FISA secret court, Assassins, NATO, the marines - a glimpse of truth. The face of EVIL, MIBs

in assassins •  7 years ago  (edited)

Targeted personalities include, but are not exclusive to, people with strong mothers and weak or absent fathers. People who are marginalized by circumstance, single parent who goes to prison leaving at risk children without a parent, impoverished single parent allowing children to be home alone or in the general vicinity of home while parent i away at work. Also, high risk are young people with Asperger syndrome who may be excluded from social circles and peer activities, young people with learning difficulties, young people who have been abused, molested or traumatized.

The Illuminati agenda which began a few months before the Bill of Rights was signed in America has had an agenda of destruction of social order. Actions which have included the devastation of the indigenous people, followed by vaccination of the American and European people engaged in WWI, followed by mass vaccination of the general population which has resulted in cancer, heart disease, autism spectrum disorders, autoimmune disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, epilepsy and allergies so much so that in the USA the statistics are showing that this generation of parents are outliving their children - not because they are living longer but because life expectancy is shorter. One in six children is diagnosed with a neurodevelomental disability.
America demographics.jpg

The chart shows the demographics of America based on the most recent statistics available. Statistics do not always give a clear picture. For example for many years the head circumference for people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder was defined as average. However, a Medical Review Council, UK 2001 review of autism revealed that approximately one-third have microcephaly and approximately one-third macrocephaly. Combined the numbers for larger and smaller head size canceled out the variation. The chart includes the combined information for Americans which require 24/7 care and this is approximately one-fourth of the population. Whether the care is required due to age or disability it is worth noting that many of these individuals are receiving one-to-one care and this requires a substantial number of carers whether it is parent, extended family, employee or institution staff. From the chart it is possible to ascertain that nearly half of people receiving 24/7 care are cared for by an individual providing 24/7 care without pay suggestive of a family member who may not be able to seek employment due to their role as a full time unpaid caregiver, this is nearly one-half of the US population.

Agenda21, the Georgia Guidestones, should be a wake-up call that many people and perhaps other beings who may be more in control than we know would like to depopulate the earth. Consider also the many ways in which this is possible and that there are many layers of deceit and deception. Also, lots of money to be made as the weapons and FEMA camps are manufactured and delay of the mass genocide as the deep state, Illuminati, cabal will attempt to squeeze every last resource from the clutches of a dying world. Watch as they roll out even newer, smarter and more entertaining technologies: the driverless uber cars, the 3D printers, metal detectors in school and cryptocurrencies (all leading back to a single source code). How do you stop a criminal from owning a gun when he/she can print one? More and more camouflage to supplement the wigs and make-up; we now have reptilian slit or cat eye contact lenses and anonymous masks.

The extremely wealthy 1% are buying artifacts from Antarctica and trying to re-awaken the giants laid in stasis 12,000 years ago, the crashed spaceships found by our battle ships, treasure hunters and submarines do not make the news because the news is just entertainment media. So, the truther movement has risen from the determination of people trying to reconnect and form communities using social media platforms that had built in bots and DoD memetics malware towards further control and when that failed outright censorship has become the norm. Finally, We the People can see that we do not have freedom of speech because when We the People speak we are targets such as the hundreds of doctors that have died untimely and mysterious deaths and others who are describing the attacks and assaults, the internet freedom fighters such as Aaron Swartz, Breitbart and Barlow. The whistleblowers who risk prison or death.

Patrick Henry - Give me liberty or give me death:

Right now, we are in a fight for survival and what we do determines what life will be like for generations to come. No one should be forced to bathe in fluoridated water, breathe air which is purposely contaminated and be human resources for pharmaceutical and military experimentation. This is not longer a game. The artificial intelligence is not possessed by a demon but will be used by people who want to demonize it and weaponize it if we continue to let them take the intellectual property and best ideas of the people and then dispose of the human resources. Look at the number of dead doctors, bankers, holistic doctors, lawyers, politicians and how they died. It has gotten beyond absurd. At this point in history we need to have a veteran assigned to every newly birthed child as a body guard just to get them safely to school so they can then be sitting ducks for deep state false flag, crisis actor events to summon the main stream media for advertising revenue so they can gofundme their assets and MKUltra program.

