Asbestos Exposure Symptoms – All the Details

in asbestos •  5 years ago 

Asbestos exposure has affected many people directly and indirectly in different parts of the world. Many people live with asbestos-related illnesses, while many have lost their lives as a result of the hazardous material. Treatment of asbestos-related injuries or illnesses is quite complicated and expensive. You need to be examined by an experienced doctor from a licensed medical facility who deals with patients affected by asbestos-related injuries or diseases. However, there are symptoms you can feel after exposure to asbestos, but need to be confirmed by lab tests. Here are the asbestos exposure symptoms.


When do symptoms show up after exposure to asbestos?

One of the most surprising things about asbestos exposure related injuries or illnesses is that symptoms don’t show up until 10-50 years after initial exposure. You can get exposed to asbestos at the age of 30 years, but symptoms show up when you are 60 years. It takes years for symptoms to show up, and that is when things will start to change. You will need to seek treatment immediately and tell the doctor about your work history or where you live or lived many years back. With the information you give, the doctor will assess your symptoms and conduct some tests, and that will show what your injuries are, and what caused the injuries or illness. Keep this information and doctors’ reports, you may need them when seeking compensation for the asbestos injury or illness.

Mesothelioma Symptoms

Long term exposure to asbestos can cause one of the most serious asbestos-related diseases – Mesothelioma. It is a type of cancer that affects lining of inner organs of the body such as lungs, abdomen and more. This disease comes with symptoms such as chest pain, painful coughing, difficulty in breathing and unexplained weigh loss. The symptoms can vary from patient to patient, and vary with where the cancer occurs.

Asbestosis Symptoms

Asbestosis is another disease caused by exposure to asbestos. The symptoms show up after 10-40 years of initial exposure. This illness affects the lungs. Some of the symptoms include shortness of breath, persistent dry cough, clubbing of fingertips and toes, and chest pain. Some patients can experience loss of appetite followed by weight loss. The disease typically damages the lungs.

Pleural plaques and pleural thickening

Pleural thickening is another condition associated with long term and heavy asbestos exposure. In addition to that, patients affected by asbestos exposure in Alabama are likely to have pleural plaques, mostly workers or persons exposed to asbestos for one to nine years.

Lung cancer

If you were exposed to asbestos for a long time, you are likely to have lung cancer. Lung cancer comes with persistent cough, coughing up blood or rust-colored sputum, chest pain, unexplained weight loss, feeling weak, shortness of breath and hoarseness.

Final Words

Asbestos exposure symptoms are not limited to the above. However, the above are the main illnesses, and treating the conditions is quite expensive. That is why you need compensation to take care of the medication, pain and suffering caused by the injuries or diseases. You need an experienced asbestos attorney on your side for you to get what you deserve from the responsible companies or parties. At The Law Center, you will connect with best asbestos attorneys from Environmental Litigation Group P.C., and other law firms, serving Alabama residents affected by asbestos exposure.

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