Here are some interesting papers in the Superconductivity.
Proximity-induced Majorana hinge modes in antiferromagnetic topological insulators (1809.09112v2)
Yang Peng, Yong Xu
We propose a realization of chiral Majorana modes propagating on the hinges of a 3D antiferromagnetic topological insulator, which was recently theoretically predicted and experimentally confirmed in the tetradymite-type
-related ternary chalgogenides. These materials consist of ferromagnetically ordered 2D layers, whose magnetization direction alternates between neighboring layers, forming an antiferromagnetic order. Besides surfaces with a magnetic gap, there also exsist gapless surfaces with a single Dirac cone, which can be gapped out when proximity coupled to an
-wave superconductor. On the sharing edges between the two types of gapped surfaces, the chiral Majorana modes emerge. We further propose experimental signatures of these Majoana hinge modes in terms of two-terminal conductance measurements.
External field tunable superconducting transition temperature in Nb/Co/Py/Nb superconductor/exchange spring/superconductor films (1903.03022v1)
Ekta Bhatia, J. Devine-Stoneman, Zoe H. Barber, J. W. A. Robinson, Kartik Senapati
Over the last decade it has been shown that magnetic non-collinearity at the superconductor-ferromagnet interface is a key ingredient for spin-singlet to spin-triplet pair conversion. This effect has been verified in several synthetic non-collinear magnetic structures. In this context, the combination of a soft and a hard ferromagnetic layer, functioning as an exchange spring, offers the possibility of tuning the singlet-triplet conversion process via a small external magnetic field. From the magnetization measurements on Nb/Co/Py/Nb multilayer films we have shown that, in the magnetic field range where Co and Py layers form an exchange spring-like magnetic configuration, there is an enhancement in the superconducting transition temperature of the multilayer. In collinear multilayers, with no angle between magnetization in the Co and Py layers, we have observed no change in Tc. We have also demonstrated reversible shift in Tc of the multilayer of ~ 400 mK in the spring range of magnetic field. The large change in Tc offers the possibility of realizing exchange spring-based Josephson junctions functioning as spin-triplet switching devices useful for superconducting spintronics.
A possible experimental test of the nonlinear phononics interpretation of light-induced superconductivity (1901.03092v2)
Massimo Altarelli
Experimental evidence for a transient enhancement of the superconducting critical temperature in presence of an intense THz or IR pump pulse was ascribed to nonlinear phononics effects. Here I introduce a simple phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau model of this phenomenon, to explore further consequences and possible experimental tests of this interpretation. Upon cooling below Tc in the absence ofTHz pumping, both an abrupt softening of a Raman-active mode frequency and a spontaneous lattice distortion, growing linearly with (Tc - T), are predicted to occur. Numerical estimates for YBa2Cu3O6+x indicate that the frequency softening should be easily observable, whereas the lattice distortion may be too small. Comparison with Raman experiments for YBa2Cu3O6+x is far from conclusive; however very large (up to 18 %) phonon frequency softening below Tc, with behaviour strikingly similar to the predictions of the present model, was observed over 20 years ago in HgBa2Ca3Cu4O10+x; its explanation has been controversial. Light induced superconductivity was never investigated in this material and it may be of interest to explore if it is present and connected, via the mechanism discussed here, to the observed anomalous phonon behaviour.
