Here are some interesting papers in the Superconductivity.
Strain-Engineering Mott-Insulating La
O. Ivashko, M. Horio, W. Wan, N. B. Christensen, D. E. McNally, E. Paris, Y. Tseng, N. E. Shaik, H. M. Rønnow, H. I. Wei, C. Adamo, C. Lichtensteiger, M. Gibert, M. R. Beasley, K. M. Shen, J. M. Tomczak, T. Schmitt, J. Chang
The transition temperature
of unconventional superconductivity is often tunable. For a monolayer of FeSe, for example, the sweet spot is uniquely bound to titanium-oxide substrates. By contrast for La
thin films, such substrates are sub-optimal and the highest
is instead obtained using LaSrAlO
. An outstanding challenge is thus to understand the optimal conditions for superconductivity in thin films: which microscopic parameters drive the change in
and how can we tune them? Here we demonstrate, by a combination of x-ray absorption and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering spectroscopy, how the Coulomb and magnetic-exchange interaction of La
thin films can be enhanced by compressive strain. Our experiments and theoretical calculations establish that the substrate producing the largest
under doping also generates the largest nearest neighbour hopping integral, Coulomb and magnetic-exchange interaction. We hence suggest optimising the parent Mott state as a strategy for enhancing the superconducting transition temperature in cuprates.
Magnetic competition in iron-based germanide and silicide superconductors (1810.10306v2)
P. Villar Arribi, F. Bernardini, L. de'Medici, P. Toulemonde, S. Tencé, A. Cano
We address the ferromagnetic tendencies detrimental for superconductivity that are related to the substitution of the pnictogen As atom with Ge or Si, together with additional substitutions in the spacer layers (Ca
Y and O
H) in 122 and 1111 Fe-based superconductors. Intermediate compounds in which these substitutions are realized individually are studied within density functional theory. We thus single out the control of spacer ions as an effective way to handle such a ferromagnetism, and we also show that it is suppressed in YFe
under pressure ---which then can be expected to enhance its superconductivity.
Finite frequency noise in a normal metal - topological superconductor junction (1810.01263v2)
D. Bathellier, L. Raymond, T. Jonckheere, J. Rech, A. Zazunov, T. Martin
A topological superconductor nanowire bears a Majorana bound state at each of its ends, leading to unique transport properties. As a way to probe these, we study the finite frequency noise of a biased junction between a normal metal and a topological superconductor nanowire. We use the non-equilibrium Keldysh formalism to compute the finite frequency emission and absorption noise to all order in the tunneling amplitude, for bias voltages below and above the superconducting gap. We observe noticeable structures in the absorption and emission noise, which we can relate to simple transport processes. The presence of the Majorana bound state is directly related to a characteristic behavior of the noise spectrum at low frequency. We further compute the noise measurable with a realistic setup, based on the inductive coupling to a resonant LC circuit, and discuss the impact of the detector temperature. We have also computed the emission noise for a non-topological system with a resonant level, exhibiting a zero-energy Andreev bound state, in order to show the specificities of the topological case. Our results offer an original tool for the further characterization of the presence of Majorana bound states in condensed matter systems.
Large and significantly anisotropic critical current density induced by planar defects in CaKFe4As4 single crystals (1903.00866v2)
Sunseng Pyon, Ayumu Takahashi, Ivan Veshchunov, Tsuyoshi Tamegai, Shigeyuki Ishida, Akira Iyo, Hiroshi Eisaki, Motoharu Imai, Hideki Abe, Taichi Terashima, Ataru Ichinose
Three independent components of critical current density, one for the H//c axis and the other two for the H//ab plane, have been studied in CaKFe4As4 single crystals. When the magnetic field is applied along the c axis, we observed fish-tail-like peaks in the M-H hysteresis loop, and the magnetization at higher temperatures exceeds that at lower temperatures at high fields. When the field is applied parallel to the ab plane, a dip structure is observed in the M-H hysteresis loop near the self-field. In addition, for the H//ab plane, we succeeded in separately evaluating the large and significantly anisotropic in-plane and out-of-plane Jc. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of planar defects parallel to the ab plane in CaKFe4As4, which have not been observed in any other iron-based superconductors. We discuss the possible relationship between the anomalous Jc behavior and the planar defects.
