Plutonians - How To Recognize Them And How To Deal With Them

in astrology •  8 years ago  (edited)


If you have read my first post about astrology as a context descriptor you already know what to expect.

Today I'm going to talk about something very specific, namely a certain type of personality, known as "Plutonians".

Simply put, a "Plutonian" person has a very strong influence from Pluto (doh!). This influence comes in many forms but it almost always manifests in certain patterns.

First, let's see some of the forms in which Pluto may cast its influence over an individual

  • strong aspects with one of the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars)
  • strong aspects with one of the angles (Midheaven, Imum Coeli, Ascendant, Descendant)
  • placement in one of the cardinal houses: first, fourth, seventh and tenth
  • by any combination of all of the above, ex: Pluto conjunct Sun in the First house, also conjunct Ascendant.

When any of the placement occurs in one individual natal chart, we may expect extreme behavior and a deep, transformation encounter. "Plutonians" are by definition obsessed, but not be fooled by the pejorative meaning of the term: obsession can also mean the ability to focus on a certain goal for long periods of time. Truth is, when a Plutonian set himself / herself up to something, the forces summoned are almost irresistible. One way of another, the goal will be reached. In the process, most likely someone will be hurt, sometimes even the initiator, the Plutonian himself. Collateral damage, will think the Plutonian an he / she will continue as nothing happened.

It's very difficult to get along with a Plutoniain, because stubbornness is their second nature. And it's not that childish, playful stubbornness you see in Taurus or Aries, for instance, it's that deep, penetrating stubbornness that says "I'm going to stay with this matter until it's solved. Period.".

A conflictual encounter with a Plutonian will most likely cause a lot of harm, especially if you try to appeal to reason. If you're lucky enough to just acknowledge and follow on, instead of trying to take the lead in the relationship (big mistake), then you can be in a for the treat of your life. The roller-coaster feeling you get when you're swept away by a Plutonian is hard to forget. But even if the relationship will be pricey in terms of emotional damage the healing effect is always guaranteed.

Whatever you will lose in such an encounter is not useful anymore. It's your clinging that gives you the impression you're losing something, whereas you're just carrying away unnecessary weight. Pluto is very good at cleaning up, at throwing away garbage. It almost never asks you if you agree with that and has this nasty habit of doing it when you're least expecting, but the long term influences are always good. You'll feel reborn.

I'm really curious if any of you has one these placements or has been in contact with somebody that has them.

image source: Wikimedia

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Thank you. I have venus square pluto in my natal chart. I can relate with being stubborn. Like when I'm searching for a missing object, I feel very angry and my house would turn almost upside down until it is found. In a way it is kind of funny in the kind of force it has over the people who have this kind of influence.

Not all Plutonians are like that, okay?

Don't forget the influence of Pluto's ruling sign, the secretive Scorpio. The fact that anyone born from around 1985 - 1996 has Pluto in its own sign, as well.