Here are some interesting papers in the Superconductivity.
Topological superconductivity in planar Josephson junctions -- narrowing down to the nanowire limit (1902.11300v1)
F. Setiawan, Ady Stern, Erez Berg
We theoretically study topological planar Josephson junctions (JJs) formed from spin-orbit-coupled two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) proximitized by two superconductors and subjected to an in-plane magnetic field
. Compared to previous studies of topological superconductivity in these junctions, here we consider the case where the superconducting leads are narrower than the superconducting coherence length. In this limit the system may be viewed as a proximitized multiband wire, with an additional knob introduced by the phase difference
between the superconducting leads. A combination of mirror and time-reversal symmetry may put the system into the class BDI. Breaking this symmetry changes the symmetry class to class D. The class D phase diagram depends strongly on
and the chemical potential, with a weaker dependence on
. In contrast, the class BDI phase diagram depends strongly on both
. Interestingly, the BDI phase diagram has a "fan"-shaped region with phase boundaries which move away from
linearly with
. The number of distinct phases in the fan increases with increasing chemical potential. We study the dependence of the JJ's critical current on
, and find that minima in the critical current indicate first-order phase transitions in the junction only when the spin-orbit coupling strength is small. In contrast to the case of a JJ with wide leads, in the narrow case these transitions are not accompanied by a change in the JJ's topological index. Our results, calculated using realistic experimental parameters, provide guidelines for present and future searches for topological superconductivity in JJs with narrow leads, and are particularly relevant to recent experiments on InAs 2DEGs proximitized by narrow Al superconducting leads (A. Fornieri et al., arXiv:1809.03037).
Nematicity in the superconducting mixed state of strain detwinned underdoped
J. Schmidt, V. Bekeris, G. S. Lozano, M. V. Bortulé, M. Marziali Bermúdez, C. W. Hicks, P. C. Canfield, E. Fradkin, G. Pasquini
Evidence of nematic effects in the mixed superconducting phase of slightly underdoped
is reported. We have found strong in-plane resistivity anisotropy for crystals in different strain conditions. For these compositions, there is no magnetic long range order, so the description may be ascribed to the interplay between the superconducting and nematic order parameters. A piezoelectric-based apparatus is used to apply tensile or compressive strain to tune nematic domain orientation in order to examine intrinsic nematicity. Measurements are done under a rotating magnetic field and the analysis of the angular dependence of physical quantities identifies the cases in which the sample is {\em detwinned}. Furthermore, the angular dependence of the data allows us to evaluate the effects of nematicity on the in-plane superconductor stiffness. Our results show that although nematicity contributes in a decisive way in the conduction properties, its contributions to the anisotropy properties of the stiffness of the superconducting order parameter is not as significant in these samples.
Quenched nematic criticality separating two superconducting domes in an iron-based superconductor under pressure (1902.11276v1)
P. Reiss, D. Graf, A. A. Haghighirad, W. Knafo, L. Drigo, M. Bristow, A. J. Schofield, A. I. Coldea
The nematic electronic state and its associated nematic critical fluctuations have emerged as potential candidates for superconducting pairing in various unconventional superconductors. However, in most materials their coexistence with other magnetically-ordered phases poses significant challenges in establishing their importance. Here, by combining chemical and hydrostatic physical pressure in FeSe
, we provide a unique access to a clean nematic quantum phase transition in the absence of a long-range magnetic order. We find that in the proximity of the nematic phase transition, there is an unusual non-Fermi liquid behavior in resistivity at high temperatures that evolves into a Fermi liquid behaviour at the lowest temperatures. From quantum oscillations in high magnetic fields, we trace the evolution of the Fermi surface and electronic correlations as a function of applied pressure. We detect experimentally a Lifshitz transition that separates two distinct superconducting regions: one emerging from the nematic electronic phase with a small Fermi surface and strong electronic correlations and the other one with a large Fermi surface and weak correlations that promotes nesting and stabilization of a magnetically-ordered phase at high pressures. The lack of mass divergence suggests that the nematic critical fluctuations are quenched by the strong coupling to the lattice. This establishes that superconductivity is not enhanced at the nematic quantum phase transition in the absence of magnetic order.