We are the co-authors of many books, internet blogs and articles exploring the emerging paradigms of this time. Our knowledge and expertise spans many topics including Autism, Morgellons Disease, Exopolitics, Healing and Ascension.

Our most recent books, published on the Cumberland Academy Payhip site, cover a multitude of topics including Galactic history, Extraterrestrial intervention, Deep State and secret programs, Deception, Hybridization programs, the Moonbase, the truth about Silent Superbug ‘Morgellons Disease’ and the Artificial Intelligence that is attempting to control our planet during this ascension process. It is about how humanity can wake up and reach the next level of consciousness.

We founded World Community Autism Program and Cumberland Academy to share our visions and insights into Global healing, Transformation and Ascension

A change from gold standard was implemented to destroy the monetary control and then another world war and these wars have been controlled by the Archons - extraterrestrials.

In my dream state I was taken to view a situation where many young males are being held and they refuse to give names, either do not possess or refuse to demonstrate possession of any documents and where it is desired to deport these individuals it is more likely they will be incarcerated and continue to wreak havoc inside the USA because the ICE agents cannot even identify these individuals but these individuals have the tattoo evidence of being gang members.

US citizens are paying young men like this to kill and rape women and children. NATO assassins who may be legal or illegal aliens or natural born citizens because these people are ABOVE the LAW. It is the JUST US system which must be stopped. In order to stop this We the People must be united in our effort to get the truth out. We need to create an outcry because this is a very small number of people who are members of Skull & Bones or Cap & Gown, secret societies and who produced the original intercontinental communications system SIGSALY, fort Fannin. The US Navy, mind control MKUltra, project Bluebird. It is our property, developed and manufactured as a global communications system. Now this technology has been incorporated into a 2000+ page patent called the Internet of Things 'IoT'.


The global quantum computers x 10 competing systems are attempting to control information by way of the bots, algorithms and programs which are being changed to cause the storage of files to be on an individual's device and the power to download or upload using cloud systems to use the power of the device owner exclusively and not the service provider:

HRC law firm has developed the IoT patent which basically means anything that moves is patented under this umbrella patent. These people are evil and they use psyops to intimidate people, the people who are part of the intelligence communities are under the umbrella organization of the Secret Executive Service 'SES' as are our military. The global money is mostly controlled by the pear headed grey alien life forms, the military by the blond-haired,blue-eyed nordics also called Pleyadians and the royals by the Caecilians. Hybridization produced the Reptilian bi-pedals also called the fish gods. Many hybrid species were produced and their images have been carved in heiroglyhs and on ancient structures. Caecilians are a group of limbless, serpentine amphibians. They mostly live hidden in the ground, making them the least familiar order of amphibians. All modern caecilians and their closest fossil relatives are grouped as a clade, Apoda, within the larger group Gymnophiona, which also includes more primitive extinct caecilian-like amphibians.

In the dream state I have been given tutorials from a very young age and the history of the earth and the beings which currently live on and within the earth have been shown to me through the eyes and mind of the Mantid being, a Guardian elder from the Intergalactic Soul Council. The Mantid being and the Arcturian council have been prevented from interfering until humans began to experiment with hydrogen bombs, nuclear reactors and space weapons technology. These types of activities have caused great damage to the earth and resulted already in the loss of three planets in our solar system. The first group from our area of the solar system to achieve space travel were the Venusians but at the other end of the galaxy the Zeta-Reticulans and Andromedans also achieved space travel. It is very difficult to state matter-of-factly that a group of beings is from one part of our solar system when billions of years have changed the solar system and most notably the loss of three planets: Marduk, Maldek and Sirius B

