My bedroom has a peculiar feature,growing up as an undergraduate in the university one of the best feeling is having your own apartment outside the school. At that point you really concur with the fact that you are finally an adult and not a kid anymore.
One peculiar features that always caught the attention of visitors to those of us that has there own apartment outside the campus is the digital items we stuck in our,music,games and ebook are a common digital items you see in our rooms. These items were very useful links to is as an undergraduate that sometimes we have to save for more than a section in other to be able to afford some of these items. That's how important they are to us as an undergraduate.
But being a graduate now these digital items are no more useful to me, I don't find them of having any value to me apart from the fact that they are occupying my space in my room. But imagine how usefully these items would be to others who are in the level I was few years ago as an undergraduate, now imagin if there is a way these other people could get there hands on these digital items of mine they would even be willing to pay for these items.
Now it's natural for you to be thinking exactly what am thinking which is, what if there is a medium in which we can put these used digital items up for sale instead of the people downloading it for free somewhere. Imagine having a secure platform in which these used digital items can be trade for real money, saying that would be great is an understatement.
Just as it's natural for you to be thinking these way, actually a platform was created to bring the platform we have been craving for and it's my honour to introduce to you AsoBimo platform,
a platform that integrate the latest blockchain technology into its medium. With the introduction of these blockchain technology these will aid the secure distribution of second hand items. Those digital items occupying space in my room could be traded to another user for a certain amount of fees.
Copying and stealing of digital items without authoriazation will be a thing of the past as these platform will checkmate them because proof of ownership through a decentralize security system(DSS) is required before you can be granted access to these digital items. So authorised individual who has sign a smart contract through transaction can lay there hands to these digital items.
One of the great benefit of these platform is that it offers individual the opportunity of trading digital items for another digital items of there choice( you can call it trade by barter you won't be wrong) and also you can just trade these digital items directly for cryptocurrency(ABX tokens) which can be cashed at cryptocurrency exchanges.
With these you can realize the immense goodies these platform is bringing to us. The platform ensure a smooth medium of transaction with low fees being charged. In other to make these platform more user friendly, it's been made possible for user to trade items directly from there Asobi wallet whoch they use during transaction and there is fast payment when transaction is complete. A percentage of the profit of the transaction goes to the original owners of the content such as the publisher or author of an eBook and these percentage will be shown visibly on the exchange there by adding more transparency to these great platform.
Let me blow your mind with some figures, the digital content market is currently worth about 8.4 trillion Japanese Yen which is approximately 72.9 billion USD and guess what? The second hand items market which is practically untouched is estimated to worth about 1.2trillion Japanese Yen which is 10.5 billion USD and rising. With AsoBimo platform being the pioneer platform in these line of second hand digital market the it of the great platform can't be any brighter.
ABX token is the official cryptocurrency of these platform, with these token all forms of transaction is carried out on these platform. The ABX token is currently on trade in the following exchanges;Latoken,Lugud,Coin hub,Coin bene,Coin rail. Now you see why you shouldn't be left out from investing on these platform.
For more information visit the following
Asobimo website
Bitcointalk profile;u=2067902