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What a Great sign is the statue showing to the World !


wow very beautiful. it kede apa @asmolokolo?

Wow colourfull statues @asmolokalo

Tnx for you have a nice day.


Thank you so much friend.. You have visit my blog..
I think this is so cool his liberty statue.
like a rainbow.

Nice pics statue of liberty is very surprising statue

beautiful colors beautiful effect @asmolokalo

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

excellent color photography @asmolokalo. Thanks for sharing art photography. i like your post;

Fantastic art.
Thanks for sharing its
Looking great bro.

Wonderful image thanks for sharing.

the statue of liberty,, most excellent art,, wonderful photography,, i like your post,, thanks for sharing

So cool nice one.

The secret is STEEMIT ;-) nice colors.. did you buy this online?

eh, nei ;) picture is still hot, its from 1 hour back...

No i mean the statue of liberty😉

Excellent photography. Thanks for sharing such a good post

amazing art!

Wow, excellent photography. I think this picture amazing.

It is a unique snap i must say.thanks sir for sharing it.

New fourth of July decorations! MERICA!

beautiful art.

Fantastic photography @asmolokalo
Great work @asmolokalo

What a Great sign is the statue showing to the World !have a nice day.

What we have in my country is the obelisk, upvote

Great stuff here. And also great color choice [Green, especially]. It certainly does sum up our idea of steemit - peaceful with no antagonism, fresh with content, natural....and GROWING.

This is an awesome photography. Its really amazing photo and also creative art. I really impressed your photography.

Beautiful effects. Nice photography my friend @asmolokalo..

Wonderful statue

all art beautiful

A successful comparison of the Statue of Liberty and Steem.

Удачное сравнение статуи свободы и Steem.

nice post! well done!

Liberty color full

Thx again for the nice contest.. I made my own and decided also to do a small giveaway

Gracias, a statue of liberty for

Waw, amazing, so amazing and I absolutely love it. You are great in this. Greetings my @anis09 You