Spatial cross-correlations between local electron-electron interaction effects and local superconducting energy gap in moderately-disordered NbN ultrathin films (1903.01802v1)
C. Carbillet, C. Brun, V. Cherkez, F. Debontridder, I. Charaev, K. Ilin, M. Siegel, L. B. Ioffe, D. Roditchev, T. Cren
We have studied by scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) at very-low temperature the local electronic properties of a superconducting NbN disordered ultrathin film grown \emph{ex situ}. The NbN film has a
~K about
. The STS measurements performed in ultrahigh vacuum at 300~mK show that an inhomogeneous spatial distribution of the superconducting energy gap
has developped in the material. Concomitantly there exists a large depression in the local density-of-states, associated to Altshuler-Aronov effect, which presents strong spatial variations. Our analysis shows that the local Altshuler-Aronov effect is strongly correlated with the local energy gap value. Our results show that a local Finkelstein mechanism is at play and reduces
in moderately disordered NbN superconducting films.
Synthesis of
: a route to room-temperature superconductivity (1902.10206v2)
Dmitrii V. Semenok, Alexander G. Kvashnin, Anna G. Ivanova, Volodymyr Svitlyk, Ivan A. Troyan, Artem R. Oganov
We have performed targeted high-pressure synthesis of potential high-
superconductors, thorium nonahydride
and thorium decahydride
with predicted
up to 241 K, upper critical magnetic fields
of 71 T and superconducting gaps of 52 meV.
has the lowest stabilization pressure among all known higher hydrides, which confirmed by our experimental study (85-186 GPa) with the synthetic conditions of 150-170 GPa and T~1800 K. New high-temperature superconductor
was synthesized from lower hydrides at 152 GPa and 2100 K. Two other recently predicted Th-H compounds were also synthesized and identified, namely
(> 86 GPa) and
(86-104 GPa). Equations of state of the obtained higher thorium hydrides were measured and found to perfectly agree with theoretical calculations. New phases were examined theoretically and the electronic, phonon and superconducting properties were calculated.
Interaction-induced transition in the quantum chaotic dynamics of a disordered metal (1709.09296v2)
S. V. Syzranov, A. V. Gorshkov, V. M. Galitski
We demonstrate that a weakly disordered metal with short-range interactions exhibits a transition in the quantum chaotic dynamics when changing the temperature or the interaction strength. For weak interactions, the system displays exponential growth of the out-of-time-ordered correlator (OTOC) of the current operator. The Lyapunov exponent of this growth is temperature-independent in the limit of vanishing interaction. With increasing the temperature or the interaction strength, the system undergoes a transition to a non-chaotic behaviour, for which the exponential growth of the OTOC is absent. We conjecture that the transition manifests itself in the quasiparticle energy-level statistics and also discuss ways of its explicit observation in cold-atom setups.
Uniform hole doping in HgBa
studied by
Cu NMR (1903.01526v1)
Y. Itoh, A. Ogawa, S. Adachi
We studied local magnetic properties of triple-CuO
-layer superconductors HgBa
with rich
Cu isotope (underdoped
= 124 K and optimally doped
= 134 K) by
Cu NMR spin-echo techniques. The temperature dependences of the
Cu nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate
) and the spin Knight shift
of the inner plane Cu(1) site were nearly the same as those of the outer plane Cu(2) site in the normal states. The pseudogap temperature
defined as the maximum temperature of
) was 190 K for the underdoped
= 124 sample and 143 K for the optimally doped
= 134 K sample. The NMR results indicate the uniform hole distribution in the three layers, which is consistent with a coalescence of three-derived Fermi surfaces predicted by a band theory. The room temperature in-plane
depends on whether the number of CuO
planes per unit cell is even or odd for the Hg-based multilayer cuprate superconductors.
