave superconductors that host resonant magnetic impurities.
Polarization resolved Cu -edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering of orbital and spin excitations in NdBaCuO (1902.05471v1)
R. Fumagalli, L. Braicovich, M. Minola, Y. Y. Peng, K. Kummer, D. Betto, M. Rossi, E. Lefrançois, C. Morawe, M. Salluzzo, H. Suzuki, F. Yakhou, M. Le Tacon, B. Keimer, N. B. Brookes, M. Moretti Sala, G. Ghiringhelli
High resolution resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) has proven particularly effective in the determination of crystal field and spin excitations in cuprates. Its strength lies in the large Cu resonance and in the fact that the scattering cross section follows quite closely the single-ion model predictions, both in the insulating parent compounds and in the superconducting doped materials. However, the spectra become increasingly broader with (hole) doping, hence resolving and assigning spectral features has proven challenging even with the highest energy resolution experimentally achievable. Here we have overcome this limitation by measuring the complete polarization dependence of the RIXS spectra as function of momentum transfer and doping in thin films of NdBaCuO. Besides confirming the previous assignment of and spin excitations (magnon, bimagnon) in the antiferromagnetic insulating parent compound, we unequivocally single out the actual spin-flip contribution at all dopings. We also demonstrate that the softening of excitations is mainly attributed to the shift of the peak to lower energy loss. These results provide a definitive assessment of the RIXS spectra of cuprates and demonstrate that RIXS measurements with full polarization control are practically feasible and highly informative.
Schottky anomaly and short-range antiferromagnetic correlations in filled skutterudites PrEuPtGe (1902.05468v1)
R. B. Adhikari, P. Shen, D. L. Kunwar, I. Jeon, M. B. Maple, M. Dzero, C. C. Almasan
By performing a series of thermodynamic measurements in an applied magnetic field , we investigated the effects of Eu substitution on the Pr sites in filled skutterudite compound PrEuPtGe (). A heat capacity Schottky anomaly is present over the whole doping range. For the samples with , these Schottky anomaly peaks shift to lower temperature with increasing . We argue that this behavior reflects the antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering of the Eu moments, as the AFM transition is suppressed by . The Schottky peaks in the samples with shift to higher temperatures with increasing magnetic field, signaling the presence of an internal magnetic field due to short-range AFM correlations induced by magnetic moments of neighboring Eu sites. In low , the Schottky gaps show a non-linear relationship with as the magnetic moments become weakly magnetized. In high , the magnetic moments of Eu sites become completely aligned with . Thus, increasing does not further increase the magnetization, hence the Schottky gaps increase linearly with
Competing phases of interacting electrons on triangular lattices in moiré heterostructures (1902.05350v1)
Laura Classen, Carsten Honerkamp, Michael M. Scherer
We study the quantum many-body instabilities of interacting electrons with SU(2)SU(2) symmetry in spin and orbital degrees of freedom on the triangular lattice near van-Hove filling. Our work is motivated by effective models for the flat bands in hexagonal moir'e heterostructures like twisted bilayer boron nitride and trilayer graphene-boron nitride systems. We consider an extended Hubbard model including onsite Hubbard and Hund's couplings, as well as nearest-neighbor exchange interactions and analyze the different ordering tendencies with the help of an unbiased functional renormalization group approach. We find three classes of instabilities controlled by the filling and bare interactions. For a nested Fermi surface at van-Hove filling, Hund-like couplings induce a weak instability towards spin or orbital density wave phases. An SU(4) exchange interaction moves the system towards a Chern insulator, which is robust with respect to perturbations from Hund-like interactions or deviations from perfect nesting. Further, in an extended range of fillings and interactions, we find topological and (spin-singlet)-(orbital-singlet) -wave superconductivity.
Topological Phase Transition in Superconductors with Mirror Symmetry (1902.04599v2)
Adam Lowe, Miguel Ortuno, Igor V Yurkevich
We provide analytical and numerical evidence that the attractive two-dimensional Kitaev model on a lattice with mirror symmetry demonstrates unusual 'intrinsic' phase at half filling. This phase emerges in the phase diagram at the boundary separating two topological superconductors with opposite Chern numbers and exists due to condensation of non-zero momentum Cooper pairs. Unlike Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconductivity, the Cooper pairs momenta are lying along two lines in the Brillouin zone meaning simultaneous condensation of a continuum of Cooper pairs.
