Accosted by fascists at an LGBTQ+ event (Is it okay to dress as Hitler?)

in asksteemit •  8 years ago  (edited)


It was my first time dressing as a babe.


I went for nerd babe; the kind that would read a book.


A female friend was dressed as Adolf Hitler. She is a short Russian babe, so it was a funny sight. As you can see the Swastika is the other way around from the Nazi symbol. Despite this being an ancient vedic religious symbol it triggered several straight white people at the LGBTQ+ event. They were very worried that someone might be offended, and so they took offence on behalf of their imagined people taking offence.

It was funny at the beginning. At first we tried to discuss with the people how it was them "taking" offence. No offence was being "given". They couldn't see that it was just them though. I told them it was fair enough that they were offended, but that it didn't affect me or anyone else, it was inside of them. To me the swastika was an ancient vedic symbol, to them it was a trigger warning, blowing them out of their safe spaces. The LGBTQ+ people loved Hitler, but the straight white collective had to get offended just in case a WW2 survivor entered the club and then took offence. It was bizarre behaviour. People tried to tell them that it was a party, but they had been triggered and would become the biggest drama queens.

We refused to put the swastika away, but eventually we put it away because we weren't really interested in the PC people's outrage and desire to circle jerk and talk about nothing else, as if they had been waiting for something like this to fill their empty lives. Several hours later they were still talking about it and now were saying things like they were going to cut my friends head off and attack her. They sounded like ISIS. It made me realise the similiarities between ISIS and PC people; they both are driven by the desire to censor anyone they don't agree with by utilising violence or threats of violence.

Food for thought

What do you think Steemit? Is it okay to dress as Hitler? Is it okay to get physically/verbally violent when you get offended? Is modern fascism draped in anti-fascism? Am I a babe?

Irish Writer, Poet, & Babe

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The LGBTQ+ people loved Hitler


Basically I think the ironic veneration of tyrants simply advertises ignorance. Ultimately Hitler was somebody who would have happily murdered all the people attending your party.

In my mind it trivialises what these people did; another argument could be that it ridicules the tyrant.

I personally don't find it offensive, just sad, Hitler and the swastika represent the worst kind of intolerance known to man. The things that he stood for, and that his regime carried out, was beyond awful.

That being said, it was obviously meant ironically, and the people "threatening" to cut off her head are bloody idiots.

Yes, you are a babe :-)


The LGBTQ+ people loved Hitler

What I meant was that no one had a problem with it, and everyone found the outfit funny. It was very comical.

It is also worth noting that Winston Churchill is on the British £5 notes, and he committed more genocide than Hitler. Also the swastika is older than Nazis and I don't believe it should be given to the nazis. To me, it's vedic.

Thanks ^_^

Oh right I see! Lolz.

Point taken about Churchill, however he was also the person who led Britain and the allies to victory against fascism.

Whilst the swastika is older than the Nazis, they popularised it, and few people know this fact (relative to the amount of people who attribute it to the Nazis).

Would you get it tattooed on you; or wear it as a t-shirt?

So, it's a shame, however it will unfortunately, always be associated with hate, and intolerance. Hence the symbol (along with the Nazi salute) being illegal in Germany.


always a babe!

It reminds me of an exhibition I was organising and participainting in back in the nineties. It was a combined techno-rave and painting-exhibition, and there was a triptych with swastikas painted on brown rubber-ducks of the kind you give children in the bathtub. The paintings were obviously not a nazi tribute, but the decorator, an English sod who was pissed because his decorations were secondary to the paintings, made a big fuss about it. He said that the ambient DJ that was a big name in London would refuse to play when she saw the paintings because the rave-scene in England was very political. When she finally arrived she had a joint with the artist and had no problem with the message they conveyed: the brown nazi rubberduck that is popping (or pooping) up in the bathtub of the middleclass.
(Little did we know how prophetic these painting were.)

It was a grand party, and I almost got into a fight with the idiot decorator.

Excellent story! Thanks for sharing ^_^


The more I learn about Hitler, the more I like him. The more I learn about Progresives the less I like them. People just don't seem to understand how valuable freedom of speach really is. Without it, our perspective Countries will become unrecognizable.

I think these people are more reactionary and emotional than progressive. Washed by the media with a limited western centric view of the world.

That attitude is rampant right now. They're crazy and potentially dangerous.

Im sure you are someones babe, but sad to say you arent my type :)

Re the Hitler dress-up, well its a girl and the Nazis were/are homophobic and they would have hated that, so its obviously ironic. If a WWII veteran was there, I think that might have caused some offense, or they may have found it hilarious. If you are going to push boundaries, dont be shocked when people fail to understand.

"They were very worried that someone might be offended, and so they took offence on behalf of their imagined people taking offence."

im so stealing this lol

If you can't acknowledge and care about someone else's sensitivities, why should anyone care about yours? Is it okay for someone to walk around with a KKK hat? How about a symbol of anti-homosexuality? I promise that you would not be okay with that.

I promise that I wouldn't care about those things as long as the person isn't harming anyone.
I shouldn't be expected to worry about whether someone might find a religious symbol offensive or not. It's the equivalent of a member of ISIS being offended by someone wearing religious items and then thinking they have the right to cut someone's head off. At the end of the day the offence in these situations is taken by the extremists. There is no offence given. It's in their PC censor-want minds.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

The idea of freedom of speech, is that everyone has the right to their own opinion and their own voice! The only time the State or any individual would have the right to intervien is if harm is done. We suround ourselves with arbitrary Laws, Principles, Beliefs and then violently shove them down other peoples throats. There is only one law "DO NO HARM" and if harm is done to person, creature or property then let the punishment suit the crime. Other then that it is all hog wash!