Reduced Density Matrix Functional Theory for Superconductors (1903.01516v1)
Jonathan Schmidt, Carlos L. Benavides-Riveros, Miguel A. L. Marques
We present an ab initio theory for superconductors, based on a unique mapping between the statistical density operator at equilibrium, on the one hand, and the corresponding one-body reduced density matrix
and the anomalous density
, on the other. This new formalism for superconductivity yields the existence of a universal functional
for the ground state, whose unique properties we derive. We then prove the existence of a Kohn-Sham system at finite temperature and derive the corresponding Bogoliubov-de Gennes-like single particle equations. By adapting the decoupling approximation from density functional theory for superconductors we bring these equations into a computationally feasible form. Finally, we use the existence of the Kohn-Sham system to extend the Sham-Schl"uter connection and derive a first exchange-correlation functional for our theory. This reduced density matrix functional theory for superconductors has the potential of overcoming some of the shortcomings and fundamental limitations of density functional theory of superconductivity.
Superconductivity enhancement on a topological insulator surface by antiferromagnetic squeezed magnons (1903.01470v1)
Eirik Erlandsen, Akashdeep Kamra, Arne Brataas, Asle Sudbø
We study magnon-mediated superconductivity in a heterostructure consisting of a topological insulator and an antiferromagnetic insulator on a bipartite lattice. Our main finding is that one may significantly enhance magnon-mediated superconductivity on the surface of the topological insulator by coupling to only one of the two antiferromagnetic sublattices. Such a sublattice symmetry-breaking coupling considerably strengthens the effective attractive interaction between gapless helical fermions, living on the surface of the topological insulator, compared to the case where the topological insulator couples symmetrically to both sublattices. We provide a general physical picture of this mechanism based on the notion of squeezed bosonic eigenmodes. We also contrast our results to the analogous case of an antiferromagnetic insulator coupled to a normal metal.
Non-adiabatic dynamics in d+id-wave fermionic superfluids (1804.11257v3)
Ammar A. Kirmani, Maxim Dzero
We consider a problem of non-adiabatic dynamics of a 2D fermionic system with
-wave symmetry of paring amplitude. Under the mean-field approximation, we determine the asymptotic behavior of the pairing amplitude following a sudden change of coupling strength. We also study an extended
pairing system for which the long-time asymptotic states of the pairing amplitude in the collisionless regime can be determined exactly. By using numerical methods, we have identified three non-equilibrium steady states described by different long-time asymptotes of the pairing amplitude for both the non-integrable and the integrable versions of
-wave models. We found that despite of its lack of integrability, long-time dynamics resulting from pairing quenches in the non-integrable
model are essentially similar to the ones found for its exactly-integrable extended
model. We also obtain the long-time phase diagram of the extended
model through the Lax construction that exploits underlying integrability showing that the dynamic phases obtained by numerics are consistent with the dynamics of the exactly integrable approach. Both models describe a topological fermionic system with a topologically non-trivial BCS phase appearing at weak coupling strength. We show that the presence of oscillating order parameter region in the chiral
pairing dynamics differs from the d-wave (
), which may be used to probe pairing symmetries of chiral superconductors.
Spin flip scattering engendered quantum spin torque in a Josephson junction (1803.10105v2)
Subhajit Pal, Colin Benjamin
We examine a Josephson junction with two Ferromagnets and a spin flipper sandwiched between two superconductors. In such Ferromagnetic Josephson junctions, equilibrium spin torque exists only when Ferromagnets are misaligned. This is explained via the "conventional" mechanism of spin transfer torque, which owes its origin to the misalignment of two Ferromagnets. However, we see surprisingly when the magnetic moments of the Ferromagnets are aligned parallel or antiparallel, there is a finite equilibrium spin torque due to the quantum mechanism of spin-flip scattering. We explore the properties of this unique spin-flip scattering induced equilibrium quantum spin torque, especially its tunability via exchange coupling and phase difference across the superconductors.
Tuning topological orders by a conical magnetic field in the Kitaev model (1903.01279v1)
Ming-Hong Jiang, Shuang Liang, Wei Chen, Yang Qi, Jian-Xin Li, Qiang-Hua Wang
We show that a conical magnetic field
can be used to tune the topological order and hence anyon excitations of the
quantum spin liquid in the isotropic antiferromagnetic Kitaev model. A novel topological order, featured with Chern number
and Abelian anyon excitations, is induced in a narrow range of intermediate fields
. On the other hand, the
Ising-topological order with non-Abelian anyon excitations, is previously known to be present at small fields, and interestingly, is found here to survive up to
, and revive above
, until the system becomes trivial above a higher field
. The results are obtained by devoloping and applying a
mean field theory, that works at zero as well as finite fields, and the associated variational quantum Monte Carlo.