The Venutians had two primary bi-pedal human forms, the very dark skinned surface dwellers and the very light skinned cave dwellers. These beings worked together and traveled to Mercury where dark force energy was entrapped and this energy is like smoke, it has no form but it latched onto matter which attached to the craft and clothing of the space faring Venusian astronauts. The Venusians were the founders of what we call Mu or Lemuria and Atlantis. The Arcturians were also here and possibly formed the oldest structures, the huge building block cities which look like giant concrete legos. Seeing that destruction of earth was a potential risk the Arcturians left the planet to evolve and quarantined earth to prevent further interference approximately 50,000 years ago. The advanced Mars civilization has been controlled by draco-Orions, these are the Pleyadian seal skinned robots which are also called tall greys. These robots can manage the surface atmosphere and toxicity of Mars which is as a result of the last cataclysm. In the Pleiades were other beings who were also involved in hybrid programs, some blond-haired and blue eyed technologically advanced beings who have evolved forms which we know as blue-Avians and further evolved as the blue sphere beings. The Mantis elder race work with the blue sphere alliance as part of the Arcturian council also called the Emerald council. These insectoid bi-pedal beings desire to share a healthy earth with all life forms. However, if humans annihilate themselves the earth can be cleared of waste and restored to a healthy atmosphere which can be shared by hybrids and bi-pedal beings with human life forms beings made extinct. As part of the intergalactic soul council it is this group which are among the seven primary dual gender groups who are no longer restricted from interacting with humans. The Venusians have been coming for about 140 years to help us through the Great Awakening, the Mantis 3D technologically advanced group that were among the early arrivals when anti-gravity craft was being reintroduced to humans were largely captured and enslaved, the Pleiadian are among the 5 alien member groups that form the Greada treaty and within which the Mantis are called quadloids. The Quadloids that remained on Mars as Guardians of Mars are extrremely lethal beings, they are swift of foot, they can manufacture sarcopine and inject it through a poison sac in their wrist via a fingernail and in the laboratory they are genius. These are the most telepathic beings I have encountered, they are also determined and patient teachers who maintain the gift of shapeshifting. They blend, it is impossible to see a mantis on the planet surface as they just turn red like the dust of the surface, their prey has been eliminated before a threat was even detected. Just as there are humans which are called meek or peaceful, intellectual or academic, alpha or mercenary so-to with the mantis beings.

From: Follow the white rabbit. Patent on Evil -
We are not alone, the El-ite have always known. Governments have known for at least 100 years and our government was likely responsible for bringing down the extraterrestrial crafts at Roswell and other areas nearby to Roswell. Our government, like other governments have had treaties with the extraterrestrials since Truman and the Greata treaty since Eisenhower. They know, they know we know; and, we know that they know that we know. The Brookings report has been used to allow the secret programs to continue to control patents, money and resources which includes human resources by suggesting we can’t handle the truth. Abductions may occur as a result of agreements which have been made in exchange for technology. However, it is also clear that as the information available to wider and wider audiences increases and the number of people on the planet increases; the number of people who are inducted or incorporated into the world of the globalists and secret societies the evil practices have resulted in human abductions.

Just as history tells us Rome fell but also tells us that history is written by the victors why is it that our education system is Roman, our religious system is Roman and our monetary system is Roman? Obviously, Rome as a power structure was simply redefined and our chronological history was skewed with the invention of the Gregorian calendar making it impossible to compare our modern human time-line with the uninterrupted time-line of the Asian continents peoples. Another piece of the Archonic plan for destruction of social order in the time of technology. We are in that time now and the Archons have chosen the time during which technology would be revealed, the telegraph, the telephone, the internet, the CERN relay system, the outernet (DYSON sphere), the intranets (secret servers), the satellites, the 5G quantum computers - IBM Q aka IBM Watson


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