Various reviews on assemble protocol from different writers elicited an unprecedented level of inquisitions from alot of readers and I have deemed necessary to pick out some frequently inquisitive asked questions and answer them.
(Q1) What is the Assemble protocol all about?
The Assemble protocol can best be described as a uniquely modelled blockchain engineered platform with modalities for global point integration that exploits ASM utility tokens, it also provides a business oriented ecosystem that will facilitate shades of seamless integration, utilization and monetization of existing points and miles to the entirety of point providers, retailers and consumers on it's platform. Assemble protocol enjoys the partnership of alot of notable names and one of it's core partnership is the
(Q2) What is role of Assemble protocol in the point market?
First of all, assemble protocol recognises the different problems beguiling the points market and so it's roles will majorly focused on establishing an ecosystem where the trio of points providers, point consumers and retailers can be housed, integrated and connected to work together. In the Assemble protocol point providers ( enterprises) will be given the rare privilege to duely use/exhaust their accumulated points liabilities and introduce a new channel for attracting new customers. Point consumers (Consumers) are also not left out because they have an unlimited time-frame for the use of their loyalty points and they also be given more options and opportunities to judiciously use their reward points. Retailers (individuals or companies) are the third and last segments of beneficiaries in the Assemble protocol platform, the platform provides these retailers with top-notch advertisement tools, open up more advertisement channels etc.
(Q3) What is the strengths of Assemble protocol?
Assemble protocol possess enormous power in terms of it's capabilities, flexibility and sustainability, it's a platform where you can have the ability to seamlessly convert all reward points from different providers into a single digital asset, users can also transfer their poibts, unlike the erstwhile traditional point usage the Assemble protocol enables P2P service where a buyer and a seller can operate on the Assemble protocol platform.
(Q4) What are advantages that come with combining points on blockchain?
There are so many advantages and the most notable amongst them is the advantage in terms of "cost saving" so many organisations, individuals, enterprises, companies do not have to invest so much an an in-house points management system, the points can be easily tokenized which is same as converting it to cash, this tokenization process eschews high safety, reliability and transparency of transactions.
(Q5) What is the role of ASM/ASP?
The ASM is a utility token that is used to fuel transactions within the Assemble protocol platform, it's prices are determined by the going market demands per-time and it can be either gotten via the Assemble protocol platform,from a digital exchange or as a reward (airdrop). The ASP on the other hand is basically a payment method in the Assemble protocol platform, consumers can buy the ASM and then convert it to ASP.
Having given answers, explanations and espousition on major questions bothering on the Assemble protocol platform, I find it very fufilling to encourage point providers, consumers and retailers to make concerted efforts towards becoming a part of the Assemble protocol proper. Thank you
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