Here are some interesting papers in the Superconductivity.
Signature of odd-
equal-spin triplet pairing in the Josephson current on the surface of Weyl nodal loop semimetals (1902.10014v1)
Paramita Dutta, Annica M. Black-Schaffer
We theoretically predict proximity-induced odd-frequency (odd-
) pairing on the surface of a Weyl nodal loop semimetal (WNLS), characterized by a nodal loop Fermi surface and drumhead-like surface states (DSSs), attached to conventional spin-singlet
-wave superconducting leads. Due to the complete spin-polarization of the DSS, odd-
equal-spin triplet pairing is present, and we show that it gives rise to a finite Josephson current. Placing an additional ferromagnet in the junction can also generate odd-
mixed-spin triplet pairing, but the pairing and current is not affected if the magnetization is orthogonal to the DSS spin-polarization, which further confirms the equal-spin structure of the pairing.
Strong Pseudospin-Lattice Coupling in Sr3Ir2O7: Coherent Phonon Anomaly and Negative Thermal Expansion (1902.09860v1)
L. L. Hu, M. Yang, Y. L. Wu, Q. Wu, H. Zhao, F. Sun, W. Wang, Rui He, S. L. He, H. Zhang, R. J. Huang, L. F. Li, Y. G. Shi, Jimin Zhao
The similarities to cuprates make iridates an interesting potential platform for investigating superconductivity. Equally attractive are their puzzling complex intrinsic interactions. Here, we report an ultrafast optical spectroscopy investigation of a coherent phonon mode in Sr3Ir2O7, a bilayer Ruddlesden-Popper perovskite iridate. An anomaly in the A1g optical phonon ({\nu} = 4.4 THz) is unambiguously observed below the N'eel temperature (TN), which we attribute to pseudospin-lattice coupling (PLC). Significantly, we find that PLC is the dominant interaction at low temperature, and we directly measure the PLC coefficient to be {\lambda} = 150 +/- 20 cm-1, which is two orders of magnitude higher than that in manganites (< 2.4 cm-1) and comparable to that in CuO (50 cm-1, the strongest PLC or spin-lattice coupling (SLC) previously known). Moreover, we find that the strong PLC induces an anisotropic negative thermal expansion. Our findings highlight the key role of PLC in iridates and uncovers another intriguing similarity to cuprates.
Proximity-induced gap in nanowires with a thin superconducting shell (1902.09798v1)
Thomas Kiendl, Felix von Oppen, Piet W. Brouwer
Coupling a normal metal wire to a superconductor induces an excitation gap in the normal metal. In the absence of disorder, the induced excitation gap is strongly suppressed by finite-size effects if the thickness of the superconductor is much smaller than the thickness of the normal metal and the superconducting coherence length. We show that the presence of disorder, either in the bulk or at the exposed surface of the superconductor, significantly enhances the magnitude of the induced gap, such that it approaches the superconducting gap in the limit of strong disorder. We also discuss the shift of energy bands inside the normal-metal wire as a result of the coupling to the superconducting shell.
Solenoid from experimental HTS tape for magnetic refrigeration (1902.09789v1)
E. P. Krasnoperov, V. V. Guryev, S. V. Shavkin, V. E. Krylov, V. V. Sychugov, V. S. Korotkov, A. V. Ovcharov, P. V. Volkov
The project of superconducting magnetic system (SMS) for the magnetic refrigerator machine is proposed. The second-generation high-temperature superconducting tapes for SMS are developed, fabricated and tested in NRC Kurchatov Institute. The magnet consists of 12 non-insulated double pancake coils. The SMS is installed in the vacuum chamber and cooled by a cryo refrigerator.
