Here are some interesting papers in the Superconductivity.
Phonon Dispersion Relationship and Oxygen Isotope Effect in Superconductor LaFeAsO (1808.07201v2)
Myong Chol Pak, Chol Won Ri, Hak Chol Pak, Kum Hyok Jong
In this paper we calculate ab initially the phonon dispersion relationship of the superconductor LaFeAsO and investigate a main property in the superconductor, the oxygen isotope effect. Based on this phonon dispersion relationship, we find the fact that an important reason of the oxygen isotope effect is connected with the phonon. This result agrees well with the experimental data where the power index of the oxygen isotope effect in the superconductor LaFeAsO is small.
Chiral wave superconductivity in PbSnTe: signatures from bound-state spectra and wavefunctions (1810.06890v4)
S. Kundu, V. Tripathi
Surface superconductivity has recently been observed on the (001) surface of the topological crystalline insulator PbSnTe using point-contact spectroscopy, and theoretically proposed to be of the chiral wave type. In this paper, we closely examine the conditions for realizing a robust chiral wave order in this system, rather than conventional -wave superconductivity. Further, within the -wave superconducting phase, we identify parameter regimes where impurity bound (Shiba) states depend crucially on the existence of the chiral wave order, and distinguish them from other regimes where the chiral wave order does exist but the impurity-induced subgap bound states cannot be used as evidence for it. Such a distinction can provide an easily realizable experimental test for chiral wave order in this system. Notably, we have obtained exact analytical expressions for the bound state wavefunctions in point defects, in the chiral wave superconducting state, and find that instead of the usual decay profile that characterizes bound states, these states decay as a at large distances from the defect. As a possible application of our findings, we also show that the zero-energy Shiba states in point defects possess an internal SU(2) rotational symmetry which enables them to be useful as quantum qubits.
Slow interaction quench in BCS superconductors: emergence of pre-formed pairs (1902.06986v1)
Johannes Kombe, Jean-Sebastien Bernier, Michael Köhl, Corinna Kollath
We investigate the non-equilibrium behavior of BCS superconductors subjected to slow ramps of their internal interaction strength. We identify three dynamical regimes as a function of ramp duration. For short ramp times, these systems become non-superconducting; however, fermions with opposite momenta remain paired albeit with reduced amplitudes, and the associated pair amplitude distribution is non-thermal. In this first regime, the disappearance of superconductivity is due to the loss of phase coherence between pairs. By contrast, for intermediate ramp times, superconductivity survives but the magnitude of the order parameter is reduced and presents long-lived oscillations. Finally, for long ramp times, phase coherence is almost fully retained during the slow interaction quench, and the steady-state is characterized by a thermal-like pair amplitude distribution. Using this approach, one can therefore dynamically tune the coherence between pairs in order to control the magnitude of the superconducting order parameter and even engineer a non-equilibrium state made of pre-formed pairs.
Electronic structure of Ni-doped EuRbFeAs: Unique crystal field splitting and multiband RKKY interactions (1902.06867v1)
Chenchao Xu, Qijin Chen, Chao Cao
The relationship between magnetism and superconductivity has been one of the most discussed topics in iron-based superconductors. Using the first-principles calculations, we have studied the electronic structure of 1144-type iron-based superconductor EuRbFeAs. We find the crystal field splitting of EuRbFeAs is unique, such that the orbitals are closer to the Fermi level than the orbitals. The RKKY interaction strength is estimated to be approximately 0.12 meV in prestine EuRbFeAs. Upon Ni-doping on the Fe site, the RKKY interaction strength is barely changed upon Ni doping due to the highly anisotropic FSs and multiband effect, despite of the drastically reduced DOS at . Finally, in both pristine and doped compounds, the RKKY interaction is primarily mediated through bands due to Fe- orbitals.Our calculations suggest the RKKY interaction mediated by orbital is probably responsible for the magnetism in EuRbFeAs and doesn't change upon Ni-doping.
Majorana bound state localization and energy oscillations for magnetic impurity chains on conventional superconductors (1808.10061v2)
Andreas Theiler, Kristofer Björnson, Annica M. Black-Schaffer
We study a chain of magnetic impurities on a conventional superconductor with spin-orbit coupling, treating the superconducting order fully self-consistently. We find pronounced hybridization between the end point Majorana bound states (MBSs) and in-gap Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states, which causes increasing MBS energy oscillations as a function of magnetic impurity strength, even when the direct MBS overlap is negligible. By treating the MBSs as topological boundary modes dependent only on the effective mass gap, we arrive at a fully parameter-free fitting of the MBS localization length. The localization length decreases with magnetic impurity strength, contradictory to the behavior of the effective superconducting coherence length.