Synthesis of Cuprate Superconductors by CsCl Flux Additional Method (1902.05232v1)
Hiroshi Hara, Ryo Matsumoto, Shintaro Adachi, Aichi Yamashita, Hiroyuki Takeya, Yoshihiko Takano
We have succeeded in the synthesis of Re-doped quickly by a sealed tube technique with a bit of CsCl flux. Powder X-ray diffraction measurement revealed that the single phases of Re-doped (Hg1201), (Hg1212), and (Hg1223) formed in 4 h. The sample grains exhibited plate-like crystals with the sizes of 20201 and the chemical compositions of Hg1201, Hg1212, and Hg1223. Therefore, CsCl successfully enhance the reaction rates and yields the small single crystals of Hg1201, Hg1212, and Hg1223.
Quark-hadron continuity under rotation: Vortex continuity or boojum? (1806.09291v3)
Chandrasekhar Chatterjee, Muneto Nitta, Shigehiro Yasui
Quark-hadron continuity was proposed as crossover between hadronic matter and quark matter without a phase transition, based on the matching of the symmetry and excitations in both phases. In the limit of a light strange-quark mass, it connects hyperon matter and the color-flavor-locked (CFL) phase exhibiting color superconductivity. Recently, it was proposed that this conjecture could be generalized in the presence of superfluid vortices penetrating both phases (arXiv:1803.05115 [hep-ph]), and it was suggested that one hadronic superfluid vortex in hyperon matter could be connected to one non-Abelian vortex (color magnetic flux tube) in the CFL phase. Here, we argue that their proposal is consistent only at large distances; instead, we show that three hadronic superfluid vortices must combine with three non-Abelian vortices with different colors with the total color magnetic fluxes canceled out, where the junction is called a colorful boojum. We rigorously prove this in both a macroscopic theory based on the Ginzburg-Landau description in which symmetry and excitations match (including vortex cores), and a microscopic theory in which the Aharonov-Bohm phases of quarks around vortices match.
Nematicity in the superconducting mixed state of strain detwinned underdoped (1901.02504v2)
J. Schmidt, V. Bekeris, G. S. Lozano, M. V. Bortulé, M. Marziali Bermúdez, C. W. Hicks, P. C. Canfield, E. Fradkin, G. Pasquini
Evidence of nematic effects in the mixed superconducting phase of slightly underdoped is reported. We have found strong in-plane resistivity anisotropy for crystals in different strain conditions. For these compositions, there is no magnetic long range order, so the description may be ascribed to the interplay between the superconducting and nematic order parameters. A piezoelectric-based apparatus is used to apply tensile or compressive strain to tune nematic domain orientation in order to examine intrinsic nematicity. Measurements are done under a rotating magnetic field and the analysis of the angular dependence of physical quantities identifies the cases in which the sample is {\em detwinned}. Furthermore, the angular dependence of the data allows us to evaluate the effects of nematicity on the in-plane superconductor stiffness. Our results show that although nematicity contributes in a decisive way in the conduction properties, its contributions to the anisotropy properties of the stiffness of the superconducting order parameter is not as significant in these samples.
Persistent coherence of quantum superpositions in an optimally doped cuprate revealed by 2D spectroscopy (1712.03598v2)
Fabio Novelli, Jonathan O. Tollerud, Dharmalingam Prabhakaran, Jeffrey A. Davis
Understanding of the precise mechanisms of high-temperature superconductivity is elusive. In particular, in order to solve the puzzle of the pairing mechanism, it is important to understand the detailed nature of the excitations at energies around the superconducting gap. While measurements of the dynamics of excited electronic populations have been able to give some insight, they have largely neglected the intricate dynamics of quantum coherence. Here, we apply multidimensional coherent spectroscopy for the first time to a prototypical cuprate and report unprecedented coherent dynamics persisting for ~500 fs, originating directly from the quantum superposition of optically excited states separated by 20 - 60 meV. These results reveal the correlation between high and low energy excitations, and indicate that the interplay between many-body states on different energy scales conserves phase coherence. In revealing these dynamics we demonstrate that multidimensional coherent spectroscopy can address electronic correlations and interrogate many-body quantum systems in unprecedented ways.