Data-driven Exploration of Pressure-Induced Superconductivity in AgIn
Ryo Matsumoto, Hiroshi Hara, Zhufeng Hou, Shintaro Adachi, Hiromi Tanaka, Sayaka Yamamoto, Yoshito Saito, Hiroyuki Takeya, Tetsuo Irifune, Kiyoyuki Terakura, Yoshihiko Takano
Candidates compounds for new thermoelectric and superconducting materials, which have narrow band gap and flat bands near band edges, were exhaustively searched by a high-throughput first-principles calculation from an inorganic materials database named AtomWork. We focused on AgIn
which has high density of state near the Fermi level. AgIn
was successfully synthesized as single crystals using a melt and slow cooling method. The single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis revealed the obtained crystal is high quality without deficiencies. The valence states in AgIn
were determined to be Ag1+, In3+ and Se2- in accordance with a formal charge by the core level X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis. The electrical resistance was evaluated under high pressure using a diamond anvil cell with boron-doped diamond electrodes. Although the sample was insulator with a resistance of above 40 M{\Omega} at ambient pressure, the resistance markedly decreased with increase of the pressure, and a pressure-induced superconducting transition was discovered at 3.4 K under 52.5 GPa. The transition temperature increased up to 3.7 K under further pressure of 74.0 GPa.
Superconductivity in the surface state of noble metal gold and its Fermi level tuning by EuS dielectric (1902.09664v1)
Peng Wei, Sujit Manna, Marius Eich, Patrick Lee, Jagadeesh Moodera
The induced superconductivity (SC) in a robust and scalable quantum material with strong Rashba spin-orbit coupling is particularly attractive for generating topological superconductivity and Majorana bound states (MBS). Gold (111) thin film has been proposed as a promising candidate because of the large Rashba energy, the predicted topological nature and the possibility for large-scale MBS device fabrications. We experimentally demonstrate two important steps towards achieving such a goal. We successfully show induced SC in the Shockley surface state (SS) of ultrathin Au(111) layers grown over epitaxial vanadium films, which is easily achievable on a wafer scale. The emergence of SC in the SS, which is physically separated from a bulk superconductor, is attained by indirect quasiparticle scattering processes instead of by conventional interfacial Andreev reflections. We further show the ability to tune the SS Fermi level (E_F) by interfacing SS with a high-k dielectric ferromagnetic insulator EuS. The shift of E_F from ~ 550 mV to ~34mV in superconducting SS is an important step towards realizing MBS in this robust system.
Higgs Oscillations in time-resolved Optical Conductivity (1902.09549v1)
A. Kumar, A. F. Kemper
The characterization of a superconducting state in a pump driven non-equilibrium state requires careful attention in the time domain. We calculate time-resolved optical conductivity for a pumped superconducting state using a non-equilibrium Keldysh approach. Through functional derivation, the optical conductivity is obtained with full vertex corrections; we use it to characterize the transient superconducting state. The transient optical conductivity shows the suppression of the superconducting order parameter in the time domain; the subsequent recovery of the order parameter exhibits oscillatory behavior which corresponds to the Higgs amplitude mode.
Coexisting Vortices and Antivortices Generated by Dually Gauged Harmonic Maps (1902.09448v1)
Xiaosen Han, Genggeng Huang, Yisong Yang
In this paper we first formulate a dually gauged harmonic map model, suggested from a product Abelian Higgs field theory arising in impurity-inspired field theories, and obtain a new BPS system of equations governing coexisting vortices and antivortices, which are topologically characterized by the first Chern class of the underlying Hermitian bundle and the Thom class of the associated dual bundle. We then establish existence and uniqueness theorems for such vortices. For the equations over a compact surface, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions. For the equations over the full plane, we obtain all finite-energy solutions. Besides, we also present precise expressions giving the values of various physical quantities of the solutions, including magnetic charges and energies, in terms of the total numbers of vortices and antivortices, of two species, and the coupling parameters involved.