Interacting Majorana fermions in strained nodal superconductors (1902.06759v1)
Emilian M. Nica, Onur Erten
Landau levels (LL) have been predicted to emerge in systems with Dirac nodal points under applied non-uniform strain. We consider 2D, singlet (2D-S) and 3D equal-spin triplet (3D-T) superconductors (SCs). We demonstrate the spinful Majorana nature of the bulk gapless zeroth-LLs. Strain along certain directions can induce two topologically distinct phases in the bulk, with zeroth LLs localized at the the interface. These modes are unstable toward ferromagnetism for 2D-S cases. Emergent real-space Majorana fermions in 3D-T allow for more exotic possibilities.
Topological superconductivity at finite temperatures in proximitized magnetic nanowires (1902.06750v1)
Anna Gorczyca-Goraj, Tadeusz Domanski, Maciej M. Maska
Performing Monte Carlo simulations we study the temperature dependent self--organization of magnetic moments coupled to itinerant electrons in a finite--size one--dimensional nanostructure proximitized to a superconducting reservoir. At low temperature an effective interaction between the localized magnetic moments, that is mediated by itinerant electrons, leads to their helical ordering. This ordering, in turn, affects the itinerant electrons, inducing the topologically nontrivial superconducting phase that hosts the Majorana modes. In a~wide range of system parameters, the spatial periodicity of a spiral order that minimizes the ground state energy turns out to promote the topological phase. We determine the correlation length of such spiral order and study how it is reduced by thermal fluctuations. This reduction is accompanied by suppression of the topological gap (which separates the zero-energy mode from continuum), setting the upper (critical) temperature for existence of the Majorana quasiparticles. Monte Carlo simulations do not rely on any ansatz for configurations of the localized moments, therefore they can be performed for arbitrary model parameters, also beyond the perturbative regime.
Spectral Properties and Quantum Phase Transitions in Superconducting Junctions with a Ferromagnetic Link (1812.01977v3)
Mikel Rouco, Ilya V. Tokatly, F. S. Bergeret
We study theoretically the spectral and transport properties of a superconducting wire with a magnetic defect. We start by modelling the system as a one dimensional magnetic Josephson junction and derive the equation determining the full subgap spectrum in terms of the normal-state transfer matrix for arbitrary length and exchange field of the magnetic region. We demonstrate that the quantum phase transition predicted for a short-range magnetic impurity, and associated with a change of the total spin of the system, also occurs in junctions of finite length. Specifically, we find that the total spin changes discontinuously by integer jumps when bounds states cross the Fermi level. The spin can be calculated by using a generalization of Friedel sum rule for the superconducting state, which we also derive. With these tools, we analyze the subgap spectrum of a junction with the length of the magnetic region smaller than the superconducting coherence length and demonstrate how phase transitions also manifest as change of the sign of the supercurrent.
Antiferromagnetically assisted electron-phonon coupling and spin-lattice interaction in Fe-based superconductors (1805.09754v5)
Chi Ho Wong, Rolf Lortz
We present a theoretical ab-initio approach that allows us to explicitly calculate the superconducting transition temperatures (Tc) of the iron-based superconductors of LaFeAsO1-xFx, SmFeAsO1-xFx, NdFeAsO1-xFx, Ba1-xKxFe2As2, FeSe and LiFeAs that fit perfectly with the experiments. We consider recent evidence that electron-phonon coupling may have been underestimated previously, and a prediction that antiferromagnetism can greatly enhance electron-phonon coupling through localized iron d orbitals. We then include the contribution of these localized orbitals in a McMillan formalism. In addition, we take into account the spin-lattice interaction between the spin-polarized electrons at the Fermi surface and the iron orbitals in combination with a modified exchange Hamiltonian involving a ferrimagnetic coupling between Fe and As. With this approach we can accurately calculate the Tc of FeSe (11 family), LiFeAs (111 family), LaFeAsO0.9F0.1 (1111 family) and BaFe2As2 (122 family) as a function of pressure. In addition, we also obtain the correct doping dependence of Tc of LaFeAsO0.9F0.1 (1111 family) and BaFe2As2 (122 family).
The antiferromagnetic and phonon-mediated model of the NaFeAs, LiFeAs and FeSe superconductors (1902.06463v1)
Chi Ho Wong, Rolf Lortz
Recently it has been suggested that the role of electron-phonon coupling in the mechanism of iron-based superconductors may have been underestimated and that antiferromagnetism may even have a dramatic amplification effect on electron-phonon coupling. We present an ab-initio theoretical approach that takes into account this amplifying effect of antiferromagnetism together with the abnormal soft out-of-plane lattice vibration of the layered structure, which allows us to calculate theoretical Tc values of LiFeAs, NaFeAs and FeSe as a function of pressure that correspond reasonably well to the experimental values.