Ferromagnetic order in a cuprate superconductor (1902.11235v1)
Tarapada Sarkar, P. R. Mandal, Nicholas R. Poniatowski, Richard L. Greene
The unexplained normal state and superconducting (SC) properties of the cuprates are believed to arise from doping an antiferromagnetic (AFM) Mott insulator. The competition between the AFM and SC can explain the increase in the SC transition temperature (
) with doping. However, the decrease in Tc beyond optimal doping remains an outstanding enigma. Here, we use resistivity, magnetothermopower and magnetization experiments to show the emergence of a ferromagnetic (FM) phase beyond the superconducting dome in the electron-doped cuprate
(LCCO). This unexpected discovery suggests that a quantum phase transition occurs at the end of the SC dome and that a competition between superconductivity and FM can explain the decrease in
in the over doped cuprates. Our findings show that the overdoped cuprates are not as simple as previously thought and they pose a challenge to most models proposed for the cuprates.
Odd-frequency superconductivity (1709.03986v2)
Jacob Linder, Alexander V. Balatsky
This article reviews odd-frequency (odd-w) pairing with focus on superconducting systems. Since Berezinskii introduced the concept of odd frequency order in 1974 it has been viewed as an exotic and rarely occurring in nature. Here, we present a view that the Berezinskii state is in fact a ubiquitous superconducting order that is both non-local and odd in time. It appears under quite general circumstances including in bulk materials, heterostructures and dynamically driven superconducting states. It is therefore important to understand the nature of odd-w pairing. We present the properties of odd-w pairing in bulk materials, including possible microscopic mechanisms, discuss definitions of the odd-w superconducting order parameter, and the unusual Meissner response of odd-frequency superconductors. Next, we present how odd-w pairing is generated in hybrid structures of nearly any sort and focus on its relation to Andreev bound states, spin polarized Cooper pairs, and Majorana states. We overview how odd-w pairing can be applied to non-superconducting systems such as ultracold Fermi gases, Bose-Einstein condensates, and chiral spin-nematics. Due to the growing importance of dynamic orders in quantum systems we also discuss the emergent view that the odd-w state is an example of phase coherent dynamic order. We summarize the recent progress made in understanding the emergence of odd-w states in driven superconducting systems. A more general view of odd-w superconductivity suggests an interesting approach to this state as a realization of the hidden order with inherently dynamic correlations. We overview progress made in this rapidly evolving field and illustrate the ubiquity of the odd-w states and potential for future discoveries of these states in variety of settings. We sum up the general rules/design principles to induce odd-w components using the SPOT rule.
Mottness induced phase decoherence suggests Bose-Einstein condensation in overdoped cuprate high-temperature superconductors (1902.11206v1)
Zi-Jian Lang, Fan Yang, WeiKu
Recent observations of diminishing superfluid phase stiffness in overdoped cuprate high-temperature superconductors challenges the conventional picture of superconductivity. Here, through analytic estimation and verified via variational Monte Carlo calculation of an emergent Bose liquid, we point out that Mottness of the underlying doped holes dictates a strong phase fluctuation of the superfluid at moderate carrier density. This effect turns the expected doping-increased phase stiffness into a dome shape, in good agreement with the recent observation. Specifically, the effective mass divergence due to "jamming" of the low-energy bosons reproduces the observed nonlinear relation between phase stiffness and transition temperature. Our results suggest a new paradigm, in which the high-temperature superconductivity in the cuprates is dominated by physics of Bose-Einstein condensation, as opposed to pairing-strength limited Cooper pairing.
