They are a mine of iron, vitamins, omega 3: they purify the blood from fats that are the first cause of bad cholesterol ...
Among the many natural remedies useful for fighting cholesterol, there are chia seeds. Tasty and nutritious, they are a real medicine food, to be kept close at hand especially during this season. Chia seeds are small brown seeds originating in South America that are obtained from the Salvia hispanica plant. Rich in proteins of high biological value, they have excellent nutritional properties and an excellent content of vitamins, as well as important minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron, useful to feel fit and full of energy even when the climate is harsh.
Also remarkable is the content of amino acids, the substances that form proteins and which are therefore important, as well as for the construction of the muscles, for a good immune response. Chia seeds, in particular, are a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids, which protect the cardiovascular system and fight inflammation: a cure with chia seeds, therefore, is recommended for all people who in this period of year consumed more fats and sugars than usual and had more cholesterol intake.
Always choose organic chia seeds
The antioxidant and protective action of vitamins A, C and E, together with that of zinc and phosphorus present abundantly in chia seeds, in addition to lowering cholesterol, preserves tissues from degenerative diseases, slowing down oxidative processes, with a global anti-aging effect on the whole organism. Vitamin C and zinc, then, increase the reproduction of lymphocyte cells, which are the basis of our defense system. The chia seeds are found in herbalist's shop and at the supermarket: look for the organic ones and, once the package is open, pour them into a glass jar with an airtight seal and store them in a cool and dry place.
Use them at any time of the day, raw
Ideal as snacks, chia seeds can be taken naturally (1-2 tablespoons a day accompanied by a glass of water, to drink at breakfast), or they can be used in the kitchen, adding them, for example, to yogurt, to cereals, to soups and salads. Better not to cook them (add them at the end of cooking) because the heat destroys their therapeutic properties.
Prepare the anti-cholesterol gel with chia seeds
To prepare a chia seeds gel to help you control your cholesterol, put 100 g of chia seeds in a liter of water. Stir well, or blend, to obtain a more homogeneous consistency, and let it rest for about an hour. You can keep the mixture in the refrigerator (keep it cool for a fortnight). A small glass of the gel obtained, mixed with water, can be drunk half an hour before the meal to favor satiety and purify the whole organism.