Aslan’s Army Opinion: UKIP and The Brexit Party: Farage’s Mirage?

in aslansarmy •  5 years ago 

Aslan’s Army Opinion: UKIP and The Brexit Party: Farage’s Mirage?
Greetings all.

On April 12th 2019, Nigel Farage launched The Brexit Party, a completely new political party, and led it straight into battle for the Euro Elections that must now take place on May 23rd , after the British Government sold out No Deal and the EU refused to kick us out on both March 31st and April 12th .

Many Britons, and of course our Lions of Aslan, are rightly furious, and we are UNITED in our intent to give the EU and British Establishment an electoral kicking the likes of which they will never, ever forget!
But what should we think of an Electoral field that has both The Brexit Party and UKIP to vote for, as well as some other options?

Who do we vote for? What will the choices on this vote be? How should we feel about having this Vote? What should our expectations for our vote be? Who can we trust?

Aslan Admin has considered these questions carefully over the last week, and we would now like to present our considered view.

To start with we ran a poll last weekend. The response was very strong, with excellent participation, and the result was clear: @ 80% of Aslan members back UKIP, @ 10% The Brexit Party.

Of course, that is a sample poll at the start of what is now an ongoing campaign leading up to elections on May 23rd: We may do more polls to monitor if the mood within Aslan’s Army itself will change: however that poll is a clear datum point to back up this Aslan Opinion.

Aslan’s Army is a patriotic movement based on the sacred sovereignty of the free individual, and the right of free people to form communities together they run for themselves. In modern society this means more than a world of village councils, and thus we have politics and the democratic process. Both the integrity and legitimacy of government we can consent to, for it is lawful and worthy of respect, are paramount to remain a free society.

We hear the voice and feel the pain of the communities who have taken the worst brunt of the punishment from Globalism, and we know the strength of feeling in so many UK towns from Luton to Rochdale, via Telford and Rotheram, via Plymouth and Newcastle. The human suffering caused by problems, like the extremist part of the UK Islamic community are the worst this country have seen not just in decades, but centuries. The heart of our nation suffers this pain. Yet Aslan also stands for solving our problems with our values and certainly is NOT an anti-Islamic group. Our Opinion on the issue of Islam can be found here:

And while focus on problems coming from Islamic extremists and abuse gangs is vital, its far more than that, its those who let this happen, those who have profited from it, and all the other vile networks of abuse that bedevil our nation, especially child stealing by the state.

We have also been on a journey as a group in our relationship with UKIP. After the disaster of the Henry Bolton leadership, we wondered what was next for the party, and when Gerard Batten started supporting Tommy Robinson we wondered if we could trust his sincerity. But since then big change has happened in UKIP, there can be no doubt it is a genuine patriotic populist party now, and the Tory Donors, with their stranglehold on the NEC, have buggered off: as indeed, did Nigel Farage.

Aslans Army is very clear: Working Class British Patriots love Tommy Robinson: and overwhelmingly, that speaks for the majority of Aslan as well.

However, while Lions may love Tommy: Sheep don’t.

And in the long years of InfoBattle, many #FakeNews wounds have been inflicted, both on Tommy and UKIP, that while those awake no better, cloud the vision of those who do not.

This is reflected in the attitudes of Nigel Farage, who was negative and judgemental about Tommy last summer, refuse to support Tommy when he so very clearly, to the eyes of the WORLD, so obviously stitched up on the public street outside Leeds Court. This negativity is also true of #TheBrexitParty, that has no policy regarding Islam and clear disdain for people like Tommy and his supporters.

The Brexit Party also has a brand-new platform with not a ding on the hull, and the best and the brightest candidates drawn largely from what should be the brightest talents of business and the Conservative party.
Aslan recognises this important truth, that may be hard for some members to hear:
Regardless of our feelings or sense of loyalty, and knowledge of the past, especially regarding the Farage/UKIP story:
The Brexit Parties approach is SERIOUSLY cleaning up at the opinion polls!

We would like to bring attention to this recent article on Sky.Com

We quote: “Initially I had thought that shorn of UKIP and its organisational spine, Farage might struggle.
Instead, I came to see it as his biggest advantage yet.
UKIP, to some, to many, always had unsavoury connotations.
This new party is a blanker slate - a potentially better vehicle for his ambition.
It explains why Farage barely mentioned immigration and didn't talk about Europe as much as you'd think.
Instead, his message was one of political transformation. Of fulfilling the true potential of the 2016 revolt. Of draining the swamp; that the failure to implement the referendum proves why it was necessary in the first place.
His is now a simpler and broader message - that Britain has been humiliated, that Westminster is rotten, that the system is rigged, that parliament doesn't represent you and it is only he who can do something about it and make us proud again.
For Nigel Farage - this Dulwich school boy, denizen of the political scene for decades - is doing something.”