Electron-phonon properties and superconductivity of doped antimonene (1806.08203v4)
A. V. Lugovskoi, M. I. Katsnelson, A. N. Rudenko
Antimonene is a recently discovered two-dimensional semiconductor with exceptional environmental stability, high carrier mobility, and strong spin-orbit interactions. In combination with electric field, the latter provides an additional degree of control over the materials' properties because of induced spin splitting. Here, we report on a computational study of electron-phonon coupling and superconductivity in
- and
-doped antimonene, where we pay a special attention on the effect of the perpendicular electric field. The range of accessible hole concentrations is significantly limited by the dynamical instability, associated with strong Fermi-surface nesting. At the same time, we find that in case of electron-doping antimonene remains stable and can be turned into a state with strong electron-phonon coupling, with the mass enhancement factor
of up to 2.3 at realistic charge carrier concentrations. In this regime, antimonene is expected to be a superconductor with the critical temperature of
16 K. Application of bias voltage leads to a considerable modification of the electronic structure, affecting the electron-phonon coupling in antimonene. While these effects are less obvious in case of electron-doping, field-effect in hole-doped antimonene results in a considerable variation of the critical temperature depending on bias voltage.
3D quench modeling based on T-A formulation for high temperature superconductor CORC cables (1902.11055v1)
Yawei Wang, Jinxing Zheng, Zixuan Zhu, Min Zhang, Weijia Yuan
High temperature superconductor (HTS) (RE)Ba2Cu3Ox (REBCO) conductor on round core cable (CORC) has high current carrying capacity for high field magnet and power applications. In REBCO CORC cables, current redistribution occurs among tapes through terminal contact resistances when a local quench occurs. Therefore, the quench behaviour of CORC cable is different from single tape situation, for it is significantly affected by terminal contact resistances. To better understand the underlying physical process of local quenches in CORC cables, a new 3D multi-physics modelling tool for CORC cables is developed and presented in this paper. In this model, the REBCO tape is treated as a thin shell without thickness, and four models are coupled: T-formulation model, A-formulation model, a heat transfer model and an equivalent circuit model. The current redistribution, temperature and tape voltage of CORC cable during hot spot induced quenches are analysed using this model. The results show that the thermal stability of CORC cable can be considerably improved by reducing terminal contact resistance. The minimum quench energy (MQE) increases rapidly with the reduction of terminal contact resistance when the resistance is in a middle range. When the terminal contact resistance is too low or too high, the MQE shows no obvious variation with terminal contact resistances. With a low terminal contact resistance, a hot spot in one tape may induce an over-current quench on the other tapes without hot spots. This will not happen in a cable with high terminal contact resistance. In this case, the tape with hot spot will quench and burn out before inducing a quench on other tapes. The modelling tool developed can be used to design CORC cables with improved thermal stability.
Hexadecapole fluctuation mechanism for s-wave heavy fermion superconductor CeCu2Si2: Interplay between intra- and inter-orbital Cooper pairs (1902.10968v1)
Rina Tazai, Hiroshi Kontani
In heavy-fermion superconductors, it is widely believed that the superconducting gap function has sign-reversal due to the strong electron correlation. However, recently discovered fully-gapped s-wave superconductivity in CeCu2Si2 has clarified that strong attractive pairing interaction can appear even in heavy-fermion systems. To understand the origin of attractive force, we develop the multipole fluctuation theory by focusing on the inter-multipole many-body interaction called the vertex corrections. By analyzing the periodic Anderson model for CeCu2Si2, we find that hexadecapole fluctuations mediate strong attractive pairing interaction. Therefore, fully-gapped s-wave superconductivity is driven by pure on-site Coulomb repulsion, without introducing electron-phonon interactions. The present theory of superconductivity will be useful to understand rich variety of the superconducting states in heavy fermion systems.
