Apophis Aten Asteroids Cosmic Snakes Tesla Pyramid Forces Djed Pillars Osiris

in asteroids •  5 years ago  (edited)

A near-Earth asteroid with a diameter of 370 meters that caused a brief period of concern in December 2004 because initial observations indicated a probability of up to 2.7% that it would hit Earth on April 10, 2029. Scientists have also ruled out a 2036 impact.


But wait it's called Apophis from Egypt and the Asteroids are apart of the Aten Asteroids that come every 3 years. There is a one in 50,000 chance that asteroids will hit Earth every 100 years. No known asteroid poses a significant risk of impact with Earth over the next 100 years," according to the website of NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office. There is over 20,000 known near-Earth asteroids (NEAs), 54,859. known asteroids and 3,611. known comets. I remember back in April 2017 they found the most new Asteroids in a day and then 2,000 new Asteroids was confirmed by the end of the year.


The Aten asteroids are a dynamical group of asteroids whose orbits bring them into proximity with Earth. By definition, Atens are Earth-crossing asteroids (a < 1.0 AU and Q > 0.983 AU). The group is named after 2062 Aten, the first of its kind, discovered on 7 January 1976 by American astronomer Eleanor Helin at Palomar Observatory. As of 2019, 1490 Atens have been discovered, of which 12 are named. Many Atens are classified as potentially hazardous asteroids. Potentially hazardous are near-Earth objects (NEO). For an asteroid or comet to be considered a NEO it must come within 50 million km of Earth's orbit all of which only has around a 2% chance of hitting us honestly.

Names: Year

2062 Aten 1976
2340 Hathor 1976
2100 Ra-Shalom 1978
3362 Khufu 1984
3554 Amun 1986
3753 Cruithne 1986
5381 Sekhmet 1991
136818 Selqet 1997
326290 Akhenaten 1998
99942 Apophis 2004
163693 Atira 2003
398188 Agni 2010
367943 Duende 2012

Aten (also Aton, Ancient Egyptian: jtn) was the focus of Atenism, the religious system established in ancient Egypt by the Eighteenth Dynasty pharaoh Akhenaten. The Aten was the disc of the sun and originally an aspect of Ra, the sun god in traditional ancient Egyptian religion, but Akhenaten made it the sole focus of official worship during his reign.


Cosmic Snake
It is this chaos, or serpent which must be overcome to create order and maintain life in any meaningful way. We will see this in our discussion of Biblical texts. The Serpent represent the Milky Way band observable all over the Earth northern and southern hemispheres. The Milky Way Centre and the Milky Way contours are also very closely connected to the global stories of Creation and "evolution" from black holes emitting rays. The maze is also seen a representing the mystery surrounding the serpent. Also early ritual dances are thought to have imitated the tracks of the serpent in motion, chthonic gods in serpentine form. Also snakes were often seen coming out of holes in the ground, thus perhaps from the Underworld. Also the dragon [ Greek drakon = serpent] or cosmic serpent is seen as a symbol of chaos.


In the Twelve Gates of the Underworld each hallway in the Underworld was protected by a gate and three guardians (a serpent and two gods). In order to successfully pass the gates and enter the halls, the Pharaoh had to correctly name all three of the beings. The gates themselves represented the 12 hours of the night. The Pharaoh would begin his journey at nightfall and it would end at dawn. Because of the number of gates, I will only be touching on the most important ones to do with Apophis.

Gate Three In this chamber, the Pharaoh would be faced with a lake of fire and twelve re-animating mummies. The lake would only hurt the wicked so, if the Pharaoh was not tainted by wickedness, he would have no trouble traversing the fiery lake. Gate three, or the Gate of Tchetbi, was an important one because it was the first, but not last, encounter with Apophis. Apophis was a gigantic serpent and a bitter enemy to Ra. In this chamber, Atum and nine others were restraining him. At the end of this chamber, there was a gate that led to a corridor which led to the fourth gate. This gate was protected by Enuerkhata and the end of the corridor was guarded by Setata. Between the two were nine gods.

Gate Ten, The tenth gate is, by far, the most climactic. Within this chamber, a battle of epic proportions took place. The Pharaoh, the personification of the sun god, Ra, spent the hour in the tenth cavern fighting with his archenemy, Apophis. The battle was fearsome and many gods helped along the way. Eventually, magic helped the gods gain the upper hand and they finally overcame the beast.

Gate Eleven Through the eleventh gate, the gods emerged from the battle with Apophis and subdued him by tying him up. The gods took Apophis and his 'army' and rendered them incapable of further attack through dismemberment. The war was over and the gods rejoiced. It was then time for the Pharaoh to continue to the final stage of his journey.

Gate Twelve In the final stage, the Pharaoh prepared to be reborn as Ra and the sun itself. Once he made it through the cavern, he emerged as the sun god, Ra. Essentially, he became the sun.
if a Pharaoh failed, then the sun would no longer appear and life as they knew it would be destroyed.


Djed pillar and Osiris
The djed-pillar was designed as a symbol of Osiris and later came to be understood as a representation of his backbone and is seen left of Orion in electromagnetic fields in birkeland currents in space, which could be a source of unlimited energy you can tap into.

djedpillargeometry2 (1).jpg

Pyramids and Nikola Tesla.


If you compare the pyramids and not only the Egypt ones, also the Mayans, and all the others you find spread all over the world, you find quite a similarity to Tesla’s Wireless Energy Tower “Wardenclyffe Tower” on Long Island, New York (1901–1917), that in fact was transmitting energy without cables, just using the air, or physically spoken through luminiferous aether after all the heavens is technically space and above earth. The Great Pyramid of Giza can collect and concentrate electromagnetic energy in its chambers and at its base, scientists have discovered.


1 second on earth is 1000 years in heaven which is 31,536,000,000 seconds . May the eternal flame be with you.


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