Before getting started with the post there is some bases think , there no problem if you get to know them , like why you might not want to consider cloud mining:
Risk of fraud
Opaque mining operations
Less fun
Lower profits – the operators have to cover their costs after all
Contractual warnings that mining operations may cease depending on the price of bitcoin
Lack of control and flexibility.
This sites i wanted to share most of them i have tested them , and others i got them for the experience of others :
1 -
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6 - and the last one (this is only my opinion !!!) is the latest doge cloud mining site, when i first saw this site i know that it's a scam , and that because i think the one who made this one , he made because thy look the same , and also this bonus site is also a scam !!!
How can you stay away from cloud Mining scams Sites?
They never register the domain name in the name of any real user; also, they never reveal the domain name. Alos make sure to see the Https protocole if they have it in there sites
In order to provide an illusion of prestige and authenticity, they register a company whose directors are foreigners instead of local citizens as forging the documents is easy abroad.
When asked about proof for verification, fraud sites usually provide vague answers.
To provide an illusion of honesty and confidentiality, the initial funds that the client invests, are used to make payments, keeping aside the funds received.
The fraudsters show a verifiable Bitcoin address from where they make the payments which eventually will stop paying someday.
They focus more on promotion instead of quality substance which is usually baseless and vague.
The websites to whom the verification of the company is not a priority make the advertisement; also those websites write favorable reviews in exchange for a large sum of money.
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