Large Josephson current in Weyl nodal loop semimetals due to odd-frequency superconductivity (1810.09687v2)
Fariborz Parhizgar, Annica M. Black-Schaffer
Weyl nodal loop semimetals (WNLs) host a closed nodal line loop Fermi surface in the bulk and protected zero-energy flat band, or drumhead surface states that are also fully spin-polarized. The large density of states of the drumhead states makes WNL semimetals exceedingly prone to electronic ordering. At the same time, the spin-polarization naively prevents any conventional superconductivity due to its spin-singlet nature. Here we show the complete opposite: WNLs are extremely promising materials for superconducting Josephson junctions, entirely due to odd-frequency superconductivity. By sandwiching a WNL between two conventional superconductors we theoretically demonstrate the presence of very large Josephson currents, even up to orders of magnitude larger than for normal metals. The large currents are generated both by an efficient transformation of spin-singlet pairs into odd-frequency spin-triplet pairing by the Weyl dispersion and the drumhead states ensuring exceptionally strong proximity effect. As a result, WNL Josephson junctions offer unique possibilities for detecting and exploring odd-frequency superconductivity.
The direction of the
-vector in a nematic triplet superconductor (1902.10915v1)
Lin Yang, Qiang-Hua Wang
We investigate the states of triplet pairing in a candidate nematic superconductor versus typical material parameters, using the mean field theory for two- and three-dimensional tight-binding models with local triplet pairing in the
representation. In the two-dimensional model, the system favors the fully gapped chiral state for weaker warping or lower filling level, while a nodal and nematic
state is favorable for stronger warping or higher filling, with the
-vector aligned along the principle axis. In the presence of lattice distortion, relative elongation along one of the principle axes,
, tends to rotate the nematic
-vector orthogonal to
, resulting in the nematic
state at sufficient elongation. Three-dimensionality is seen to suppress the chiral state in favor of the nematic ones. Our results may explain the variety in the probed direction of the
-vector in existing experiments.
Origin of flat-band superfluidity on the Mielke checkerboard lattice (1902.10897v1)
M. Iskin
The Mielke checkerboard is known to be one of the simplest two-band lattice models exhibiting an energetically flat band that is in touch with a quadratically dispersive band in the reciprocal space, i.e., its flat band is not isolated. Motivated by the growing interest in understanding the origins of flat-band superfluidity in various contexts, here we provide an in-depth analysis showing how the mean-field BCS correlations prevail in this particular model. Our work reveals the quantum-geometric origin of flat-band superfluidity through uncovering the leading role by a band-structure invariant, i.e., the so-called quantum metric tensor of the single-particle bands, in the inverse effective mass tensor of the Cooper pairs.
Intertwined spin-orbital coupled orders in the iron-based superconductors (1902.10831v1)
Morten H. Christensen, Jian Kang, Rafael M. Fernandes
The underdoped phase diagram of the iron-based superconductors exemplifies the complexity common to many correlated materials. Indeed, multiple ordered states that break different symmetries but display comparable transition temperatures are present. Here, we argue that such a complexity can be understood within a simple unifying framework. This framework, built to respect the symmetries of the non-symmorphic space group of the FeAs/Se layer, consists of primary magnetically-ordered states and their vestigial phases that intertwine spin and orbital degrees of freedom. All vestigial phases have Ising-like and zero wave-vector order parameters, described in terms of composite spin order and exotic orbital-order patterns such as spin-orbital loop-currents, staggered atomic spin-orbit coupling, and emergent Rashba- and Dresselhaus-type spin-orbit interactions. Moreover, they host unusual phenomena, such as the electro-nematic effect, by which electric fields acts as transverse fields to the nematic order parameter, and the ferro-N'eel effect, by which a uniform magnetic field induces N'eel order. We discuss the experimental implications of our findings to iron-based superconductors and possible extensions to other correlated compounds with similar space groups.