On the superconducting nature of the Bi-II phase of elemental Bismuth (1902.09409v1)
Rustem Khasanov, Miloš M. Radonjić, Hubertus Luetkens, Elvezio Morenzoni, Gediminas Simutis, Stephan Schönecker, Wilhelm H. Appelt, Andreas Östlin, Liviu Chioncel, Alex Amato
The superconductivity in the Bi-II phase of elemental Bismuth (transition temperature
K at pressure
GPa) was studied experimentally by means of the muon-spin rotation as well as theoretically by using the Eliashberg theory in combination with Density Functional Theory calculations. Experiments reveal that Bi-II is a type-I superconductor with a zero temperature value of the thermodynamic critical field
~mT. The Eliashberg theory approach provides a good agreement with the experimental
and the temperature evolution of
. The estimated value for the retardation (coupling) parameter
is the logarithmically averaged phonon frequency) suggests that Bi-II is an intermediately-coupled superconductor.
Structural and electronic phase transitions driven by electric field in metastable MoS
thin flake (1902.09358v1)
C. Shang, B. Lei, W. Z. Zhuo, Q. Zhang, C. S. Zhu, J. H. Cui, X. G. Luo, N. Z. Wang, F. B. Meng, L. K. Ma, C. G. Zeng, T. Wu, Z. Sun, F. Q. Huang, X. H. Chen
Transition-metal-dichalcogenides own a variety of structures as well as electronic properties which can be modulated by structural variations, element substitutions, ion or molecule intercalations, etc. However, there is very limited knowledge on metastable phases of this family, especially the precise regulation of structural changes and accompanied evolution of electronic properties. Here, based on a new developed field-effect transistor with solid ion conductor as the gate dielectric, we report a controllable structural and electronic phase transitions in metastable MoS
thin flakes driven by electric field. We found that the metastable structure of 1T
thin flake can be transformed into another metastable structure of 1T
-type upon intercalation of lithium regulated by electric field. Moreover, the metastable 1T
phase persists during the cycle of intercalation and de-intercalation of lithium controlled by electric field, and the electronic properties can be reversibly manipulated with a remarkable change of resistance by four orders of magnitude from the insulating 1T
to superconducting 1T
. Such reversible and dramatic changes in electronic properties provide intriguing opportunities for development of novel nano-devices with highly tunable characteristics under electric field.
Anisotropic magnetotransport and magnetic phase diagrams of the antiferromagnetic heavy-fermion superconductor Ce
Debarchan Das, Daniel Gnida, Dariusz Kaczorowski
We report the results of our detailed magnetotransport studies on single crystals of the antiferromagnetic heavy-fermion superconductor Ce
. Electrical resistivity measurements, carried out in different magnetic field orientations with respect to the crystallographic axes, were mainly aimed to amass further insight about the magnetically ordered state. The results manifest a clear metamagnetic transitions in the ordered phase when the applied field is parallel to the tetragonal
axis, while no similar features are seen for the transverse direction, i.e., with the field confined within the
plane. This finding elucidates the fact that the
axis is the easy magnetic direction in this system. Based on the electrical transport and heat capacity data obtained for Ce
, magnetic field -- temperature phase diagrams were constructed, which elucidate fairly enigmatic behaviors in this material featuring the existence of both second- and first-order magnetic phase transitions.
Electromagnetic waves propagation through an array of superconducting qubits: manifestations of non-equilibrium steady states of qubits (1902.09207v1)
Mikhail V. Fistul, Mikhail A. Iontsev
We report a theoretical study of the electromagnetic waves (EWs) propagation through an array of superconducting qubits, i.e. coherent two-level systems, embedded in a low-dissipative transmission line. We focus on the near-resonant case as the frequency of EWs
, where
is the qubit frequency. In this limit we derive the effective dynamic nonlinear wave equation allowing one to obtain the frequency dependent transmission coefficient of EWs,
. In the linear regime and a relatively wide frequency region we obtain a strong resonant suppression of
in both cases of a single qubit and chains composed of a large number of densely arranged qubits. However, in narrow frequency regions a chain of qubits allows the resonant transmission of EWs with greatly enhanced
. In the nonlinear regime realized for a moderate power of applied microwave radiation, we predict and analyze various transitions between states characterized by high and low values of
. These transitions are manifestations of nonequilibrium steady states of an array of qubits achieved in this regime.