Anisotropic shear stress effects in the basal plane of SrRuO (1901.02531v3)
P. Contreras, Juan Moreno
In this short note, we repeat the calculations the jumps for the specific heat C, the elastic compliance S and the thermal expansion due to a shear stress in the basal plane of . Henceforth we clarify some issues regarding the elastic theoretical framework suitable to explain the sound speed experiments of Lupien et al. (2001,2002), and partially the strain experiments of Hicks et al. (2014), and Steppke et al. (2016) in strontium ruthenate. We continue to propose that the discontinuity in the elastic constant C of this tetragonal crystal gives unambiguous experimental evidence that the superconducting order parameter has two components with a broken time-reversal symmetry state, and that the band couples the anisotropic electron-phonon interaction to the in-plane shear stress according to Walker and collaborators [4] and [3]. Some importants words about the roll of the spin equal to one for the transversal phonons are added in the conclusion following Levine [34].
Electron-phonon coupling in a honeycomb borophene grown on Al(111) surface (1902.06276v1)
Miao Gao, Xun-Wang Yan, Jun Wang, Zhong-Yi Lu, Tao Xiang
Recently, a honeycomb borophene was reported to grow successfully on Al(111) surface. Since the metallic -bonding bands of honeycomb boron sheet play a crucial role in the 39 K superconductivity of MgB, it is physically interesting to examine whether similar property exists in this material. We have calculated the electronic structures and the electron-phonon coupling for honeycomb borophene by explicitly considering the substrate effect using first-principles density functional theory in conjunction with the Wannier interpolation technique. We find that the -hybridized -bonding bands of honeycomb borophene are metallized due to moderate charge transfer from the Al substrate, similar as in MgB. However, the electron-phonon coupling in honeycomb borophene is much weaker than in MgB due to the hardening of the bond-stretching boron phonon modes and the reduction of phonon density of states. Nevertheless, the interlayer coupling between Al-associated phonons and electrons in borophene is strong. Based on this observation, we predict that a 6.5 K superconducting transition can be observed in a free-standing borophene decorated by a single Al layer, namely monolayer AlB. Accordingly, similar superconducting transition temperature could be expected in honeycomb borophene on Al(111).
The MFA ground states for the extended Bose-Hubbard model with a three-body constraint (1902.05986v1)
Yu. D. Panov, A. S. Moskvin, E. V. Vasinovich, V. V. Konev
We address the intensively studied extended bosonic Hubbard model (EBHM) with truncation of the on-site Hilbert space to the three lowest occupation states n=0,1,2 in frames of the S=1 pseudospin formalism. Similar model was recently proposed to describe the charge degree of freedom in a model high-Tc cuprate with the on-site Hilbert space reduced to the three effective valence centers, nominally Cu^{1+;2+;3+} . With small corrections the model becomes equivalent to a strongly anisotropic S=1 quantum magnet in an external magnetic field. We have applied a generalized mean-field approach and quantum Monte-Carlo technique for the model 2D S=1 system with a two-particle transport to find the ground state phase with its evolution under deviation from half-filling.
Electrodynamics of granular aluminum from superconductor to insulator: observation of collective superconducting modes (1902.05843v1)
F. Levy-Bertrand, T. Klein, T. Grenet, O. Dupré, A. Benoît, A. Bideaud, O. Bourrion, M. Calvo, A. Catalano, A. Gomez, J. Goupy, L. Grünhaupt, U. v. Luepke, N. Maleeva, F. Valenti, I. M. Pop, A. Monfardini
We report on a detailed study of the optical response and phase diagram ( being the superconducting critical temperature and the normal state resistivity of the film) of granular aluminum, combining transport measurements and a high resolution optical spectroscopy technique. The phase diagram is discussed as resulting from an interplay between the phase stiffness, the Coulomb repulsion and the superconducting gap . We provide a direct evidence for two different types of well resolved sub-gap absorptions, at and at (decreasing with increasing resistivity).
Stabilization of vortex-liquid state by strong pairing interaction (1811.07295v2)
Kyosuke Adachi, Ryusuke Ikeda
We theoretically investigate qualitative features of the field-temperature (-) phase diagram of superconductors with strong attractive interaction lying in the BCS-BEC crossover regime. Starting with a simple attractive Hubbard model, we estimate three kinds of characteristic fields, i.e., the pair-formation field , the vortex-liquid-formation field , and the vortex-lattice-formation field . The region between and , as well as that between and , is found to be enlarged as the interaction is stronger. In other words, a strong attractive interaction can stabilize both the vortex-liquid and preformed-pair regions. We also point out the expected particle-density dependence of the - phase diagram.