Relaxing Kondo screened Kramers-doublets in CeRhSi
J. Pásztorová, A. Howell, M. Songvilay, P. M. Sarte, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, A. M. Arévalo-López, K. Schmalzl, A. Schneidewind, S. R. Dunsiger, D. K. Singh, C. Petrovic, R. Hu, C. Stock
is a superconductor under pressure coexisting with a weakly antiferromagnetic phase characterized by a Bragg peak at
0.2, 0, 0.5) (N. Aso et al. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 310, 602 (2007)). The compound is also a heavy fermion material with a large specific heat coefficient
=110 mJ
and a high Kondo temperature of
=50 K indicative that CeRhSi
is in a strongly Kondo screened state. We apply high resolution neutron spectroscopy to investigate the magnetic fluctuations in the normal phase, at ambient pressures, and at low temperatures. We measure a commensurate dynamic response centered around the
=(0, 0, 2) position that gradually evolves to H
0.2 with decreasing temperature and/or energy transfers. The response is broadened both in momentum and energy and not reminiscent of sharp spin wave excitations found in insulating magnets where the electrons are localized. We parameterize the excitation spectrum and temperature dependence using a heuristic model utilizing the random phase approximation to couple relaxing Ce
ground state Kramers doublets with a Kondo-like dynamic response. With a Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) exchange interaction within the
plane and an increasing single site susceptibility, we can qualitatively reproduce the neutron spectroscopic results in CeRhSi
and namely the trade-off between scattering at commensurate and incommensurate positions. We suggest that the antiferromagnetic phase in CeRhSi
is driven by weakly correlated relaxing localized Kramers doublets and that CeRhSi
at ambient pressures is on the border between a Rudderman-Kittel-Yosida antiferromagnetic state and a Kondo screened phase where static magnetism is predominately absent.
Evolution from
nematics to
nematics in heavily hole-doped iron-based superconductors (1902.10729v1)
Vladislav Borisov, Rafael M. Fernandes, Roser Valentí
Recent experiments reported an unusual nematic behavior of heavily hole-doped pnictides
, with alkali
= Rb, Cs. In contrast to the
nematic order of the parent
compounds (with alkaline earth
= Sr, Ba), characterized by unequal nearest-neighbor Fe-Fe bonds, in the hole-doped systems nematic order is observed in the
channel, characterized by unequal next-nearest-neighbor Fe-Fe (diagonal Fe-As-Fe) bonds. In this work, using density functional theory, we attribute this behavior to the evolution of the magnetic ground state along the series
, from single stripes for small
to double stripes for large
. Our simulations using the reduced Stoner theory show that fluctuations of Fe moments are essential for the stability of the double-stripe configuration. We propose that the change in the nature of the magnetic ground state is responsible for the change in the symmetry of the vestigial nematic order that it supports.
Boundary central charge from bulk odd viscosity - chiral superfluids (1902.10725v1)
Omri Golan, Carlos Hoyos, Sergej Moroz
We derive a low energy effective field theory for chiral superfluids, which accounts for both spontaneous symmetry breaking and fermionic ground-state topology. Using the theory, we show that the odd (or Hall) viscosity tensor, at small wave-vector, contains a dependence on the chiral central charge
of the boundary degrees of freedom, as well as additional non-universal contributions. We identify related bulk observables which allow for a bulk measurement of
. In Galilean invariant superfluids, only the particle current and density responses to strain and electromagnetic fields are required. To complement our results, the effective theory is benchmarked against a perturbative computation within a canonical microscopic model.
Evidence for Helical Hinge Zero Modes in an Fe-Based Superconductor (1902.10723v1)
Mason J. Gray, Josef Freudenstein, Shu Yang F. Zhao, Ryan OConnor, Samuel Jenkins, Narendra Kumar, Marcel Hoek, Abigail Kopec, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Ruidan Zhong, G. D. Gu, K. S. Burch
Combining topology and superconductivity provides a powerful tool for investigating fundamental physics as well as a route to fault-tolerant quantum computing. There is mounting evidence that the Fe-Based Superconductor FeTe
(FTS) may also be topologically non-trivial. Should the superconducting order be s
, then FTS could be a higher order topological superconductor with Helical Hinge Zero Modes (HHZM).To test the presence of these modes we developed a new method for making normal metal/superconductor junctions via 2D atomic crystal heterostructures. As expected,junctions in contact with the hinge reveal a sharp zero-bias anomaly whose suppression with temperature and magnetic field only along the c-axis are completely consistent with the presence of HHZM. This feature is completely absent when tunneling purely into the c-axis, and its characteristics are also inconsistent with other origins of zero bias anomalies. Furthermore, additional measurements with soft-point contacts in bulk samples with various Fe interstitial contents demonstrate the intrinsic nature of the observed mode. Thus we provide evidence that FTS is indeed a higher order topological superconductor as well as a new method for probing 2D atomic crystals.