Inverse proximity effect in
-wave and
-wave superconductors coupled to topological insulators (1808.03650v3)
Henning G. Hugdal, Morten Amundsen, Jacob Linder, Asle Sudbø
We study the inverse proximity effect in a bilayer consisting of a thin
- or
-wave superconductor (S) and a topological insulator (TI). Integrating out the topological fermions of the TI, we find that spin-orbit coupling is induced in the S, which leads to spin-triplet
-wave (
-wave) correlations in the anomalous Green's function for an
-wave (
-wave) superconductor. Solving the self-consistency equation for the superconducting order parameter, we find that the inverse proximity effect can be strong for parameters for which the Fermi momenta of the S and TI coincide. The suppression of the gap is approximately proportional to
, where
is the dimensionless superconducting coupling constant. This is consistent with the fact that a higher
gives a more robust superconducting state. For an
-wave S, the interval of TI chemical potentials for which the suppression of the gap is strong is centered at
, and increases quadratically with the hopping parameter
. Since the S chemical potential
typically is high for conventional superconductors, the inverse proximity effect is negligible except for
above a critical value. For sufficiently low
, however, the inverse proximity effect is negligible, in agreement with what has thus far been assumed in most works studying the proximity effect in S-TI structures. In superconductors with low Fermi energies, such as high-
cuprates with
-wave symmetry, we again find a suppression of the order parameter. However, since
is much smaller in this case, a strong inverse proximity effect can occur at
for much lower values of
. Moreover, the onset of a strong inverse proximity effect is preceded by an increase in the order parameter, allowing the gap to be tuned by several orders of magnitude by small variations in
-wave density wave and
-wave superconducting gap on the extended Hubbard model on a square lattice (1903.02902v1)
Yuhei Hirose, Akihide Oguchi, Yoshiyuki Fukumoto
The extended Hubbard model with a nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsion on the square lattice is studied to obtain insight into the phase diagram of cuprate high
superconductors (HTS). To pursue the hidden-order scenario proposed in [S. Chakravarty et al., Phys. Rev. B 63, 094503 (2001)], we derive an effective Hamiltonian by using the canonical transformation and develop a mean-field theory. The calculated phase diagrams are qualitatively consistent with the experimental phase diagrams of HTS, and we thus conclude that the pseudogap can be interpreted as the order parameter of the
-wave density wave (DDW) state, and the
-wave superconducting (DSC) rises based on the DDW order. Furthermore, the analytical representation of the density of states is obtained and, near the optimal doping of the DSC, the van Hove singular point of the density of states is located at the Fermi level.
Proximity effect in a ferromagnetic semiconductor with spin-orbit interactions (1903.02746v1)
Taketoki Yamashita, Jaechul Lee, Tetsuro Habe, Yasuhiro Asano
We study theoretically the proximity effect in a ferromagnetic semiconductor with Rashba spin-orbit interaction. The exchange potential generates opposite-spin-triplet Cooper pairs which are transformed into equal-spin-triplet pairs by the spin-orbit interaction. In the limit of strong spin-orbit interaction, symmetry of the dominant Cooper pair depends on the degree of disorder in a ferromagnet. In the clean limit, spin-singlet
-wave Cooper pairs are the most dominant because the spin-momentum locking stabilizes a Cooper pair consisting of a time-reversal partner. In the dirty limit, on the other hand, equal-spin-triplet
-wave pairs are dominant because random impurity potentials release the locking. We also discuss the effects of the spin-orbit interaction on the Josephson current.
Superconductivity in Bi3O2S2Cl with Bi-Cl Planar Layers (1903.02698v1)
Bin-Bin Ruan, Kang Zhao, Qing-Ge Mu, Bo-Jin Pan, Tong Liu, Huai-Xin Yang, Jian-Qi Li, Gen-Fu Chen, Zhi-An Ren
A quaternary compound Bi3O2S2Cl, which consists of novel [BiS2Cl]2-layers, is reported. It adopts a layered structure of the space group I4/mmm (No. 139) with lattice parameters: a = 3.927(1) {\AA}, c = 21.720(5) {\AA}. In this compound, bismuth and chlorine atoms form an infinite planar layer, which is unique among the bismuth halides. Superconductivity is observed in both polycrystals and single crystals, and is significantly enhanced in the samples prepared with less sulfur or at higher temperatures. By tuning the content of sulfur, Bi3O2S2Cl can be converted from a semiconductor into a superconductor. The superconducting critical temperature ranges from 2.6 K to 3.5 K. Our discovery of the [BiS2Cl]2- layer opens another door in searching for the bismuth compounds with novel physical properties.
Analyzing scanning tunneling spectroscopy for Fe-based superconductor Ba
and extracting
-wave density of states (1803.09955v2)
Jongbae Hong
We extract the density of states (DOS) from the scanning tunneling spectroscopy data for Ba
superconductor. The obtained sample DOS is composed of two ordinary
-wave types from the band at
point and a linear-like DOS within the
-wave gap from the band at M point in the Brillouin zone, and is consistent with the corresponding data from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. We clarify that the major peak of the tunneling conductance is not related to the DOS but is rather the effect of nonequilibrium coherent tunneling including all coherent spins in the tip and sample.
