Facebook page of Ecuadorian ex-president Rafael Correa blocked

in assange •  5 years ago  (edited)

Facebook has apparently blocked the page of former Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa, which was used to share WikiLeaks material. The move also comes after he bashed his successor for allowing to arrest Julian Assange.

Correa took to Twitter on Thursday night to decry the block, which he called a “show of desperation” following the publication of the INA papers, a trove of documents leaked last month that show current President Lenin Moreno’s involvement in a corruption investigation. Correa had been publicizing the papers on his Facebook page, which had 1.5 million followers.

© REUTERS/Eric Vidal

A Facebook spokesperson confirmed the block to El Comercio, telling the paper that Correa’s page was blocked because it breached the company’s policies on “disclosure of personal information, such as phone numbers, addresses, bank account data, cards, or any record or data that could compromise the integrity physical or financial of the people in our community.”

The block also came one day after Correa branded Moreno “the greatest traitor in Ecuadorian history” for allowing British officers to enter London’s Ecuadorian embassy and arrest WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. One week previously, WikiLeaks had suggested that Moreno would move to oust Assange soon, as revenge for WikiLeaks’ reporting on the INA papers.

There is at present nothing to suggest that Facebook blocked Correa on behalf of Moreno. However, the social media giant has been criticized before for deleting left and right-leaning activist and news pages in the US, and leftist news outlets in Latin America.

Original: https://www.rt.com/news/456366-rafael-correa-facebook-blocked/

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That's why in the next quarters more and more people will come to STEEM Blockchain.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

If Correa is smart, he will come to Steemit, @rt-international.

And drag here all of his followers.

giphy (2).gif

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

If Rafael Correa comes here in Steemit, I will be very glad. I'm a Peruvian citizen, but I admire him. I consider he was one of the best presidents in the world.

He doesn't have hair in his mouth as we said over here. Cristina Kirchner uses Telegram, for example, that's the first step.

these things no longer, in the age of decentralization.

This is what is happening when people want to denounce acts of corruption. If they don't care about a former president, so anyone can be silenced

The solution is quite easy, @rt-international tell him to publish those documents in a site with an immutable distributed ledger... tell Correa to land on Steem as you did and he will find a social media where censorship is impossible!
This is another showcase of the power of crypto as an alternative to central powers that want to rule over the heads of millions of people, limiting individual freedom and the right to be informed!

That Lenin Moreno is corrupt is not something that surprises me, especially coming from the government of Correa.

I can't believe RT has an account here. Putin will be in books as one of the smartest politician of the XXI century.