August 20th, 2018

in astralempire •  5 years ago 

2 weeks ago, I got an energy healer to help me get rid of stored tension. I had 8 years of hatred towards my parents for not believing in me. He got me to revisit the memory, and I got the tension fixed.

Then I told my parents "either you support me or I don't want you to take part in my life." We had a long honest and relieving conversation, getting all expectations and facts on the table. For the first time in my life, I have felt wholeheartedly loved by my family.

Then on I see a girl on my "Suggested friends" list in Facebook. I know I have seen this girl on that list for months. I check out her profile. She's a branding coach. I see a public livestream she published sunday 12th, where she basically just tells about her and her mission in life.

I send her a message, just telling her. "I have never seen you in my life, but you are amazing and I'm a fan". She got flattered and we discussed her profession. I booked a discovery call with her on 14th, justto figure out if I needed her coaching. It was supposed to last 20minutes, we talked on the phone for almost 2 hours we had so much in common.

She couldn't help me, as I was at a more advanced stage with my business. I started connecting her to lots of my friends, and starting referring clients to her.

Then I asked her about her finances etc, she struggled, so I told her I could coach her for free, we both needed a great testimonial, so we could help each other "carve" our businesses into better shape.

She's a virgo. I'm intelligent, she's emotional, but not stupid. Most emotional girls I have been with has been stupid and treated me bad.

Currently we got a great friendship going, and we are considering partnering, because sales and branding goes hand in hand.

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