Control of superconducting pairing symmetries in monolayer black phosphorus (1903.02560v1)
Mohammad Alidoust, Morten Willatzen, Antti-Pekka Jauho
Motivated by recent experimental progress, we study the effect of mechanical deformations on the superconducting pairing symmetries in monolayer black phosphorus (MBP). Starting with phonon-mediated intervalley spin-singlet electron-electron pairing and making use of realistic band parameters obtained through first-principles calculations, we show that the application of weak mechanical strain in the plane of MBP can change the effective
-wave and
-wave symmetry of the superconducting correlations into effective
-wave and
-wave symmetries, respectively. This prediction of a change in the pairing symmetries might be experimentally confirmed through angular dependence high-resolution tunneling spectroscopy, the Meissner effect, and critical temperature experiments. The idea of manipulating the superconducting symmetry class by applying planar mechanical strain can be extended to other anisotropic materials as well, and may help in providing important information of the symmetries of the order parameter, perhaps even in some high-
Lattice Disorder Effect on Magnetic Ordering of Iron Arsenides (1903.02545v1)
Athena S. Sefat, Xiaoping P. Wang, Yaohua Liu, David S. Parker, Qiang Zou, Mingming Fu, Zheng Gai, Ganesh Kalaiselvan, Yogesh Vohra, Li Li
This study demonstrates the tuning of Neel temperature via nano- and mesoscale structural features in an iron arsenide. Although magnetic ground states in quantum materials can be theoretically predicted from known crystal structures and chemical compositions, the ordering temperature is harder to pinpoint due to such local lattice variations. In this work we find that a chemically stoichiometric material can order at significantly different Neel antiferromagnetic transition temperatures (TN) depending on lattice disorder effects. Here, europium iron-arsenide EuFe2As2 crystal, which is a '122' parent of iron arsenide superconductors, is controlled through synthesis to have ordering below TN= 195 K or TN= 175 K due to Fe ordering. In the higher TN crystals, there are shorter planar Fe-Fe bonds [2.7692(2) A vs. 2.7745(3) A], a randomized in-plane defect structure, and diffuse scattering along the [00L] crystallographic direction that manifests as a rather broad specific heat peak. For the lower TN crystals, the a-lattice parameter is larger and the in-plane microscopic structure shows defect ordering along the antiphase boundaries, giving a sharper TN and a higher superconducting temperature (Tc) upon the application of pressure. First-principles calculations find a strong interaction between c-axis strain and interlayer magnetic coupling, but little impact of planar strain on the magnetic order. Neutron single-crystal diffraction shows that the low-temperature magnetic phase transition due to localized Eu moments is not lattice sensitive, unlike the higher-temperature Fe sublattice ordering. This study demonstrates tunable interactions between lattice disorder and the Neel temperature in a layered quantum material.
Dynamical Josephson Effects in Atomically-Thin NbSe
S. Tran, J. Sell, J. R. Williams
The advent of atomically-thin materials has ushered new platforms for studying condensed-matter physics in two-dimensions. Recently, there has been a strong thrust towards isolating graphene-like material with interactions between the carriers making possible correlated states at low temperatures. Here an investigation of the superconducting to normal state transition in NbSe
is detailed, and it is found it is driven by a localized slip in the phase of the superconducting order parameter. These phase slips produce dynamically-created Josephson junctions, which enable the elucidation of two novel properties of the superconducting state in NbSe
. The first is a coupling of the Josephson current and the collective motion of the charge-density wave, resulting in a modification of the Shapiro step diagram observed under the application of microwave radiation. The second is a Josephson effect that possesses a modified shape and step height seen in its dependence on the applied RF radiation power. This effect -- unlike any known Josephson behavior -- exhibits an insensitivity to magnetic fields. We discuss possible origins of the latter effect, suggesting it lies in the multiband nature of superconductivity in NbSe
. Each result expands the knowledge of the superconducting state of NbSe
, sheds light on the nature of materials in which superconductivity both competes with other collective phenomena and is multiband in nature. Further, this work opens new paradigms for electronics and quantum computation applications in transition metal dichalcogenides.
Anisotropic Superconductors Between Types I and II (1902.09018v2)
T. T. Saraiva, A. Vagov, V. M. Axt, J. Albino Aguiar, A. A. Shanenko
Self-duality or matching between the magnetic and condensate characteristic lengths is a fundamental property of isotropic superconductors at the critical Bogomolnyi point (B-point). The self-dual state of the condensate is infinitely degenerate, which is the core reason for the sharp transition between the superconductivity types in the nearest vicinity of the critical temperature T_c. Below T_c non-local interactions in the condensate remove the degeneracy, which leads to the appearance of a finite intertype (IT) domain between types I and II. This domain exhibits the mixed state with exotic field-condensate configurations and non-standard magnetic response, which cannot be understood within the dichotomy of the conventional superconductivity types. At a first glance, this picture does not apply to an anisotropic system because no spatial matching between the condensate and magnetic field can be generally expected for direction-dependent characteristic lengths. However, contrary to these expectations, here we demonstrate that anisotropic superconductors follow the same scenario of the interchange between types I and II. In anisotropic materials the IT domain is governed by the B-point of the effective isotropic model obtained by the appropriate scaling transformation of the initial anisotropic formalism. This transformation depends on the direction of the applied magnetic field, and thus the superconductivity type of strongly anisotropic materials can be dependent on this direction.