Superconducting size effect in thin films under electric field: mean-field self-consistent model (1903.01155v1)
P. Virtanen, A. Braggio, F. Giazotto
We consider effects of an externally applied electrostatic field on superconductivity, self-consistently within a BCS mean field model, for a clean 3D metal thin film. The electrostatic change in superconducting condensation energy scales as
close to subband edges as a function of the Fermi energy
, and follows 3D scaling
away from them. We discuss nonlinearities beyond gate effect, and contrast results to recent experiments.
Sixfold enhancement of superconductivity in a tunable electronic nematic system (1903.00986v1)
Chris Eckberg, Daniel J. Campbell, Tristin Metz, John Collini, Halyna Hodovanets, Tyler Drye, Peter Zavalij, Morten H. Christensen, Rafael M. Fernandes, Sangjun Lee, Peter Abbamonte, Jeffrey Lynn, Johnpierre Paglione
The electronic nematic phase, wherein electronic degrees of freedom lower the crystal rotational symmetry, is a common motif across a number of high-temperature superconductors. However, understanding the role and influence of nematicity and nematic fluctuations in Cooper pairing is often complicated by the coexistence of other orders, particularly long-range magnetic order. Here we report the enhancement of superconductivity in a model electronic nematic system absent of magnetism, and show that the enhancement is directly born out of strong nematic fluctuations emanating from a tuned quantum phase transition. We use elastoresistance measurements of the Ba
substitution series to show that strontium substitution promotes an electronically driven
nematic order in this system, and that the complete suppression of that order to absolute zero temperature evokes a dramatic enhancement of the pairing strength, as evidenced by a sixfold increase in the superconducting transition temperature. The direct relation between enhanced pairing and nematic fluctuations in this model system, as well as the interplay with a unidirectional charge density wave order comparable to that found in the cuprates, offers a means to elucidate the role of nematicity in boosting superconductivity.
Charge carrier dynamics of FeSe thin film investigated by terahertz magneto-optical spectroscopy (1903.00897v1)
Naotaka Yoshikawa, Masayuki Takayama, Naoki Shikama, Tomoya Ishikawa, Fuyuki Nabeshima, Atsutaka Maeda, Ryo Shimano
We performed terahertz magneto-optical spectroscopy of FeSe thin film to elucidate the charge carrier dynamics. The measured diagonal (longitudinal) and off-diagonal (Hall) conductivity spectra are well reproduced by two-carrier Drude model, from which the carrier densities, scattering times and effective masses of electron and hole carriers are determined in a wide range of temperature. The hole density decreases below the structural transition temperature while electron density increases, which is attributed to the band structure modification in the electronic nematic phase. The scattering time of the hole carrier becomes substantially longer than that of the electron at lower temperature, which accounts for the increase of the positive dc Hall coefficient at low temperature.