Experimental Determination of Momentum-Resolved Electron-Phonon Coupling (1902.09163v1)
Matteo Rossi, Riccardo Arpaia, Roberto Fumagalli, Marco Moretti Sala, Davide Betto, Gabriella M. De Luca, Kurt Kummer, Jeroen van den Brink, Marco Salluzzo, Nicholas B. Brookes, Lucio Braicovich, Giacomo Ghiringhelli
We provide a novel experimental method to quantitatively estimate the electron-phonon coupling and its momentum dependence from resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) spectra based on the detuning of the incident photon energy away from an absorption resonance. We apply it to the cuprate parent compound NdBa
and find that the electronic coupling to the oxygen half-breathing phonon mode is strongest at the Brillouin zone boundary, where it amounts to
eV, in agreement with previous studies. In principle, this method is applicable to any absorption resonance suitable for RIXS measurements and will help to define the contribution of lattice vibrations to the peculiar properties of quantum materials.
Se-NMR Study under Pressure on 12%-S Doped FeSe (1902.09133v1)
Takanori Kuwayama, Kohei Matsuura, Yuta Mizukami, Shigeru Kasahara, Yuji Matsuda, Takasada Shibauchi, Yoshiya Uwatoko, Naoki Fujiwara
The 12%-S doped FeSe system has a high Tc of 30 K at a pressure of 3.0 GPa. We have successfully investigated its microscopic properties for the first time via
Se-NMR measurements under pressure. The antiferromagnetic (AFM) fluctuations at the optimal pressure (~3 GPa) exhibited unexpected suppression compared with the AFM fluctuations at ambient pressure, even though the optimal pressure is close to the phase boundary of the AFM phase induced at the high-pressure region. In addition, we revealed that the SC phase at an applied field of 6.02 T exhibited a remarkable double-dome structure in the pressure-temperature phase diagram, unlike the SC phase at zero field.
Anisotropic Superconductors Between Types I and II (1902.09018v1)
T. T. Saraiva, A. Vagov, V. M. Axt, J. Albino Aguiar, A. A. Shanenko
Self-duality or matching between the magnetic and condensate characteristic lengths is a fundamental property of isotropic superconductors at the critical Bogomolnyi point (B-point). The self-dual state of the condensate is infinitely degenerate, which is the core reason for the sharp transition between the superconductivity types in the nearest vicinity of the critical temperature T_c. Below T_c non-local interactions in the condensate remove the degeneracy, which leads to the appearance of a finite intertype (IT) domain between types I and II. This domain exhibits the mixed state with exotic field-condensate configurations and non-standard magnetic response, which cannot be understood within the dichotomy of the conventional superconductivity types. At a first glance, this picture does not apply to an anisotropic system because no spatial matching between the condensate and magnetic field can be generally expected for direction-dependent characteristic lengths. However, contrary to these expectations, here we demonstrate that anisotropic superconductors follow the same scenario of the interchange between types I and II. In anisotropic materials the IT domain is governed by the B-point of the effective isotropic model obtained by the appropriate scaling transformation of the initial anisotropic formalism. This transformation depends on the direction of the applied magnetic field, and thus the superconductivity type of strongly anisotropic materials can be dependent on this direction.
Spontaneous Pattern Formation in Intertype Superconducting Films (1812.09621v2)
W. Y. Córdoba-Camacho, R. M. da Silva, A. A. Shanenko, A. Vagov, A. S. Vasenko, B. G. Lvov, J. Albino Aguiar
Thin superconducting films are usually regarded as type II superconductors even when they are made of a type I material. The reason is a strong contribution of the stray magnetic field that stabilizes vortices. While very thin films indeed reach this limit, there is a large interval of film thicknesses where the magnetic properties cannot be classified as either of the two conventional superconductivity types. Recent calculations revealed that in this interval the system exhibits spontaneous formation of complex condensate-field patterns that are very sensitive to system parameters, in particular, the temperature and the applied magnetic field. The corresponding superconducting magnetic properties can be attributed to a special regime of the intertype superconductivity whose physical origin lies in the removal of an infinite degeneracy of the self-dual superconducting state at the critical Bogomolnyi point. Here we demonstrate that qualitative characteristics of the intertype superstructures in thin superconducting films are independent of the choice of the in-plane boundary conditions for the order parameter and the magnetic field.