Heating-Induced Long-Range -Pairing in the Hubbard Model (1902.05012v1)
Joseph Tindall, Berislav Buca, Jonathan R. Coulthard, Dieter Jaksch
We show how heating the spin degrees of freedom of the Hubbard model to infinite temperature can be used to melt the order within this sector and reach steady states, in any dimension, which have completely uniform long-range correlations between pairs. We induce this heating with either dissipation or periodic driving and evolve the system towards a non-equilibrium steady state. This steady state is identical in both cases and displays distance-invariant off-diagonal correlations. These correlations were first recognised in the superconducting eigenstates described in C. N. Yang's seminal paper (Physical Review Letters, 63, 2144 (1989)), which are a subset of our steady states. Finally, we show that our results are a consequence of the symmetry properties of the model and independent of the microscopic details of the heating mechanism.
Topological superconductivity of spin-3/2 carriers in a three-dimensional doped Luttinger semimetal (1708.07825v2)
Bitan Roy, Sayed Ali Akbar Ghorashi, Matthew S. Foster, Andriy H. Nevidomskyy
We investigate topological Cooper pairing, including gapless Weyl and fully gapped class DIII superconductivity, in a three-dimensional doped Luttinger semimetal. The latter describes effective spin-3/2 carriers near a quadratic band touching and captures the normal-state properties of the 227 pyrochlore iridates and half-Heusler alloys. Electron-electron interactions may favor non--wave pairing in such systems, including even-parity -wave pairing. We argue that the lowest energy -wave pairings are always of complex (e.g., ) type, with nodal Weyl quasiparticles. This implies scaling of the density of states (DoS) at low energies in the clean limit, or over a wide critical region in the presence of disorder. The latter is consistent with the -dependence of the penetration depth in the half-Heusler compound YPtBi. We enumerate routes for experimental verification, including specific heat, thermal conductivity, NMR relaxation time, and topological Fermi arcs. Nucleation of any -wave pairing also causes a small lattice distortion and induces an -wave component; this gives a route to strain-engineer exotic pairings. We also consider odd-parity, fully gapped -wave superconductivity. For hole doping, a gapless Majorana fluid with cubic dispersion appears at the surface. We invent a generalized surface model with -fold dispersion to simulate a bulk with winding number . Using exact diagonalization, we show that disorder drives the surface into a critically delocalized phase, with universal DoS and multifractal scaling consistent with the conformal field theory (CFT) SO(), where counts replicas. This is contrary to the naive expectation of a surface thermal metal, and implies that the topology tunes the surface renormalization group to the CFT in the presence of disorder.
Is there any hidden symmetry in the stripe structure of perovskite high temperature superconductors? (1902.01915v2)
Vladimir A. Gavrichkov, Yury Shanko, Natalia G. Zamkova, Antonio Bianconi
Local and fast structural probes using synchrotron radiation have shown nanoscale striped puddles and nanoscale phase separation in doped perovskites.It is known that the striped phases in doped perovskites are due to competing interactions involving charge, spin and lattice degrees of freedom,but while many theoretical models for spin and charge stripes have been proposed we are missing theoretical models describing the complex lattice striped modulations in doped perovskites. In this work we show that two different stripes can be represented as a superposition of a pair of stripes, U(theta_n) and D(theta_n), characterized by perovskite tilts where one of the pair is rotated in relation to the other partner by an angle Delta(theta _n)=pi/2. The spatial distribution of the U and D stripes is reduced to all possible maps in the well-known mathematical four-color theorem. Both the periodic striped puddles and random structures can be represented by using graphs with a chromatic number. To observe the colors in mapping experiments, it is necessary to recover variously oriented tilting effects from the replica. It is established that there is an interplay between the annihilation/creation of new stripes and ordering/disordering tilts in relation to the theta _n angle in the CuO2 plane, where the characteristic shape of the stripes coincides with the tilting-ordered regions. By their origin, the boundaries between the stripes should be atomically sharp.