Non-Kitaev spin liquids in Kitaev materials (1903.00895v1)
Yao Dong Li, Xu Yang, Yi Zhou, Gang Chen
We point out that the Kitaev materials may not necessarily support Kitaev spin liquid. It is well-known that having a Kitaev term in the spin interaction is not the sufficient condition for the Kitaev spin liquid ground state. Many other spin liquids may be stabilized by the competing spin interactions of the systems. We thus explore the possibilities of non-Kitaev spin liquids in the honeycomb Kitaev materials. We carry out a systematic classification of gapped
spin liquids using the Schwinger boson representation for the spin variables. The presence of strong spin-orbit coupling in the Kitaev materials brings new ingredients into the projective symmetry group classification of the non-Kitaev spin liquid. We predict the spectroscopic properties of these gapped non-Kitaev spin liquids. Moreover, among the gapped spin liquids that we discover, we identify the spin liquid whose spinon condensation leads to the magnetic Bragg peak structure of the zig-zag magnetic order that was observed in Na
. We further discuss the possibility of gapped
spin liquid in pressurized
Full Proximity Treatment of Topological Superconductors in Josephson Junction Architectures (1903.00844v1)
F. Setiawan, Chien-Te Wu, K. Levin
Experiments on planar Josephson junction architectures have recently been shown to provide an alternative way of creating topological superconductors hosting accessible Majorana modes. These zero-energy modes can be found at the ends of a one-dimensional channel in the junction of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) proximitized by two spatially separated superconductors. The channel, which is below the break between the superconductors, is not in direct contact with the superconducting leads, so that proximity coupling is expected to be weaker and less well-controlled than in the simple nanowire configuration widely discussed in the literature. This provides a strong incentive for this paper which investigates the nature of proximitization in these Josephson architectures. At a microscopic level we demonstrate how and when it can lead to topological phases. We do so by going beyond simple tunneling models through solving self-consistently the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations of a heterostructure multicomponent system involving two spatially separated
-wave superconductors in contact with a normal Rashba spin-orbit-coupled 2DEG. Importantly, within our self-consistent theory we present ways of maximizing the proximity-induced superconducting gap by studying the effect of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling and chemical potential mismatch between the superconductor and 2DEG, and sample geometry on the gap. Finally, we note (as in experiment) a Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov phase is also found to appear in the 2DEG channel, albeit under circumstances which are not ideal for topological superconducting phase.
Evidence of energy-level quantization in YBa2Cu3O7-x phase-slip nanowires (1903.00805v1)
M. Lyatti, M. Wolff, I. Gundareva, M. Kruth, S. Ferrari, W. Pernice, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, C. Schuck
Superconducting nanowires are considered to be promising for the development of novel devices operating on quantum principles. We fabricated ultra-thin YBa2Cu3O7-x nanowires with phase-slip dynamics and studied the switching-current statistics at temperatures below 20 K. We analyze our experimental data using theoretical models developed for the underdamped Josephson junction and find that they provide strong evidence of the energy-level quantization in these nanowires. The estimated crossover temperature between the thermal activation and the macroscopic quantum tunneling regimes is 12-13 K and the lifetime in the excited state exceeds 20 msec at T = 5.4 K, which is at least one order of magnitude superior to those parameters for the conventional tunnel Josephson junctions from low-temperature superconductors. Additionally, we demonstrate phase-slip and quantum mechanisms for single-photon detection by the phase-slip nanowire. Our findings pave the way for a new class of superconducting nanowire devices that can be used for quantum sensing and computing.
Doping and momentum dependence of coupling strength in cuprate superconductors (1903.00803v1)
Yingping Mou, Yiqun Liu, Shuning Tan, Shiping Feng
Superconductivity is caused by the interaction between electrons by the exchange of collective bosonic excitations, however, this bosonic glue forming electron pairs is manifested itself by the coupling strength of the electrons to collective bosonic excitations. Here the doping and momentum dependence of the coupling strength of the electrons to spin excitations in cuprate superconductors is studied within the framework of the kinetic-energy-driven superconducting mechanism. The normal self-energy in the particle-hole channel and pairing self-energy in the particle-pariticle channel generated by the interaction between electrons by the exchange of spin excitation are employed to extract the coupling strengths of the electrons to spin excitations in the particle-hole and particle-particle channels, respectively. It is shown that below the superconducting transition temperature, both the coupling strengths in the particle-hole and particle-particle channels around the antinodes consist of two peaks, with a sharp low-energy peak located at around 5 meV in the optimally doped regime, and a broad band with a weak peak centered at around 40 meV. In particular, this two-peak structure in the coupling strength in the particle-hole channel can persist into the normal-state, while as a consequence of the d-wave type symmetry of the superconducting gap, the coupling strength in the particle-particle channel vanishes at the nodes. However, the positions of the peaks in the coupling strengths in the underdoped regime shift towards to higher energies with the increase of doping. More specifically, although the positions of the peaks in the coupling strengths move to lower energies from the antinode to the hot spot on the electron Fermi surface, the weights of the peaks decrease smoothly with the move of the momentum from the antinode to the hot spot, and fade away at the hot spots.

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