^^^ This approach is pulling in vast amounts of voters who largely see Tommy and UKIP negatively, from both Tory and Labour voter bases. It is a totally different family orientated party whose pitch really matches a traditional Tory platform from the days of aspiration prior to the Maastrict treaty.

Meanwhile, the remainers are all over the bloody place. A crushingly resounding pro HARD BREXIT vote looks set to smash all opposition away.

However deeper questions must still be answered. What does this Brexit Party truly stand for? Isnt it really a Tory Lifeboat for the best and brightest of the ERG and its orbit?
And at this point, how much does it matter?

When Aslan looks at UKIP, we see the party we have stood alongside on the field of Info Battle many times before. We see a party that has fought hard to connect and become what its members want, and it has earned our respect.
But we recognise The Brexit Party is on a rampage and is going to clean clocks as quite probably the greatest protest vote upset British Politics has EVER seen and the tone of the Sky article we have linked speaks of serious revelation and a reaching for that future POST Brexit we have all been working for. They will do VERY VERY WELL in the Euro Elections: and if they are THAT successful, a few months down the line, they will be giving those MEP seats up again because we will be OUT of the European Union: By God and The Lion!

However, in the council elections, the Brexit Party is going to do utterly CRAP: They have NO CANDIDATES!

It's UKIP that is standing in contest for over 1000 council seats, and other parties like John Rees Evans DVP and Richard Tilbrooks English Democrats. UKIP isn’t able to field candidates for EVERY council seat up for election on May 23rd so Aslan members and the general electorate may need to use their best judgements of the council candidates they have got. But there is PLENTY to vote for and NONE of it is LibLabCon.

Therefore Aslan says vote UKIP or best alternative in ALL Council elections, if they are on your ballot paper: cannot go wrong!

With the Euro Elections there are two choices: recognising UKIP should have a voice in the EU parliament too, Vote UKIP, get UKIP: or go “Fuck it! Shouldn’t even be fighting this election anyway, how DARE they force us to vote for MEP’s we voted LEAVE!” and join in with the masses who just wont vote UKIP to make the Brexit Party vote into the greatest protest vote “fuck you!” in British political history. BOTH views have merits.

So we say: on the Euro’s make your own best judgement between the two, but recognise NOTHING will stop the Brexit Party totally cleaning clocks!

Looking beyond May 23rd, the more serious question of the choice “Brexit Party or UKIP”? will come next time the UK is asked to Vote in a general election. There are serious debates to be had in times ahead: but it doesn’t help us too much to have them here, now, ahead of this Euro vote.

After all, as long as we are not passive, as long as we don’t fail to vote, as long as we don’t let Remain rally, get the overall majority of votes cast, and use Remain winning the Euro’s to try to overturn Article 50, we really cant go wrong in the Euro’s whether we vote UKIP or Brexit Party, and can only choose UKIP between the two for the council choice.

Fuck the LIBLABCON, Fuck Remainers, Fuck The EU, Aslans Army is voting for FREEDOM:
Let the Nation hear OUR ROAR!

HELP US BE HEARD: SIGN AND SHARE OUR #ThePeoplesBrexit Petition!
The Peoples BREXIT serves notice on the EU! We REVOKE You! We RENOUNCE EU Citizenship!

WHATEVER happens in these Euro Elections: No LION of Aslan’s Army will EVER be a Slave of the EU!
Join us here:

#AslansArmy #BREXIT #LeaveMeansLEAVE! #NoDeal #EUNotYourCitizens! #ThePeoplesBrexit #MEGA #WWG1WGA

Because after all:
If The Brexit Party gains MEP’s and the result is irrestiable pressure that forces Britain out of the EU, in perception as well as in fact, it doesn’t matter in the long run does it? The Brexit Party will still have to compete for electoral representation inside the UK in domestic elections and UKIP’s vote has its own strong base that will not trade its support just on Farage’s promises alone.

On that basis, could a resounding win for The Brexit Party, that seems inevitable, could well turn out to be Farage’s Mirage!:

What matters above all else is getting fully OUT FREE AND CLEAR from the dreadful EU!
With love to all BREXITEERS and Patriots world-wide:
Aslan Admin

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