Rare earth Kitaev materials (1903.02530v1)
Zhu-Xi Luo, Gang Chen
We continue the extension of the Kitaev physics and Kitaev interaction to the rare-earth magnets, and study the physical properties of the rare-earth based honeycomb lattice Kitaev materials. We are particularly interested in the experimental consequences of the highly anisotropic spin interaction due to the spin-orbit entanglement. We perform a high-temperature series expansion using a generic nearest-neighbor Hamiltonian with anisotropic interactions, and obtain the heat capacity, the parallel and perpendicular spin susceptibilities, and the magnetic torque coefficients. We further examine the electron spin resonance linewidth as an important signature of the anisotropic spin interactions. Due to the small interaction energy scale of the rare-earth moments, it is experimentally feasible to realize the strong field regime. Therefore, we perform the spin wave analysis and study the possibility of topological magnons when a strong field is applied to the system. The application and relevance to the rare-earth honeycomb Kitaev materials is discussed.
Niobium diselenide superconducting photodetectors (1903.02528v1)
Gavin J. Orchin, Domenico De Fazio, Angelo Di Bernardo, Matthew Hamer, Duhee Yoon, Alisson R. Cadore, Ilya Goykhman, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Jason W. A. Robinson, Roman V. Gorbachev, Andrea C. Ferrari, Robert H. Hadfield
We report the photoresponse of niobium diselenide (NbSe
), a transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) which exhibits superconducting properties down to a single layer. Devices are built by using micro-mechanically cleaved 2 to 10 layers and tested under current bias using nano-optical mapping in the 350mK-5K range, where they are found to be superconducting. The superconducting state can be broken by absorption of light, resulting in a voltage signal when the devices are current biased. The response found to be energy dependent making the devices useful for applications requiring energy resolution, such as bolometry, spectroscopy and infrared imaging.
Common origin of the pseudogap in electron-doped and hole-doped cuprates governed by Mott physics (1801.04247v2)
M. Horio, S. Sakai, K. Koshiishi, Y. Nonaka, H. Suzuki, J. Xu, M. Hashimoto, D. Lu, Z. -X. Shen, T. Ohgi, T. Konno, T. Adachi, Y. Koike, M. Imada, A. Fujimori
The pseudogap phenomena have been a long-standing mystery of the cuprate high-temperature superconductors. Unlike the pseudogap in hole-doped cuprates, however, the pseudogap in the electron-doped counterpart has been attributed to band folding due to short-range antiferromagnetic (AFM) order. We performed angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements on electron-doped cuprates showing spin-glass and disordered AFM behaviors at low temperatures, and found that the gap magnitude \textit{decreases} in the antinodal region contrary to the hole-doped case. Moreover, the gap opening position was not always on the AFM Brillouin zone boundary in contradiction with the requirement of the AFM band-folding picture. These features are consistent with cluster dynamical-mean-field-theory calculations which predict an
-symmetry pseudogap that shrinks in the andinodal region. The present results support the scenario that the proximity to the Mott insulator, without relying on the well-developed AFM correlation, gives rise to a momentum-dependent pseudogap of
-symmetry with indirect gap commonly in the electron-doped and hole-doped cuprates, implying a universal origin of the pseudogap with a similarity to the Mott gap formation.