Phenomenology of
Cu nuclear relaxation in cuprate superconductors (1902.10625v1)
Michael Jurkutat, Marija Avramovska, Grant V. M. Williams, Daniel Dernbach, Danica Pavićević, Jürgen Haase
Nuclear relaxation is an important thermodynamic probe of electronic excitations, in particular in conducting and superconducting systems. Here, an empirical phenomenology based on all available literature data for planar Cu in hole-doped cuprates is developed. It is found that most of the seemingly different relaxation rates among the systems are due to a temperature independent anisotropy that affects the mostly measured
, the rate with an external magnetic field along the crystal
-axis, while
is largely independent on doping and material above the critical temperature of superconductivity (
). This includes very strongly overdoped systems that show Fermi liquid behavior and obey the Korringa law. Only the La
family behaves differently. Below
the relaxation rates are similar, as well, if plotted against the reduced temperature
. Thus, planar Cu nuclear relaxation is governed by a simple, dominant mechanism that couples the nuclei with varying anisotropy to a rather ubiquitous bath of electronic excitations that appear Fermi liquid-like irrespective of doping and family. In particular, there is no significant enhancement of the relaxation due to electronic spin fluctuations, different from earlier conclusions. This may exclude systems at very low doping levels for which there is a lack of data.
Coexistence of ferromagnetic and stripe antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in SrCo
Yu Li, Zhiping Yin, Zhonghao Liu, Weiyi Wang, Zhuang Xu, Yu Song, Long Tian, Yaobo Huang, Dawei Shen, D. L. Abernathy, J. L. Niedziela, R. A. Ewings, T. G. Perring, Daniel Pajerowski, Masaaki Matsuda, Philippe Bourges, Enderle Mechthild, Yixi Su, Pengcheng Dai
We use inelastic neutron scattering to study energy and wave vector dependence of spin fluctuations in SrCo
, derived from SrFe
iron pnictide superconductors. Our data reveals the coexistence of antiferromagnetic (AF) and ferromagnetic (FM) spin fluctuations at wave vectors
=(1,0) and
=(0,0)/(2,0), respectively. By comparing neutron scattering results with those of dynamic mean field theory calculation and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy experiments, we conclude that both AF and FM spin fluctuations in SrCo
are closely associated with a flat band of the
orbitals near the Fermi level, different from the
orbitals in superconducting SrFe
. Therefore, Co-substitution in SrFe
induces a
orbital switching, and is responsible for FM spin fluctuations detrimental to the singlet pairing superconductivity.
Trion formation and unconventional superconductivity in a three-dimensional model with short-range attraction (1902.10601v1)
Pavel Kornilovitch
A three-fermion problem in a three-dimensional lattice with anisotropic hopping is solved by discretizing the Schroedinger equation in momentum space. Interparticle interaction comprises on-site Hubbard repulsion and in-plane nearest-neighbor attraction. By comparing the energy of three-fermion bound clusters (trions) with the energy of one pair plus one free particle, a trion formation threshold is accurately determined, and the region of pair stability is mapped out. It is found that the "close-packed" density of fermion pairs is highest in a strongly anisotropic model. It is also argued that pair superconductivity with the highest critical temperature is always close to trion formation, which makes the system prone to phase separation and local charge ordering.

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