Asthma Cure?

in asthma •  7 years ago 

I have had asthma ever since I was a little kid so I am quite familiar with the effects of it. As a child I remember my mom trying different things to help me breath when I had an attack, like filling up the bath tub with hot water and breathing in the steam or putting Vicks vapor rub on my chest. These things may have helped a little bit but really did not do much. Now as an adult I have been into natural healing and doing lots of research to cure all my ailments including asthma and I have found that it is not just one thing that fixes it, its multiple things that are more of a lifestyle change. More than likely not what you wanted to hear but I have tried multiple things and what I am about to share did work for me. The cure is really for more than just asthma but multiple ailments will clear up by doing these things and remember this is not an over night fix.

  1. Drink clean water especially if your water is fluoridated, buy a good quality water filter that removes fluoride or get distilled water. Also remember that if you do live in a fluoride water area when you are taking a hot shower its turning it into a gas and your breathing that stuff in, so get a shower filter also.

  2. Use natural products as much as possible get pure soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste (no fluoride) and just anything you put on your skin. Stop using perfume they are allowed to put about anything in that stuff.

  3. Diet is key and the hardest part, so what I did was to go gluten free and also limit meat as much as possible. I still struggle with this part and when I do eat gluten I notice the effects within hours. So eat lots of fruit and vegetables raw as much as possible.

  4. Get the digestive system working better, this might happen just by doing the diet change but you can speed it up by doing a coffee enema multiple times or find a colon therapist in your area would be better and get a colonic.

  5. Intermittent fasting is also a good thing to do this will help your body clean its self up and repair damage faster. Its not as hard as it sounds once you kinda set your mind to it just don't eat for 16 to 18 or more hours a day. Sleeping during this time will make it easier and staying busy to take your mind off it.

  6. Breath clean air, get and air purifier if you can and wear a dust mask when mowing or doing other tasks that cause dust.

So that's what I did to rid myself of asthma, I still do have attacks if I don't follow the regiment mainly eating gluten but once your body is cleaned up you will notice a difference. The hardest part is having the will power to do this stuff, its really more of getting your mindset right once you do that it will not be that hard. And don't get frustrated by saying I cant do all that stuff just start with what you can do and slowly integrate more and more into your lifestyle, and before you know it you will be a lot healthier to say the least. I hope this helps, I know it did for me.

Thanks for reading

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fasting was one of the most important things that i did.

it is refined sugar, i think that makes it especially hard for people to fast, as it makes us crave food so badly upon it exit from our system (spike, then fall)

congrats on taking control of your life. nothing is out of reach.

and your will power is much like any other muscle, you must exercise it.


Thanks, this was a long slow process for me a lot of trial and error and using myself as a test subject but all worth it in the end.

using myself as a test subject

hey that is what i do. especially since my work has been towards watching our my thoughts influence my experience.

it is absolutely worth it, and you are right to trust that you can be better than you were.

we are limitless ;)