Unconventional Superconductivity in Heavy Fermion UTe2 (1903.02410v1)
Dai Aoki, Ai Nakamura, Fuminori Honda, DeXin Li, Yoshiya Homma, Yusei Shimizu, Yoshiki J. Sato, Georg Knebel, Jean-Pascal Brison, Alexandre Pourret, Daniel Braithwaite, Gerard Lapertot, Qun Niu, Michal Valiska, Hisatomo Harima, Jacques Flouquet
We grew single crystals of the recently discovered heavy fermion superconductor UTe2, and measured the resistivity, specific heat and magnetoresistance. Superconductivity (SC) was clearly detected at Tsc=1.65K as sharp drop of the resistivity in a high quality sample of RRR=35. The specific heat shows a large jump at Tsc indicating strong coupling. The large Sommerfeld coefficient, 117mJ K-2mol-1 extrapolated in the normal state and the temperature dependence of C/T below Tsc are the signature of unconventional SC. The discrepancy in the entropy balance at Tsc between SC and normal states points out that hidden features must occur. Surprisingly, a large residual value of the Sommerfeld coefficient seems quite robust (gamma_0/gamma ~ 0.5). The large upper critical field Hc2 along the three principal axes favors spin-triplet SC. For H // b-axis, our experiments do not reproduce the huge upturn of Hc2 reported previously. This discrepancy may reflect that Hc2 is very sensitive to the sample quality. A new perspective in UTe2 is the proximity of a Kondo semiconducting phase predicted by the LDA band structure calculations.
Odd-Frequency Pairs in Chiral Symmetric Systems: Spectral Bulk-Boundary Correspondence and Topological Criticality (1809.05687v2)
Shun Tamura, Shintaro Hoshino, Yukio Tanaka
Odd-frequency Cooper pairs with chiral symmetry emerging at the edges of topological superconductors are a useful physical quantity for characterizing the topological properties of these materials. In this work, we show that the odd-frequency Cooper pair amplitudes can be expressed by a winding number extended to a nonzero frequency, which is called a `spectral bulk-boundary correspondence,' and can be evaluated from the spectral features of the bulk. The odd-frequency Cooper pair amplitudes are classified into two categories: the amplitudes in the first category have the singular functional form
is a complex frequency) that reflects the presence of a topological surface Andreev bound state, whereas the amplitudes in the second category have the regular form
and are regarded as non-topological. We discuss the topological phase transition by using the coefficient in the latter category, which undergoes a power-law divergence at the topological phase transition point and is used to indicate the distance to the critical point. These concepts are established based on several concrete models, including a Rashba nanowire system that is promising for realizing Majorana fermions.
Type-I superconductivity in Al
Re (1903.02301v1)
Darren C. Peets, Erjian Cheng, Tianping Ying, Markus Kriener, Xiaoping Shen, Shiyan Li, Donglai Feng
While the pure elements tend to exhibit Type-I rather than Type-II superconductivity, nearly all compound superconductors are Type-II, with only a few known exceptions. We report single crystal growth and physical characterization of the rhenium aluminide Al
Re, which we conclude is a Type-I superconductor based on magnetization, ac-susceptibility, and specific-heat measurements. This detection of superconductivity, despite the strong similarity of Al
Re to a family of W and Mo aluminides that do not superconduct, suggests that these aluminides are an ideal testbed for identifying the relative importance of valence electron count and inversion symmetry in determining whether a material will superconduct.
Synthesis of Hg-based cuprate superconductors
by CsCl flux additional method (1902.05232v2)
Hiroshi Hara, Ryo Matsumoto, Shintaro Adachi, Aichi Yamashita, Hiroyuki Takeya, Yoshihiko Takano
We have succeeded in the synthesis of Re-doped
quickly by a sealed tube technique with a bit of CsCl flux. Powder X-ray diffraction measurement revealed that the single phases of Re-doped
(Hg1212), and
(Hg1223) formed in 4 h. The sample grains exhibited plate-like crystals with the sizes of 20
and the chemical compositions of Hg1201, Hg1212, and Hg1223. The superconducting transitions were observed at 25 K for Hg1201, 122 for Hg1212, and 133 K for Hg1223 in the magnetic susceptibility. These results indicate that the developed method is useful for the fabrication of Hg-based superconducting wires.
Dynamic properties of asymmetric double Josephson junction stack with quasiparticle imbalance (1903.02267v1)
S. V. Bakurskiy, A. A. Neilo, N. V. Klenov, I. I. Soloviev, M. Yu. Kupriyanov
We study analytically and numerically the influence of the quasiparticle charge imbalance on the dynamics of the asymmetric Josephson stack formed by two inequivalent junctions: the fast capacitive junction
and slow non-capacitive junction
. We find, that the switching of the fast junction into resistive state leads to significant increase of the effective critical current of the slow junction. At the same time, the initial switching of the slow junction may either increase or decrease the effective critical current of the fast junction, depending on ratio of their resistances and the value of the capacitance. Finally, we have found that the slow quasiparticle relaxation (in comparison with Josephson times) leads to appearance of the additional hysteresis on current-voltage characteristics.

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