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of an Air Sensitive Dichalcogenide Through an Encapsulating Layer (1902.04808v1)
Jose Martinez-Castro, Diego Mauro, Árpád Pásztor, Ignacio Gutiérrez-Lezama, Alessandro Scarfato, Alberto F. Morpurgo, Christoph Renner
Many atomically thin exfoliated 2D materials degrade when exposed to ambient conditions. They can be protected and investigated by means of transport and optical measurements if they are encapsulated between chemically inert single layers in the controlled atmosphere of a glove box. Here, we demonstrate that the same encapsulation procedure is also compatible with scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS). To this end, we report a systematic STM/STS investigation of a model system consisting of an exfoliated 2H-NbSe2 crystal capped with a protective 2H-MoS2 monolayer. We observe different electronic coupling between MoS2 and NbSe2, from a strong coupling when their lattices are aligned within a few degrees to 2 essentially no coupling for 30{\deg} misaligned layers. We show that STM always probes intrinsic NbSe2 properties such as the superconducting gap and charge density wave at low temperature when setting the tunneling bias inside the MoS2 band gap, irrespective of the relative angle between the NbSe2 and MoS2 lattices. This study demonstrates that encapsulation is fully compatible with STM/STS investigations of 2D materials.
Interplay of the spin density wave and a possible Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in in rotating magnetic field (1902.04797v1)
Shi-Zeng Lin, Duk Y. Kim, Eric D. Bauer, Filip Ronning, J. D. Thompson, Roman Movshovich
The -wave superconductor has been proposed as a strong candidate for supporting the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state near the low-temperature boundary of its upper critical field. Neutron diffraction, however, finds spin-density wave (SDW) order in this part of the phase diagram for field in the - plane, and evidence for the SDW disappears as the applied field is rotated toward the tetragonal axis. It is important to understand the interplay between the SDW and a possible FFLO state in , as the mere existence of an SDW does not necessary exclude an FFLO state. Here, based on a model constructed on the basis of available experiments, we show that an FFLO state competes with an SDW phase. The SDW state in is stabilized when the field is directed close to the - plane. When the field is rotated toward the axis, the FFLO state emerges, and the SDW phase disappears. In the FFLO state, the nodal planes with extra quasiparticles (where the superconducting order parameter is zero) are perpendicular to the field, and in the SDW phase, the quasiparticle density of states is reduced. We test this model prediction by measuring heat transported by normal quasiparticles in the superconducting state. As a function of field, we observe a reduction of thermal conductivity for field close to the - plane and an enhancement of thermal conductivity when field is close to the axis, consistent with theoretical expectations. Our modeling and experiments, therefore, indicate the existence of the FFLO state when field is parallel to the axis.
Fragile superconductivity in the presence of weakly disordered charge density waves (1809.10160v2)
Yue Yu, S. A. Kivelson
When superconducting (SC) and charge-density wave (CDW) orders compete, novel low temperature behaviors can result. From an analysis of the Landau-Ginzberg-Wilson theory of competing orders, we demonstrate the generic occurrence of a
fragile' SC phase at low temperatures and high fields in the presence of weak disorder. Here, the SC order is largely concentrated in the vicinity of dilute dislocations in the CDW order, leading to transition temperatures and critical currents that are parametrically smaller than those characterizing the zero field SC phase. This may provide the outline of an explanation of the recently discovered
resilient' superconducting phase at high fields in underdoped YBaCuO.