Paramagnetic Meissner effect in voltage-biased proximity systems (1902.09014v1)
Jabir Ali Ouassou, Wolfgang Belzig, Jacob Linder
Conventional superconductors respond to external magnetic fields by generating diamagnetic screening currents. However, theoretical work has shown that one can engineer systems where the screening current is paramagnetic, causing them to attract magnetic flux -- a prediction that has recently been experimentally verified. In contrast to previous studies, we show that this effect can be realized in simple superconductor/normal-metal structures with no special properties, using only a simple voltage bias to drive the system out of equilibrium. This is of fundamental interest, since it opens up a new avenue of research, and at the same time highlights how one can realize paramagnetic Meissner effects without having odd-frequency states at the Fermi level. Moreover, a voltage-tunable electromagnetic response in such a simple system may be interesting for future device design.
Cryogen-free variable temperature scanning SQUID microscope (1812.03215v2)
Logan Bishop-Van Horn, Zheng Cui, John R. Kirtley, Kathryn A. Moler
Scanning Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID) microscopy is a powerful tool for imaging local magnetic properties of materials and devices, but it requires a low-vibration cryogenic environment, traditionally achieved by thermal contact with a bath of liquid helium or the mixing chamber of a "wet" dilution refrigerator. We mount a SQUID microscope on the 3 K plate of a Bluefors cryocooler and characterize its vibration spectrum by measuring SQUID noise in a region of sharp flux gradient. By implementing passive vibration isolation, we reduce relative sensor-sample vibrations to 20 nm in-plane and 15 nm out-of-plane. A variable-temperature sample stage that is thermally isolated from the SQUID sensor enables measurement at sample temperatures from 2.8 K to 110 K. We demonstrate these advances by imaging inhomogeneous diamagnetic susceptibility and vortex pinning in optimally-doped YBCO above 90 K.
Quasi-particle evidence for the nematic state above
in Sr
Yue Sun, Shunichiro Kittaka, Toshiro Sakakibara, Kazushige Machida, Jinghui Wang, Jinsheng Wen, XiangZhuo Xing, Zhixiang Shi, Tsuyoshi Tamegai
In the electronic nematic state, an electronic system has a lower symmetry than the crystal structure of the same system. Electronic nematic states have been observed in various unconventional superconductors such as cuprate- and iron-based, heavy-fermion, and topological superconductors. The relation between nematicity and superconductivity is a major unsolved problem in condensed matter physics. By angle-resolved specific heat measurements, we report bulk quasi-particle evidence of nematicity in the topological superconductor Sr
. The specific heat exhibited a clear 2-fold symmetry despite the 6-fold symmetric lattice. Most importantly, the 2-fold symmetry appeared in the normal state above the superconducting transition temperature. This is explained by the angle-dependent Zeeman effect due to the anisotropic density of states in the nematic phase. Such results highlight the interrelation between nematicity and unconventional superconductivity.
Pairing in the Hubbard Model (1809.01865v2)
Tatsuya Kaneko, Tomonori Shirakawa, Sandro Sorella, Seiji Yunoki
By employing unbiased numerical methods, we show that pulse irradiation can induce unconventional superconductivity even in the Mott insulator of the Hubbard model. The superconductivity found here in the photoexcited state is due to the
-pairing mechanism, characterized by staggered pair-density-wave oscillations in the off-diagonal long-range correlation, and is absent in the ground-state phase diagram; i.e., it is induced neither by a change of the effective interaction of the Hubbard model nor by simple photocarrier doping. Because of the selection rule, we show that the nonlinear optical response is essential to increase the number of
pairs and thus enhance the superconducting correlation in the photoexcited state. Our finding demonstrates that nonequilibrium many-body dynamics is an alternative pathway to access a new exotic quantum state that is absent in the ground-state phase diagram and also provides an alternative mechanism for enhancing superconductivity.

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