Anisotropy and spin-fluctuation effects on the spectral properties of Shiba impurities (1712.04920v2)
J. A. Andrade, Alejandro M. Lobos
We theoretically consider a quantum magnetic impurity coupled to a superconductor, and obtain the local density of states at the position of the impurity taking into account the effect of spin-fluctuations and single-ion magnetic anisotropy. We particularly focus on the spectrum of subgap Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR or Shiba) states induced by a quantum impurity with easy- or hard-axis uniaxial anisotropy. Although this is a relevant experimental situation in, e.g., magnetic adatoms on the surface of clean metals, it is customary that theoretical descriptions assume a classical-spin approximation which is not able to account for single-ion anisotropy and other quantum effects. Here, quantum fluctuations of the spin are taken into account in the equations of motion of the electronic Green's function in the weak-coupling limit, and considerably modify the energy of the Shiba states compared to the classical-spin approximation. Our results point towards the importance of incorporating quantum fluctuations and anisotropy effects for the correct interpretation of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments.
T-A Formulation to Model Electrical Machines with HTS Coated Conductor Coils (1901.02370v3)
Tara Benkel, Yingzhen Liu, Enric Pardo, Simon Wolfstädter, Thomas Reis, Francesco Grilli
Modelling High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) motors remains challenging mainly due to the high aspect ratio of these conductors but also because of the properties of the magnetic materials. This paper presents a 2D time dependent model to assess the AC losses of superconducting motors based on the new T-A formulation, which by using Finite Element Methods (FEM), allows its implementation in commercial software. The T-A formulation computes the magnetic flux density, B with different Maxwell's equations depending on the areas of the motor and makes it possible to use the thin strip approximation i.e. the HTS tapes are modelled as infinitely thin lines. The model is then expected to tackle the high aspect ratio of the HTS as well as decreasing both the mesh complexity and the computing time. In this paper, the method is applied in 2D to assess the AC losses of a specific synchronous motor called SUTOR with HTS stator windings and permanent magnets in the rotor. In order to validate the model, the computed results are compared to those evaluated using the MEMEP method
Electronic structure and 4f-electron character in Ce2PdIn8 studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (1902.05665v1)
Q. Yao, D. Kaczorowski, P. Swatek, D. Gnida, C. H. P. Wen, X. H. Niu, R. Peng, H. C. Xu, P. Dudin, S. Kirchner, Q. Y. Chen, D. W. Shen, D. L. Feng
The localized-to-itinerant transition of f electrons lies at the heart of heavy-fermion physics, but has only been directly observed in single-layer Ce-based materials. Here, we report a comprehensive study on the electronic structure and nature of the Ce 4f electrons in the heavy-fermion superconductor Ce2PdIn8, a typical n=2 CenMmIn3n+2m compound, using high-resolution and 4d-4f resonance photoemission spectroscopies. The electronic structure of this material has been studied over a wide temperature range, and hybridization between f and conduction electrons can be clearly observed to form a Kondo resonance near the Fermi level at low temperatures. The characteristic temperature of the localized-to-itinerant transition is around 120K, which is much higher than its coherence temperature Tcoh~30K.
Detecting the orbital character of the spin fluctuation in the Iron-based superconductors with the resonant inelastic X-ray scattering spectroscopy (1601.01809v3)
Da-Wei Yao, Tao Li
The orbital distribution of the spin fluctuation in the iron-based superconductors(IBSs) is the key information needed to understand the magnetism, superconductivity and electronic nematicity in these multi-orbital systems. In this work, we propose that the resonant inelastic X-ray scattering(RIXS) technique can be used to probe selectively the spin fluctuation on different Fe orbitals. In particular, the spin fluctuation on the three orbitals, namely, the , and the orbital, can be selectively probed in the scattering geometry by aligning the direction of the outgoing photon in the , and direction. Such orbital-resolved information on the spin fluctuation is invaluable for the study of the orbital-selective physics in the IBSs and can greatly advance our understanding on the relation between orbital ordering and spin nematicity in the IBSs and the orbital-selective pairing mechanism in these multi-orbital systems.
Enhanced critical temperature, pairing fluctuation effects, and BCS-BEC crossover in a two-band Fermi gas (1901.11444v2)
Hiroyuki Tajima, Yuriy Yerin, Andrea Perali, Pierbiagio Pieri
We study the superfluid critical temperature in a two-band attractive Fermi system with strong pairing fluctuations associated with both interband and intraband couplings. We focus specifically on a configuration where the intraband coupling is varied from weak to strong in a shallow band coupled to a weakly-interacting deeper band. The whole crossover from the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) condensation of largely overlapping Cooper pairs to the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of tightly bound molecules is covered by our analysis, which is based on the extension of the Nozi`eres-SchmittRink (NSR) approach to a two-band system. In comparison with the single-band case, we find a strong enhancement of the critical temperature, a significant reduction of the preformed pair region where pseudogap effects are expected, and the entanglement of two kinds of composite bosons in the strong-coupling BEC regime.
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