Anisotropic magnetic-field response of quantum critical fluctuations in Ni-doped CeCoIn5 (1902.04717v1)
M. Yokoyama, K. Suzuki, K. Tenya, S. Nakamura, Y. Kono, S. Kittaka, T. Sakakibara
This paper demonstrates the anisotropic response of quantum critical fluctuations with respect to the direction of the magnetic field in Ni-doped CeCoIn by measuring the magnetization and specific heat . The results show that at for both the tetragonal and directions exhibits dependencies, and that at follows a function, which are the characteristics of non-Fermi-liquid (NFL) behaviors. For , both the and dependencies change into nearly temperature-constant behaviors by increasing , indicating a crossover from the NFL state to the Fermi-liquid state. For , however, the NFL behavior in persists up to , whereas exhibits temperature-independent behavior for . These contrasting characteristics in and reflect the anisotropic nature of quantum critical fluctuations; the -axis spin component significantly contributes to the quantum critical fluctuations. We compare this anisotropic behavior of the spin fluctuations to superconducting properties in pure CeCoIn, especially to the anisotropy in the upper critical field and the Ising-like characteristics in the spin resonance excitation, and suggest a close relationship between them.
Tuning Dissipation and Excitations in Superfluid Fermi Gases with a Moving Impurity (1902.04710v1)
Dong-Chen Zheng, Yan-Qiang Yu, Renyuan Liao
We develop a method to extract the dissipation for a heavy moving impurity immersed in superfluid Fermi gases. The drag force is derived analytically. As a reward, we are able to extract the dynamical structure factor, from which density excitations of the system is carefully examined. We show that dissipations through drag force is associated with two types of excitations, one being single-particle and the other being collective. We map out the critical velocity for dissipation across the BEC-BCS crossover, consistent with existing experiments. For a magnetic impurity, we show that the dissipation is immune to collective excitations. Our study clearly manifests that dissipation and associated excitations can be controlled by coupling superfluid Fermi gases with a moving impurity, and paves the way for further exploring intriguing realm of nonequilibrium phenomena and dissipation dynamics.
Long-lived non-equilibrium superconductivity in a non-centrosymmetric Rashba semiconductor (1902.04675v1)
V. Narayan, P. C. Verpoort, J. R. A. Dann, D. Backes, C. J. B. Ford, M. Lanius, A. R. Jalil, P. Schüffelgen, G. Mussler, G. J. Conduit, D. Grützmacher
We report non-equilibrium magnetodynamics in the Rashba-superconductor GeTe, which lacks inversion symmetry in the bulk. We find that at low temperature the system exhibits a non-equilibrium state, which decays on time scales that exceed conventional electronic scattering times by many orders of magnitude. This reveals a non-equilibrium magnetoresponse that is asymmetric under magnetic field reversal and, strikingly, induces a non-equilibrium superconducting state distinct from the equilibrium one. We develop a model of a Rashba system where non-equilibrium configurations relax on a finite timescale which captures the qualitative features of the data. We also obtain evidence for the slow dynamics in another non-superconducting Rashba system. Our work provides novel insights into the dynamics of non-centrosymmetric superconductors and Rashba systems in general.
Scattering mechanisms and electrical transport near an Ising nematic quantum critical point (1902.04590v1)
Xiaoyu Wang, Erez Berg
Electrical transport properties near an electronic Ising-nematic quantum critical point in two dimensions are of both theoretical and experimental interest. In this work, we derive a kinetic equation valid in a broad regime near the quantum critical point using the memory matrix approach. The formalism is applied to study the effect of the critical fluctuations on the dc resistivity through different scattering mechanisms, including umklapp, impurity scattering, and electron-hole scattering in a compensated metal. We show that electrical transport in the quantum critical regime exhibits a rich behavior that depends sensitively on the scattering mechanism and the band structure. In the case of a single large Fermi surface, the resistivity due to umklapp scattering crosses over from at low temperature to sublinear at high temperature. The crossover temperature scales as , where is the minimal wavevector for umklapp scattering. Impurity scattering leads to ( being the residual resistivity), where is either larger than 2 if there is only a single Fermi sheet present, or 4/3 in the case of multiple Fermi sheets. Finally, in a perfectly compensated metal with an equal density of electrons and holes, the low temperature behavior depends strongly on the structure of "cold spots" on the Fermi surface, where the coupling between the quasiparticles and order parameter fluctuations vanishes by symmetry. In particular, for a system where cold spots are present on some (but not all) Fermi sheets, . At higher temperatures there is a broad crossover regime where either saturates or , depending on microscopic details. We discuss these results in the context of recent quantum Monte Carlo simulations of a metallic Ising nematic critical point, and experiments in certain iron-based superconductors.
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