Stop Wasting Your Time with Any Faucet You find & Try This !!!

in ashe-oro •  7 years ago 


if you saw the title , then probably you have tried a lots of faucet , and you are tired of captchas and others task , me too in the past i have tried a lots of them , but today i will share with you only what gonna fill you balance on exchanges today !!!

We know that faucets uses least amount of effort to get this free tokens but it does take time and for you to be dedicated and constant in completing tasks like captchas or clicking the claim button every hour. Faucets require no investment from you, they make money from serving you ads and allow you to claim back a portion of that for your efforts.

There are plenty of sites on the web that lets you collect a micro amount of bitcoin every couple of minutes from a faucet and eventually accumulate enough to cash out and get a small of amount of bitcoin to your wallet. But this is not the way you want to do it !!! By the way this is only a part 1 post

My ideas of using faucet now , First :

Using it for binance , because there is a cool option on there exchange witch is converting small balances to bnb , and holding my bnb token because i's a my best coin to hold.

Also i do claim from faucet to send the to another faucet !! , as i'm going to give you the links bellow , there is faucet that have a deposit option and i use it to exchange it to an other on of my best coins and this faucet have it .

this were some of my ideas , but for now , what are this faucets : Fist faucet and as i said above , she has a deposit option is : : is a brand faucet site for over 19 different crypto currencies (Strat-Komodo-Verge-Pivx-GameCredits-Ubiq...) , they are on a mission to add more to that list too, also they have there own crypto exchange , crypto miner, autofaucet, also there new feature has been added "The Pay to Click system", and referral system. Claim NOW :

Next is faucetcrypto this faucet is the best faucet i have ever seen , with it's very low withdraw fees , and the claiming amount , this faucet have 23 different crypto currencies (Strat-Syscoin-GRS-Pivx-Pura-...) , and as i said above this is the faucet i use to deposit on the above faucet !! Claim NOW :

Also i have for you the tradesatoshi exchange who has here own faucet in it , you can claim satoshies , as an example 500 Litecoin , Create you account now :

and the last faucet i want to show you today is knolix , this faucet give only KNOLIX satoshies and exactly 250 every hour, and directly to your address !! , and this coins at this moment exist only in two trading platform like tradsatoshi above or CoinsMarkets , but i do advise to use tradsatoshi . Claim Now :

That is guy , i hope you like this post , and wait for the part two , with faucet gives you the oportunity to claim fro the first day !!

Source my blog :

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